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Piyabutr Saengkanokkul Calls for Unity: Pheu Thai and Move Forward Parties Must Collaborate Against Unjust Laws

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The political landscape is filled with turmoil, but amidst the chaos, an impassioned plea for unity emerges. Piyabutr Saengkanokkul, the charismatic secretary-general of the Progressive Movement (PM), has spotlighted the necessity for camaraderie between Thailand’s two political titans: the ruling Pheu Thai Party and the opposition Move Forward Party (MFP). On a striking Thursday, Piyabutr took to his Facebook account, urging these major parties to abandon their trivial squabbles and unite against what he called ‘unjust dissolution laws’ perpetuated by the ‘old guards’. Laws that could, at any moment, turn the political tides against any party.

This compelling call to action comes hot on the heels of a fervent parliamentary debate. MFP’s leader, the unyielding Chaithawat Tulathon, and Pheu Thai’s vociferous spokesman, Danuporn Punakanta, were locked in a fiery exchange over the national budget plan. It was a showdown as gripping as any championship bout. Mr. Chaithawat lambasted the government for its digital wallet scheme, a linchpin of Pheu Thai’s policies, a gargantuan project with a budget of half a trillion baht. He decried it as a financial quagmire that would jeopardize the very future of the nation. In a counteroffensive, Mr. Danuporn didn’t hold back, referencing the Constitutional Court’s ongoing proceedings on whether to dissolve the MFP due to their controversial push to amend Section 112 of the Criminal Code, also known as the lese majeste law. This issue, he implied, was the real elephant in the room.

Piyabutr, ever the law aficionado, appealed to the common sense and foresight of both parties. He implored them to step away from the ‘chickens in a coop’ mentality, where political entities claw at one another, only to the benefit of the elites who penned these restrictive laws. These elites have a vested interest in keeping politicians under their thumb, and only through unity could the parties vanquish this manipulation. ”Come together and resist”, Piyabutr urged, an impassioned rallying cry that politicians from both sides of the aisle should heed. The specter of forcible party dissolution looms over both camps, and its impact could be catastrophic.

The Pheu Thai Party is no stranger to such political peril. It faced a petition from Sonthiya Sawasdee, a former adviser to the House committee on law, justice, and human rights, calling for its dissolution. The bone of contention? Allegations that Thaksin Shinawatra, a former Prime Minister and ex-leader of Pheu Thai, was exerting undue influence over the party, a clear breach of the organic law on political parties. As an ‘outsider’, Thaksin’s shadowy maneuvering was supposed to be verboten. However, the Election Commission dismissed the petition last August due to a lack of compelling evidence, a fleeting victory in a precarious game.

In the ever-volatile world of Thai politics, Mr. Piyabutr’s plea is both a caution and a clarion call. Each party must recognize that their petty battles only serve to weaken the larger cause. The dissolution laws hang over them like Damocles’ sword, ready to strike at the whim of those pulling the strings behind the curtains. Unity could form a defense as formidable as any castle wall, guarding against the erosion of democratic values by unjust legislation. The question remains: Will these political giants heed the call to unite and stand strong against a common threat, or will they continue to be pawns in a game scripted by the ‘old guards’

As the political theatre continues to unfold, one thing is clear: Thailand stands at a crossroads. The path chosen could define its future narrative. Will it be one of cohesion, strength, and shared resilience? Or will it be marred by fragmentation, surrendering democratic principles to antiquated laws? The players have been cast, the stage is set, and the audience, the Thai people, waits with bated breath.


  1. Elena M. June 20, 2024

    Piyabutr is right. Thailand’s political landscape is a mess, and if these parties don’t unite, they will both fall victim to these terrible dissolution laws.

    • Jay Patel June 20, 2024

      I disagree. Pheu Thai and MFP have fundamentally different policies. Forcing them to get along would only dilute their principles.

      • AnnaS June 20, 2024

        But unity is sometimes necessary to overcome bigger threats. If they don’t work together, the old guards will win.

