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Tragic Discovery: Young Woman Found Dead Under Bang Phun Expressway in Pathum Thani, Investigation Underway

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Forensic officers meticulously collected samples at the scene where the body of a young woman was discovered beneath the Bang Phun expressway in Pathum Thani on Wednesday morning. This particular moment was captured in a video uploaded on the Facebook page of Nakon45 Anyawut Pho-amphai.

The half-naked body, believed to be that of a university student, lay obscured in the grass under the expressway in the Muang district of Pathum Thani. The grim find was made by the owner of a local car garage, who observed a man on a motorcycle suspiciously dumping something in the area before fleeing. Alarmed, the garage owner promptly alerted the authorities.

Arriving swiftly at the scene, police officers were accompanied by rescue workers from the esteemed Ruam Katanyu Foundation. A careful examination revealed the sad sight of a young woman’s body, draped only in a skirt and a university belt, her form partially wrapped in a bedsheet amongst scattered refuse. The sight shocked and saddened all those present, painting a stark and somber picture of an untimely tragedy.

The distressing discovery was broadcast on social media when the head of the rescue team shared a video displaying the uncovering of the body on his Facebook page, amplifying public attention and concern. It revealed trace blood stains on the ground surrounding the deceased, prompting forensic officers to meticulously collect samples, hoping to piece together the story of the final moments of the young woman.

As of the latest update, the identity of the young woman remained unknown, adding a layer of urgency to the ongoing police investigation. Authorities are diligently working to unravel the circumstances of this harrowing case, striving to bring justice and closure to a life tragically cut short.


  1. Emily June 5, 2024

    This is heartbreaking. How can something like this happen? I hope they catch whoever did this.

    • John D. June 5, 2024

      It’s terrifying to think this can happen in our own neighborhoods. We really need better security measures.

      • Maria S. June 5, 2024

        Agree, more cameras and patrols might help. But it’s also about educating people to report suspicious activity immediately.

      • Emily June 5, 2024

        Exactly! The garage owner did the right thing alerting the authorities right away.

  2. Mark June 5, 2024

    Sad reality! Social media exposure can be a double-edged sword. Imagine how the family must feel seeing it online.

    • Tina June 5, 2024

      But it also brings attention to the case, which can be crucial for finding justice.

    • Mark June 5, 2024

      True, but sometimes, it crosses a line of decency. There’s a balance.

  3. Connor June 5, 2024

    What a brutal way to die. This world is messed up.

    • Patricia June 5, 2024

      Unfortunately, this isn’t the first time something like this has happened. We need systemic changes.

  4. anonymoususer123 June 5, 2024

    Who posts videos like this on social media? Have some respect!

    • Katie June 5, 2024

      I get that it’s shocking, but sometimes sharing helps bring critical information forward.

      • anonymoususer123 June 5, 2024

        I just think there should be a limit. Some things are too personal to go public.

      • Robert G. June 5, 2024

        There’s a fine line between raising awareness and exploiting tragedy.

  5. Serena J. June 5, 2024

    This is a sad commentary on our society. We need to protect each other more.

    • Jerry L. June 5, 2024

      True, but it’s also an individual’s responsibility to stay safe and make good choices.

      • Serena J. June 5, 2024

        While personal responsibility is important, we also need communal efforts to ensure safety.

  6. David June 5, 2024

    Lots of questions remain. Who was she? Why was she there? We need answers.

    • Sophie P. June 5, 2024

      The police are doing their best, but it’s a complex case. Give them some time.

    • David June 5, 2024

      I know, it’s just hard to be patient when a life has been lost so tragically.

  7. Chloe June 5, 2024

    I can’t believe it. Such a young life taken. It makes me fear for all women out there.

    • Alex M. June 5, 2024

      Absolutely. Women’s safety is a serious concern that needs more attention and action.

  8. Tom June 5, 2024

    What was the forensic team able to find? Any concrete evidence yet?

    • Liz June 5, 2024

      They found some blood stains, but it’s still early in the investigation. Let’s hope they find more clues soon.

  9. Harper June 5, 2024

    Why do people have to make everything a spectacle by posting on Facebook? Show some decency!

    • Michael N. June 5, 2024

      Social media is a powerful tool for awareness and rallying support. It’s just how our world works now.

    • Harper June 5, 2024

      Yes, but it’s about how you use it. Sensitivity is key.

  10. Kendra June 5, 2024

    I feel terrible for her family. They deserve answers and justice.

    • Luke June 5, 2024

      Yes, this is a tragedy for them. I hope they find some peace and answers soon.

  11. Mia June 5, 2024

    Why wasn’t there more CCTV in that area? It could have prevented this or helped catch the suspect more quickly.

    • Kevin June 5, 2024

      Good point, but adding CCTV everywhere isn’t always feasible. It’s a difficult balance to strike.

      • Mia June 5, 2024

        I understand, but it feels like certain areas should be prioritized for public safety.

  12. Olivia June 5, 2024

    Everyone is quick to blame the police, but they have a hard job. Let’s give them the support they need.

    • Greg June 5, 2024

      Absolutely. The police are doing their best given the resources they have. They need community support, not criticism.

  13. Sophia37 June 5, 2024

    Why was she only partially dressed? So many questions. I’m anxious for more details.

    • Carol June 5, 2024

      Same here. The details so far are chilling and leave us wanting more answers.

  14. Leo June 5, 2024

    This case highlights the vulnerabilities in our society. We need a multi-faceted approach to tackle such issues.

  15. James A. June 5, 2024

    It’s concerning that these crimes seem to be increasing. We need stronger laws to deter criminals.

  16. victor713 June 5, 2024

    So sad and terrifying. Can’t even imagine what her family is going through.

  17. Nina P. June 5, 2024

    The police should release any suspect sketches asap. Public assistance can be crucial.

    • Sam V. June 5, 2024

      I agree. A collaborative effort between the police and the public could certainly speed things up.

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