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Internet users criticize a cannabis company for promoting usage by minors

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This Machine Is Green was a photograph of a marijuana vending machine in Bangkok that was posted on Twitter by a Thai user called C.Veasarach on Saturday. The caption read, “Here it is… This vending machine is in response to the new marijuana law. The device provides resources for using cannabis. Who will check it if they ask clients to present their ID cards before making a purchase? Does the machine have a reader for ID cards? Since I’ve never purchased it before, I really want to know. On the machine, there are a few warnings that read, “Prescription: Do not sell to persons under the age of 20.” (Please show your ID card every time before buying). Don’t market to expectant or nursing mothers. Cannabis is only used for medical purposes, and smoking it in public is against the law, punishable by up to three months in jail and a fine of up to 25,000 baht.
Thai internet users questioned the ease with which a marijuana selling machine had magically materialized in Bangkok. Many other internet users agreed with the post’s assertion that the marijuana machine is inappropriate and far too accessible. The images depict a green vending machine with a screen that displays various cannabis-related goods, including ground cannabis, grinders, roll cones, and other items. Additionally, the business pledged to improve their machine system and tighten their controls to comply with cannabis legislation. Some called for government to look into the equipment, while others think it belongs to a wealthy and powerful investor. The business demands that employees watch every machine and user, and that they confirm each user before they use a machine. Netizens are still awaiting more explanation from Tuneesearai over the company’s medicinal use policy. Even before cannabis was decriminalized, numerous machines were selling cannabis coffee, according to other internet users. Thai internet users questioned the ease with which a marijuana selling machine had magically materialized in Bangkok. The firm that created the cannabis vending machine, Tuneesearai, declared via its official Twitter account that it is a start-up and has not received funding from significant investors.

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