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Bangkok’s Green Seasoning Revolution: Ajinomoto and BIG Join Forces for Carbon Neutrality

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Imagine the taste of innovation as it mingles with sustainability, like a secret ingredient crafting the future of cuisine and comfort on our planet. In the bustling hub of Bangkok, amidst the aromatic swirl of market spices and the hum of progress, two masterminds of modern industry recently clasped hands in a significant pledge for the environment. Dr. Kohei Ishikawa from Ajinomoto Co., (Thailand) Ltd., and Mr. Piyabut Charuphen from Bangkok Industrial Gas Co., Ltd. (BIG), put pen to paper on a groundbreaking memorandum of understanding. This document wasn’t just another corporate handshake, but a vow to dim the carbon footprint of seasoning production to a mere shadow of its former self.

Seated in the elegance of the Celadon room at Bangkok’s prestigious Sukhothai Hotel, they embarked on their quest. The mission? To deploy the brilliant Carbon Accounting Platform fostered by the climate tech visionaries at BIG. Its task? A diligent sentinel, tallying each waft of carbon dioxide that emerges in the culinary laboratories where Ajinomoto crafts its delectable Umami Seasoning and a plethora of other savory delights. With this new level of overseeing carbon emissions, Ajinomoto stands on the threshold of pioneering energy management, turning the titanic wheel of industry toward “Carbon Neutrality”.

Dr. Ishikawa, with the fervor of revolution burning in his eyes, shared his aspiration for Ajinomoto to illuminate the path toward well-being in Thai society through this pact. With BIG’s Carbon Accounting Platform as their compass, Ajinomoto’s manufacturing processes will now be mapped and strategized with precision, slashing carbon emissions with the deft finesse of a chef’s knife. This commitment stands shoulder to shoulder with the Ajinomoto Group’s bold pledge to halve their environmental footprint by the year 2030 and to pirouette gracefully to a net-zero greenhouse gas emissions performance by the mid-century mark.

What’s that in the air? Call it a fresh breeze of promise, as Mr. Charuphen from BIG shares his anticipation. BIG, a connoisseur in the culinary arts of climate technology, serves up the Carbon Accounting Platform – a recipe for revolution. A lean, green monitoring machine that stirs industries to sustainably optimize their energy use. He raises a toast to this alliance, a collaborative crusade against carbon, heralding a robust step forward in seasoning the food industry’s efforts with the essence of eco-conscious production. The goal is clear and shared: Net Zero emissions, a harmony of purpose dressed in a zeal for zero environmental impact.

Under the verdant banner of Ajinomoto, the sprouts of environmental stewardship in Thailand have been nourished through practices as meticulous as the art of balancing flavors. They’ve reimagined their production ballet to conserve energy, tweaked the mechanisms of electrical devices, and cultivated a garden of innovations to temper their thirst for power. Ajinomoto has embraced the warm embrace of the sun, the earthy strength of biomass boilers, and the vitality of cogeneration power plants to kindle their fire rather than depend on the old flames of fossil fuels. And with a pledge like a sprig of fresh basil adorning a plate, they’ve committed to a feast of 100% renewable energy beginning in 2021, continuing this relentless stride towards the nourishment of Thai society and the embrace of the company’s verdant vision.

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