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ITA and Embassy of Italy Host Culinary Marvel at THAIFEX-Anuga Asia 2024

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Welcome to a gastronomic journey like no other! The Italian Trade Agency (ITA), in a brilliant collaboration with the Embassy of Italy in Thailand, is thrilled to unveil the grand opening of the Italian Pavilion at THAIFEX-Anuga Asia 2024. Mark your calendars for the culinary extravaganza set to take place from May 28th to June 1st, 2024, nestling in the cozy confines of Hall 8, BOOTH W01-37, V02-40 at the luscious venue of Impact Muang Thong Thani.

What makes this pavilion a must-visit destination, you ask? Imagine a sanctuary where the spirit of Italy comes alive, hosting an assembly of 31 acclaimed Italian companies, each bringing forth their finest offerings in the food and beverage realm. This pavilion isn’t just a place; it’s an immersive Italian experience, designed to whisk you away to the land of exquisite flavors and unparalleled culinary artistry.

Prepare your taste buds for an adventure as the pavilion unfolds a series of captivating activities over its five-day fiesta. Picture this: esteemed chefs from ALMA, The Food School of Italy, along with masters from top-tier Italian restaurants, enchanting you with their culinary wizardry. These geniuses will be there, performing live cooking shows, turning authentic Italian produce into mesmerizing dishes right before your eyes!

And if you thought it couldn’t get any more star-studded, think again. May 29th will be a day etched in history as we welcome the presence of Serie A’s Ambassador, Mr. Luca Toni. Yes, the same Luca Toni who led the Italian National Team to glory in the 2006 World Cup and later dazzled on the field for Bayern Munich. But that’s not all! Joining him will be none other than Mr. Paradorn Srichaphan, a trailblazer in Thai tennis, who rewrote history by being the first Asian athlete to clinch the 9th spot in the men’s singles rankings by the Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP). Together, they’ll venture into the culinary world alongside an Italian Chef from ALMA, adding a dash of athleticism to the mix of flavors.

Wine aficionados, we haven’t forgotten about you! The pavilion hosts exclusive wine-tasting sessions, curated and led by professional sommeliers. It’s a rare chance to savor and swirl some of Italy’s most prestigious wines, each telling a tale of its lush vineyards and rich heritage.

The exhibition opens its doors to professional trade visitors from May 28 to May 31, welcoming one and all to dive deep into this Italian escapade. And for those who wish to partake in the beauty and bustle of this event, the final day, June 1, 2024, extends a warm welcome to the general public as well. Whether you’re a business on the lookout for inspiration, a consumer eager to explore Italian excellence, or simply a curious soul, the Italian Pavilion promises an unforgettable experience.

Keen to join us at THAIFEX-Anuga 2024? Delve deeper into what the Italian Pavilion has in store by visiting our Facebook page: ITA Bangkok. Fancy a sneak peek at the Italian marvels awaiting you? Feast your eyes on the exhibitor details available in this catalog: This is more than an invitation; it’s a gateway to an extraordinary realm of Italian purity and culinary genius. See you there!


  1. GastroGuru99 May 23, 2024

    Seeing sports celebrities at a food festival seems off-brand. What does Luca Toni know about Italian cuisine? Seems more like a gimmick than a genuine food experience.

    • ItaliaFanatic May 23, 2024

      Disagree! Having Luca Toni and Paradorn Srichaphan will draw attention to Italian cuisine and sports, promoting cultural exchange. It’s innovative, not a gimmick.

      • GastroGuru99 May 23, 2024

        Hmm, maybe you have a point about cultural exchange. But I hope it doesn’t overshadow the true stars, which should be the food and chefs.

    • CookingNovice May 23, 2024

      Totally agree with GastroGuru99. I’m going for the food, not a sports meet & greet.

  2. VinoValentino May 23, 2024

    Can’t wait for the wine-tasting sessions! It’s the perfect opportunity to explore Italy’s rich wine heritage without boarding a plane. Counting days!

  3. SustainableSean May 23, 2024

    I’m curious about how sustainable this event will be. Importing all these products and having such a large-scale event… it does have me worried about the environmental impact.

    • EcoEnthusiast May 23, 2024

      That’s a valid concern, Sean. Hoping ITA and the Embassy of Italy consider the carbon footprint and opt for eco-friendly practices throughout the pavilion.

      • GreenGoddess May 23, 2024

        Exactly! Sustainability should be a top priority, especially for such a high-profile event. Organic wine tastings and zero-waste cooking exhibitions could make a significant difference.

      • SustainableSean May 23, 2024

        Love those ideas, GreenGoddess! Implementing such practices could set a new standard for future events. Fingers crossed they’re listening.

  4. ItalianoVero May 23, 2024

    This event is a fantastic showcase for Italian culture and cuisine on a global stage. Proud to see our culinary traditions take the spotlight in Asia!

  5. FlavorSeeker May 23, 2024

    Anyone else think food festivals like these tend to overhype stuff? Honestly, most ‘authentic’ dishes I’ve tried at events never match up to the real deal back in Italy.

    • ChefMario May 23, 2024

      You’re not wrong, but remember, it’s about bringing a taste of Italy to those who might never visit. It’s about the experience, the atmosphere, and yes, though it might not be exactly the same, it’s pretty close.

      • FlavorSeeker May 23, 2024

        Fair enough, ChefMario. It’s more about the exposure and less about perfection. Still, I’d love to see more focus on authenticity.

    • WorldTraveler May 23, 2024

      Agreed. But it’s also about the chefs and their interpretation. I’ve had some innovative dishes at these festivals that inspired me to visit the places they originated from.

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