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Former Police Corporal Kornsasi Buayaem’s Dark Tale: A Harrowing Journey of Crime and Justice in Ratchaburi

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In the picturesque but unassuming province of Ratchaburi, a tale seemingly straight out of a dark, twisty novel unfolded, leaving the locals and wider community utterly aghast. At the heart of this grim narrative stood Kornsasi Buayaem, a 46-year-old former police corporal with a chilling disregard for human dignity, and her co-conspirator, Komsit Jangpanich, 52, who together spun a web of deception, pain, and fear.

On a day that seemed to promise justice, the Ratchaburi Provincial Court became the stage for the climax of this harrowing story. The air buzzed with anticipation as the judge declared Kornsasi and Komsit guilty – her for a litany of heinous acts overshadowing her career in law enforcement, him for aiding and abetting her terror. The sentence? Over eight years behind bars for Kornsasi and a year-plus for Komsit, a verdict that reverberated through the courtroom and beyond.

The accusations were as varied as they were vile. Human trafficking, forced labour, possession of firearms, deprivation of liberty, and relentless physical assault. A cocktail of crimes that would make even the most hardened of criminals pause. And at the center of this storm? Pattama Sirirat, a woman whose only mistake was believing in a seemingly benign offer to work at Kornsasi’s coffee shop, which morphed into a nightmare she never anticipated.

Encouraged to embrace the discipline of the military, Pattama soon found herself ensnared in a trap, compelled to swap her fatigues for an apron as she transitioned into the role of a full-time maid in Kornsasi’s household. It was a demotion that came with unspeakable costs.

Her daily routine was punctuated by torture devices more at home in a horror film than a domestic setting. A taser, an electric curler, brutally repurposed to brand her skin, a metal bar that met her flesh with enough force to shatter bones. The indignities she suffered were not for the faint of heart, enduring two long years under the shadow of Kornsasi’s claims of connections to political royalty and Komsit’s alleged political lineage.

But even the darkest night breaks into dawn. Pattama’s spirit, though tested, refused to be quelled. In August of the previous year, she mustered the courage that few could, lodging a complaint that would see her tormentors face the consequences of their actions. The moment Kornsasi and Komsit turned themselves in marked the beginning of the end of this sordid tale.

The court’s verdict was a declaration. Kornsasi, the mastermind behind the curtain of terror, was found guilty on multiple counts, including extortion and coercion. Komsit wasn’t spared either, his complacency earning him convictions for possession of a weapon and flouting labour laws.

The sentences handed down were significant, yet for many, they could never truly compensate for the trauma endured. Kornsasi’s eight years and 66 months in the cold embrace of a cell, with Komsit’s one year and 38 months, was a start, but the numbers seemed almost too cold, too clinical, to encapsulate the pain endured by Pattama.

In a move to mend the wounds, the court ordered Kornsasi to pay damages to the tune of 365,620 baht and together with Komsit, an additional 350,616 baht. A monetary compensation that while necessary, could hardly erase the scars left behind.

Yet, in every tale of darkness, there lies a glimmer of hope. Pattama’s lawyer, representing not just her but the indomitable spirit of justice, has vowed to appeal for harsher sentences. A testament to the belief in a system that, though flawed, strives for the light.

In Ratchaburi, a story unfolded that would become etched in the annals of its history. Not just for the horrors it revealed, but for the resilience it showcased. Pattama Sirirat, whose name will be remembered not for her victimhood, but for her valiant stand against tyranny. And perhaps, just perhaps, her story will be the beacon that guides others out of the dark.


  1. TruthSeeker99 March 16, 2024

    It’s tragic that someone in a position of authority like Kornsasi Buayaem could abuse their power in such a horrific way. The justice system needs to hold these people accountable to rebuild trust in law enforcement.

    • LawAndOrderFan March 16, 2024

      While I agree that Kornsasi’s actions are condemnable, we must not forget that the law enforcement community is not defined by a few bad apples. Many serve with integrity.

      • Justice4All March 16, 2024

        True, but it’s the system that allows ‘bad apples’ to thrive that needs reform. Without systemic change, these incidents will keep happening.

    • SkepticalCitizen March 16, 2024

      I’m curious about the effectiveness of the punishment. Eight years doesn’t seem enough for the gravity of the crimes committed. Doesn’t this send a wrong message?

      • TruthSeeker99 March 16, 2024

        Absolutely agree. It feels like a slap on the wrist considering the severity of her actions. Plus, the monetary compensation is hardly enough to make up for the trauma and physical injuries.

  2. HumanRightsFirst March 16, 2024

    This story underscores the urgent need for stronger protections against human trafficking and abuse. How many more Pattamas out there are suffering in silence?

    • OptimisticThinker March 16, 2024

      You’re right, but let’s not forget the progress we’ve made. Stories like this can ignite public outrage and push for reforms. There’s hope yet.

      • Realist123 March 16, 2024

        Hope doesn’t enact change; action does. We need to push for tangible reforms in our judiciary and law enforcement systems.

  3. LocalJoe March 16, 2024

    I’m from Ratchaburi, and I’ve seen Kornsasi in person. We always thought she was up to no good, but nobody imagined something this sinister. Shocked doesn’t even begin to cover it.

    • ConcernedNetizen March 16, 2024

      That’s terrifying. It just goes to show that sometimes monsters live among us. We must always be vigilant.

    • VillageVoice March 16, 2024

      I hope this incident brings our community closer. We need to watch out for one another and prevent such atrocities from happening again.

  4. DerechoAdvocate March 16, 2024

    The dynamics of power and fear in this case are alarming. But Pattama’s courage to stand against her oppressors is a powerful testament to human resilience. Kudos to her and all those fighting for justice.

    • SoulSearcher March 16, 2024

      Absolutely, Pattama’s bravery is commendable. She’s a real hero. It makes you wonder how many others are out there, too afraid to speak up.

  5. CriticalThinker March 16, 2024

    Is eight years really enough for Kornsasi? And what about her accomplice, only a year? The sentences seem disproportionate to the crimes. It’s a mockery of justice.

    • FairnessInLaw March 16, 2024

      The sentences definitely seem lenient, but without knowing all the details that the court considered, it’s hard to judge. Perhaps there were mitigating circumstances?

      • CriticalThinker March 16, 2024

        Mitigating circumstances for torture and human trafficking? I find that hard to swallow. The damage done to their victim is lifelong.

  6. ConcernedObserver March 16, 2024

    This story is a stark reminder of the darkness that exists in human hearts. What makes someone turn so cruel and corrupt? Society needs to reflect on these cases seriously.

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