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Ajinomoto and BIG’s Green Deal: Charting a Carbon-Neutral Course for Thailand’s Food Industry

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There’s an extraordinary partnership brewing in the bustling heart of Bangkok, one that promises to spice up not just the food industry, but the very air we breathe. It all unfolded in the refined ambiance of the Celadon room at the Sukhothai Hotel, where two innovative minds met with a shared vision. At this historic meet, Dr. Kohei Ishikawa, the esteemed Associate Director of Ajinomoto Co., (Thailand) Ltd., joined hands with the industrious Mr. Piyabut Charuphen, the Director & Managing Director of Bangkok Industrial Gas Co., Ltd. (BIG), sealing a memorandum of understanding destined to green the production lines of Thailand’s beloved flavor enhancer, Umami Seasoning, among other tasty Ajinomoto food offerings.

This wasn’t your regular business handshake. It was a pact promising a greener future, harnessing the cutting-edge Carbon Accounting Platform engineered by BIG—an avant-garde masthead in the climate tech odyssey. With this potent tool, Ajinomoto is setting sail to brave the turbulent seas of carbon dioxide emissions that cloud the horizon of our culinary delights, steering its operations firmly towards the lighthouse of “Carbon Neutrality.”

The air at the signing ceremony crackled with the electricity of transformation. Dr. Ishikawa, with a gleam of resolve in his eyes, shared how Ajinomoto is ardently pursuing a podium finish in the race for a sustainable Thai society. “With BIG’s revolutionary technology at our disposal,” he proclaimed, “we have the compass to navigate through the foggy emissions, refining our energy dealings and cleaving through the carbon dioxide with precision. This agreement isn’t just a ledger entry—it’s our vow to slash Ajinomoto Group’s environmental footprint by half come 2030, setting the duck to zero on greenhouse gases by the mid-century mark.”

And what of Mr. Charuphen, the maestro of BIG’s climate strategy? “In the concerto of climate technology innovation,” he mused, “BIG is the crescendo, our Carbon Accounting Platform the magnum opus that tracks and trims the carbon loudness. It’s our pride to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Ajinomoto in the food seasoning sphere, harmonizing our efforts to serenade a Net Zero symphony.”

Marching to the beat of this eco-tune, Ajinomoto’s companies in Thailand are already orchestrating a low-carbon symphony, waving the conductor’s baton for energy-saving masterpieces. They’ve tuned their electrical instruments, composed energy-conserving innovations, and hit the high notes with biomass boilers, cogeneration power plants, and sun-kissed solar panels. The crescendo? A vow to serenade the renewable energy suite, no half measures, starting in 2021 and reverberating across the years.

So, as the Celadon room’s echo fades, a new sound takes its place—the harmonious blend of industry and environment, playing the score of sustainability. That’s the Ajinomoto and BIG ensemble for you, ready to whisk you away on a delectable journey of taste and responsibility, one umami-infused beat at a time.

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