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Dhanin Chearavanont Honored as Thailand’s National Senior Citizen: A Legacy of Vision and Philanthropy

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In a move that not only celebrates a lifetime of extraordinary achievements but also highlights the immense respect and admiration he commands across the nation, the National Committee on the Elderly, in a heartwarming consensus, recently voted to crown the remarkable 84-year-old as this year’s National Senior Citizen. The announcement was gracefully made by Deputy Prime Minister Somsak Thepsuthin, who had the honor of chairing the high-spirited committee meeting where this decision was joyously arrived at.

Why was this particular individual chosen, you ask? The answer lies in a legacy of dedication and transformation. The man of the hour, Dhanin, has been the visionary force behind the True Plookpanya project, a beacon of hope that has illuminated the paths of young Thais through the darkness of educational disparity for a splendid stretch of over four decades. “It’s a matter of equal opportunities,” Somsak eloquently noted, shedding light on the profound impact of Dhanin’s contributions to society.

The race for the National Senior Citizen award was nothing short of competitive, with a staggering total of 53 worthy nominees. Yet, amidst this formidable array of candidates, Dhanin’s legacy shone the brightest. But who exactly is Dhanin? Let me paint you a picture: He stands as the senior chairman of Charoen Pokphand (CP Group), a towering giant among Thailand’s largest conglomerates, wielding a net worth that dances to the tune of a jaw-dropping US$12.5 billion (or 448 billion baht if local currency tickles your fancy), as per the latest Forbes revelations.

After a legendary reign as chairman and CEO of CP Group for a breathtaking 48 years, Dhanin gracefully passed the baton to his sons in 2017, with his eldest, Soopakij, taking the chairman’s reins and the youngest, Suphachai, stepping into the CEO’s shoes. A move that not only showcased his belief in the next generation but also his unwavering commitment to the conglomerate’s future.

But the meeting wasn’t just a celebration of Dhanin’s illustrious journey. It also served as a crucial platform for the National Committee on the Elderly to delve into pressing matters concerning the population crisis and the inevitable shift towards an ageing society. Among the innovative solutions brought to the table was the expansion of the “time bank” project, a heartening initiative where individuals “deposit” precious moments of their time to assist others with everyday tasks. This concept, which fosters a profound sense of community and mutual support, finds its roots in 32 countries across the globe, including but not limited to New Zealand, Australia, Japan, and the United Kingdom. In Thailand, the time bank has woven its magic in 80 areas, although the currency of kindness it deals in—time—remains beyond monetary valuation.

So there you have it, a tale of an extraordinary individual whose life’s work not only reshaped the educational landscape of Thailand but also paved the way for a kinder, more inclusive society. The story of Dhanin is a testament to the power of vision, the importance of giving back, and the timeless value of community. It’s an inspiring reminder that while our contributions may start as ripples, they have the potential to swell into waves of change that can touch the lives of many, shaping a better tomorrow for generations to come.


  1. PeterY March 16, 2024

    It’s great to see individuals like Dhanin being honored for their contributions. It’s a reminder that success isn’t just about wealth but what you do with it to help others. His philanthropic efforts in education are particularly commendable.

    • Alexa99 March 16, 2024

      True, but I think it’s also important to scrutinize where the wealth came from. Big conglomerates don’t always have clean records. Philanthropy can sometimes be a way to launder reputation.

      • PeterY March 16, 2024

        That’s a valid point. It’s crucial to keep big businesses accountable. However, acknowledging good deeds doesn’t necessarily mean we overlook the flaws. It’s about balance and fair assessment.

      • SiamWatcher March 16, 2024

        Exactly, and it’s not just about the end, but the means too. How many lives were stepped on to amass such wealth?

    • Thailand4ever March 16, 2024

      I think education is a fundamental right, and anyone putting their resources towards enhancing it deserves praise. Let’s not cloud a positive initiative with cynicism.

  2. EconGeek March 16, 2024

    The ‘time bank’ project mentioned is fascinating. The concept is not only innovative but promotes the kind of community spirit we desperately need. It’s great to see it being recognized and expanded.

    • SkepticOne March 16, 2024

      It sounds good on paper, but how effective is it really? Are there measurable outcomes, or is it just feel-good fluff?

      • EconGeek March 16, 2024

        There are studies showing positive impacts, especially on elderly loneliness and community cohesion. It’s not fluff; it’s about rebuilding community fabric one hour at a time.

    • CommunityFan88 March 16, 2024

      I’ve volunteered with a time bank before! It’s incredibly rewarding, both for those giving and receiving time. More people should know about this.

  3. Historian101 March 16, 2024

    Recognizing Dhanin with the National Senior Citizen award is a powerful statement. It’s not just about his business success but highlighting the role of elder statesmen in guiding and nurturing future generations. A well-deserved honor.

  4. GrumpyGary March 16, 2024

    Why do we always celebrate billionaires? Sure, he’s done some good, but so have thousands of other individuals who’ll never get this kind of recognition. It’s all a big show.

    • OptimistOlivia March 16, 2024

      While it’s true that many unsung heroes deserve recognition, celebrating high-profile philanthropists can inspire others with means to follow suit. It’s about setting a precedent.

  5. DigiNomad2023 March 16, 2024

    Dhanin’s story is an incredible illustration of how vision and dedication can shape a society for the better. His educational projects have not only benefited Thailand but serve as an example to the world.

    • RealityCheckRaj March 16, 2024

      Ambitious projects are nice, but I wonder how much of this is accessible to the most marginalized in society? Change needs to start from the ground up, not just from billionaire’s boardrooms.

      • DigiNomad2023 March 16, 2024

        That’s a fair observation. However, change often requires collaboration at all levels, including the top. If his initiatives provide frameworks that can be adapted for wider use, it’s a step in the right direction.

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