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Battle of Billionaires! Thailand’s Wealthiest Dynasties Descend Upon Beijing: Powerhouse Meetings Reshape Regional Powerplay!

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An influential meeting took place in the eminent Great Hall of the People in Beijing, as Dhanin Chearavanont, the esteemed senior chairman of CP Group, led his squad to meet the high-ranking officials of the Chinese government. This monumental edifice, located on the Tiananmen Square’s western edge, is traditionally used for legislative and ceremonial proceedings by the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese government.

Premier Li embraced the visiting dignitaries and mentioned his appreciation for the CP Group and overseas Chinese entrepreneurs from across the globe. He highlighted how their fervent investments in China have acted as a catalyst for the nation’s escalating expansion. While reminiscing over China’s economic evolution over 45 years, he expressed gratitude towards numerous overseas Chinese individuals who played significant roles in this transformation.

He specifically thanked Dhanin for his vast contributions to China’s economic and societal growth over the decades, recognizing Dhanin’s role as a principal investor and president of the overseas Chinese Business People’s Association in China. The term ‘overseas Chinese’ denotes individuals born in China or of Chinese ethnicity, residing outside mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, or Taiwan.

Dhanin, listed among Thailand’s wealthiest individuals, expressed the CP Group’s confidence in China’s unfolding development path. Acknowledging China’s distinctive determination to facilitate the nation’s progress, Dhanin assured the Chinese Premier of CP Group’s commitment to expand its investment portfolio in China. Dhanin also admired the ingenious cooperation exhibited by China and Thailand across diverse fields, particularly in the sphere of groundbreaking innovations.

The summit was graced by numerous other prominent Chinese officials such as State Council Secretary-General Wu Zhenglong, Agriculture and Rural Affairs Minister Tang Renjian, Chia Tai Group’s CEO and CP Group’s senior vice-chairman Yang Xiaoping, CP Vice-Chairman Michael Ross, and CP Group Chairman Soopakij Chearavanont.

In another significant encounter, Dhanin and his team met Yin Li, the Chinese Communist Party secretary of Beijing municipality. Li lauded the CP Group as an exceptional business organization, acknowledging its status as one of the earliest foreign corporations to invest in China following the liberal investment policy in the 1970s. He expressed hopes that CP would escalate its investments in Beijing, applauding the organization for bridging the friendship between China and Thailand through their collaborations.

Dhanin reciprocated his optimism for Beijing’s future and promised a surge in CP’s investments in the city. His vision also encompasses the construction of a state-of-art international center for scientific and technological innovations, along with a research and development hub for comprehensive agriculture.

Dhanin and Soopakij also conferred with the chairman of China’s CITIC Group, Zhu Hexin, at the company’s headquarters during their Beijing journey. Zhu regards CP as an influential partner of CITIC and stressed his firm’s commitment to sustain their close ties with the Thai conglomerate. Dhanin revealed CP’s plans to keep innovating its China investment model for the benefit of both nations and involved organizations.

CITIC Group, originally called the China International Trust Investment Corporation, is a state-held Chinese investment corporation with an enduring legacy.

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