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Panya Chupanich and France’s Mega Corps Forge Path for Thailand’s New Land Bridge: The Dawn of a Logistics Revolution

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Imagine this: Deep in the heart of France, amidst the buzzing hub of maritime magnates, an assembly unlike any other was brewing. The French skies bore witness to a groundbreaking venture as the cream of the corporate crop, including giants like CMA-CGM Group and Artelia Co, came together under the auspices of the French government. The agenda? To revolutionize the way goods shimmy and shake across the seas, all thanks to the audacious vision of Thailand’s Southern Economic Corridor (SEC). Enter stage left: Panya Chupanich, Thailand’s maestro of transport magic, ready to weave the future of logistics right before our eyes.

But what’s this grand spectacle about, you ask? Picture a land bridge, a thoroughfare of trade, cutting across Thailand from the gleaming Gulf of Thailand to the mysterious Andaman Sea. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, we’re talking about a logistics masterpiece, unfurling over 89.35km of terrain, destined to link Chumphon port and Ranong port in a dance of efficiency and economic boom.

As the clock ticked down to this historical confluence, Suriya Jungrungreangkit, the puppeteer of Thailand’s transport destiny, was to play host to these French titans, charting a course that could forever alter the face of Southeast Asian logistics. But wait, the plot thickens! The blueprint for this monumental endeavor isn’t just being scribbled on a napkin over a cup of coffee. Oh no, the Office of Transport and Traffic Policy and Planning (OTP) is pulling all-nighters, conducting an Environmental and Health Impact Assessment (EHIA) to ensure this dream doesn’t turn into an ecological nightmare.

Meanwhile, in a hidden fortress of strategy and planning, a cabal of bright minds is conjuring the spells of a business model and drafting a Request for Proposal (RFP). The goal? To handpick an investor daring enough to take on this Herculean task. And the hard hat zone doesn’t end there. A cauldron of studies bubbles as the Highways Department and State Railway of Thailand (SRT) architect a road-and-rail network that promises to be the envy of the logistics world.

Fast forward to 2025, and a treasure chest of 45 million baht from the fiscal 2024 budget will fuel the revelations of this study and procurement process, all by the book of the Southern Economic Corridor Act. Down in the trenches, Anan Phonimdang, the SRT’s deputy governor, breaks down the rail routes into two magical conduits, one a svelte 1m-wide double-track and the other, a broader 1.435m duct, both promising to be the arteries of trade.

This saga unfolds over four epic phases. Stage one, a chorus of construction as deep-sea ports emerge like phoenixes on the Chumphon and Ranong sides, with a combined budget so staggering, it could make a dragon’s hoard look like chump change. And as if by magic, a path will unfurl, connecting these two titans of trade.

In another corner of this grand chessboard, Piyapong Jiwattanakulpaisarn, wielding the mighty pen of the deputy director-general of the Highways Department, earmarks a princely sum for a yearlong study. The spotlight? A motorway that’s not just a slab of asphalt, but a gateway to prosperity, heralding an era of unmatched connectivity and economic flourish.

So there you have it, folks. Amidst wine and whispers, a tale of ambition and enterprise in the enchanting lands of France and Thailand is being written. A tale that’s got it all—dreams, drama, and a promise of a future where goods glide effortlessly across land and sea, knitting the globe closer, one container at a time. The curtain has just risen on this enthralling adventure. Stay tuned, for the best is yet to come.

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