In the bustling heart of Nonthaburi province, amidst the heat of Thailand’s tropical climes, August 2022 found people from all walks of life queuing with a shared purpose. Their anticipation was palpable as they awaited a booster shot—a beacon of hope in the ongoing battle against Covid-19. (Let’s not forget that captivating picture captured by the lens of Pattarapong Chatpattarasill, which perfectly depicts the scene.)
But, what if this very solution—a vaccine thought to shield us from the ravages of the virus—is rumored to have a darker side? Consider the provocative claims made by leading academics: Prof Dr Thiravat Hemachudha from the esteemed Thai Red Cross Emerging Infectious Diseases Health Science Centre at Chulalongkorn University, and Panthep Puapongphan, the visionary dean of the College of Oriental Medicine at Rangsit University. Together, they’ve stirred the pot by heralding that the aftermath of lengthy Covid-19 infections, coupled with the multiple vaccine jabs we’ve embraced so eagerly, might just be the unwelcome catalyst for latent diseases to emerge from their slumber.
The term “long Covid” has echoed in the hushed corridors of medical institutions, denoting the array of symptoms lingering like uninvited guests for over three months post-infection. Sufferers are beleaguered by an assortment of ailments—from cardiac issues to lung and nerve distress, not to mention the inflammatory responses troubling the skin and musculoskeletal system. To compound matters, our professors suggest that these could potentially trigger cancer and reactivate dormant maladies, like herpes hiding in the shadows.
Whispers of suppressed data concerning vaccination side effects are making the rounds, fueling skepticism. Prof Dr Thiravat and Mr Panthep speak of a veil being drawn over the true impact of the vaccines, with death and affliction numbers reported to be improbably low. Consequently, this lack of transparency leaves many affected individuals groping in the dark, searching for treatment that seems to be just out of reach. They cite a mysterious uptick in Thai mortality rates, post-pandemic when compared to prior numbers, and provoke our curiosity: could there be a connection to the vaccines? The absence of concrete statistics leaves us pondering.
But the plot thickens as we look beyond Thai borders. International studies whisper of fatalities linked to Covid-19 vaccines, with victims laid low by damage to their cardiac, hematological, and respiratory systems. Back at Chulalongkorn University, researchers have flagged nearly 100 vaccinated individuals exhibiting inflammation and protein patterns suggestive of neurological disorders—a disconcerting harbinger for potential brain conditions.
Echoing these concerns, the academics reference a study spearheaded by Ramathibodi Hospital, under Mahidol University’s banner. The revelation? Some individuals, post their tertial vaccine dose, exhibited a dip in T-Cell immunity. This insight posits a chilling question—could an excess of vaccinations inadvertently weaken our body’s defenses?
Our intrepid professors urge that the shroud of secrecy be lifted, advocating that true data be disclosed. Their clarion call for transparency is not about fomenting fear but about empowering choice. Armed with the full picture, citizens can navigate the vaccine landscape more judiciously, balancing potential risks with undeniable benefits in this unprecedented era.
So, as you contemplate the decision to roll up your sleeve for that booster shot, remember: knowledge is power, and within the complexity of our current world, informed choices are the lighthouses guiding our way through the stormy seas of health and wellness.
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