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Studies show that Thailand’s Covid-19 epidemic is being driven by concealed infections

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In a Facebook post, Dr. Yong discussed the findings of two research conducted by the Chulalongkorn University Centre of Excellence in Clinical Virology. However, the level of protection depended on the number of doses administered. After a few months, the immunization, according to him, produced a reduction in immunity. In addition, he noted that patients should receive a booster shot every six months, or every four to five months if they belong to a high-risk category. In recent weeks, the number of hospitalizations due to Covid-19 has risen to more than 700 per day, and the number of deaths has risen to more than 10 per day. The government has decided to construct extra vaccination facilities in Bangkok and other Covid hotspots due to the rising pace of new illnesses. Yong noted that it was impossible to quantify the level of immunity necessary to prevent Covid-19 symptoms because the vast majority of patients had either been infected with the virus or immunized against it. According to him, possessing Covid-19 or being vaccinated against it provides no protection. However, successive infections often result in lesser illness symptoms. Yong recommended individuals receive a booster dosage of their immunization if it had been more than six months since their last infection or vaccination since Thailand’s infection incidence has risen fast since the onset of the cold season.

Initial research involving 190 children between the ages of 5 and 6 revealed that the infection rate, which was just 10% during the epidemic of Delta, has since climbed to between 60 and 70% after Omicron. Approximately one-third of these patients exhibited no symptoms and were only found through positive blood tests. Expert virologist Dr. Yong Poovorawan revealed on Wednesday that while 60โ€“70% of Thais have been infected with Covid-19, it is possible that more than half of them were ignorant of their infection. In the second study, 700 volunteers ranging in age from six months to eighty years participated. In 60โ€“70% of the test group, indicators of a prior or current infection with the Covid-19 virus were found. According to Yong, the infections were most likely caused by Omicron because those infected with Covid more than a year ago, during the Delta wave, would likely have negative test results. The presence of antibodies provided an indication of immunity in 95% of the subjects who were examined.

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