      • Elena M. June 20, 2024

        Exactly, AnnaS. It’s not about diluting principles but standing against a common enemy. Principle means nothing if you’re dissolved.

  2. Paul K. June 20, 2024

    Why do we always rely on the same old faces like Thaksin Shinawatra? Fresh blood is what we need.

    • TeN June 20, 2024

      Because the old faces have the experience and influence. Newcomers don’t have the same clout.

    • Eliza G. June 20, 2024

      Experience is important, but not if it means perpetuating the same old problems.

      • Paul K. June 20, 2024

        Exactly, Eliza. These so-called veterans are part of the problem, not the solution.

  3. James R. June 20, 2024

    Allegations against Thaksin are just political maneuvers. The real issue is these undemocratic laws.

    • Somchai B. June 20, 2024

      These laws were created for a reason—to maintain order and protect national security.

    • Tara L. June 20, 2024

      That’s debatable, Somchai. These laws are more about controlling opposition than protecting anything.

    • James R. June 20, 2024

      Tara has a point. Just because something is legal doesn’t mean it’s just.

  4. grower134 June 20, 2024

    What’s the point of arguing? Corruption runs deep on both sides. Nothing will change.

    • Dr. Lee June 20, 2024

      I don’t believe that’s true. Change is slow, but there are always incremental steps forward.

    • Sana June 20, 2024

      So cynical, grower134. We have to keep trying, even if it’s frustrating.

    • grower134 June 20, 2024

      Maybe you’re right, Sana. But it’s hard to stay optimistic.

  5. Larry Davis June 20, 2024

    Piyabutr’s idea sounds great on paper, but realistically, these parties are too divided to truly unite.

  6. livvy June 20, 2024

    I feel like Thailand is always on the verge of something big, but never quite gets there.

  7. Patjakk June 20, 2024

    MFP needs to reassess its stance on Section 112. It is a sensitive issue that alienates many voters.

    • Ploy June 20, 2024

      But Section 112 is a outdated and oppressive law. Pushing for its amendment is necessary.

    • sunshine92 June 20, 2024

      Agreed, Ploy. Meaningful change requires taking risks on controversial issues.

  8. Joe June 20, 2024

    Interesting how the political drama never ends. Can’t these leaders just act like adults?

  9. Chalisa June 20, 2024

    Digital wallets are the future. MFP opposing such schemes are short-sighted.

  10. Misha T. June 21, 2024

    Whether Pheu Thai or MFP, both are guilty of power struggles that leave the people behind.

    • Farsha June 21, 2024

      True, but MFP at least tries to tackle big issues like Section 112.

    • Juan June 21, 2024

      That might be true, but it doesn’t justify ignoring other common issues.

  11. SovereignGeorge June 21, 2024

    I can’t believe Pheu Thai is still relevant after all these years. They’re a relic of the past.

  12. ChanthiraN June 21, 2024

    Solidarity among different political entities can be a powerful tool, but only if genuinely sought after.

  13. Niko89 June 21, 2024

    The dissolution laws are a double-edged sword. They keep some in check but stifle true democracy.

  14. Larry D June 21, 2024

    Both parties need to win the public’s trust before they can talk about unity.

  15. Nok June 21, 2024

    Remember Prayut? He’s another example of how power corrupts political aspirations.

  16. Maya June 21, 2024

    As always, the real losers are the Thai people caught in the middle of these political games.

  17. Kwan June 21, 2024

    Bringing up Thaksin every time there’s a political debate is so tiring. Can we move on?

  18. Somchai B. June 21, 2024

    Piyabutr is just trying to stay relevant. His party has no real power.

    • Rina June 21, 2024

      That might be true, but his message does carry weight.

    • Somchai B. June 21, 2024

      What weight? It just seems like a pipe dream to me.

  19. Kiki June 21, 2024

    If they don’t collaborate, both parties will be at risk. It’s simple political math.

  20. vannybiz June 21, 2024

    It’s easy to criticize from the sidelines. Let’s appreciate the complexities politicians face.

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