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Lawyer Ananchai Chaiyadet Targets Nong Nice: Fraud and Psychic Powers Scandal

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Lawyer Ananchai Chaiyadet, center, made headlines as he arrived at the Central Investigation Bureau on Tuesday to file a rather unusual complaint. His target? None other than the 8-year-old boy known as “Nong Nice, mind connection,” and several alleged associates involved in a supposed sect. The scene was nothing short of dramatic, with journalists eagerly snapping photos and asking questions. (Photo: Wassayos Ngamkham)

In a move that has captured the public’s imagination, Ananchai, who chairs the Dharma Army Lawyers Foundation, filed the complaint with the Technology Crime Suppression Division (TCSD) at the Central Investigation Bureau. The charges? Fraud in promoting the child’s claimed psychic powers.

The story sounds like something out of a novel. Nong Nice, his lawyer Thammarat Sarapanya, and 60 administrators of social media pages and websites dedicated to promoting the boy’s alleged magical abilities now find themselves accused of six significant offenses, including computer crime and money laundering.

Ananchai did not venture alone into this labyrinth of accusations. He was joined by Chalida Palamat, the chairwoman of the Be One Foundation, and former Democrat MP Tankhun Jitissara. Together, they presented a front as solid as a Greek tragedy ensemble, aiming to bring down this saga of alleged deceit.

Nong Nice and his family from Surat Thani province have been the center of media attention for their claims that the young boy is the reincarnated son of the Lord Buddha. According to them, he has a mystical ability to “connect people’s minds.” Yet, far from being hailed as a savior, they are now facing severe allegations.

Ananchai’s dramatic appeal to the TCSD police was laden with a sense of urgency. “No one has taken action against these individuals so far,” he stated vehemently. Adding fuel to the fire, Ananchai mentioned a Facebook live-stream that took place on Monday where the young boy allegedly threatened to send the complainants to prison.

The lawyer’s complaint is meticulous, accusing three groups of people of violating the Computer Crime Act, the Criminal Code, the Money Laundering Act, the Donation Soliciting Act, the Control of Begging Act, and the Revenue Code. Ananchai emphasized, “Even if a child cannot be legally punished for committing a crime, the law requires that the parents, if implicated, must be separated from the child and that the child should be placed in the care of social welfare officials.”

Former MP Tankhun added another layer to the tale by claiming that Thammarat, the boy’s lawyer, had breached the Donation Soliciting Act by seeking donations through his Facebook account to raise funds for legal battles. While the sums involved might not be astronomical, Tankhun was firm that the law had indeed been broken.

Tankhun didn’t stop there. He claimed to have evidence that Mr. Thammarat’s law firm had evaded tax payments, turning this curious case into a multifaceted problem involving not just child exploitation but financial misconduct as well.

Earlier, the authorities had already intervened, ordering the parents of Nong Nice to cease using their child as a means to generate income. A high-profile meeting took place at the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security where Apinya Chompumas, the director-general of the Department of Children and Youth, along with Pinya Chompumas, came together to discuss the upheaval after meeting with the boy’s parents.

Seeking assistance, the parents approached the Ministry to shield the family from allegations of running a cult. The situation has now snowballed into a fascinating legal and social dilemma that the nation watches with bated breath.

The case of Nong Nice, whether seen as a modern-day myth unraveling or a sobering cautionary tale, encapsulates a myriad of complex issues—from the exploitation of childhood innocence to deeper questions about faith and fraud in the digital age.


  1. Mark Jacobson June 25, 2024

    This just reeks of exploitation. How can anyone believe an 8-year-old has psychic powers? It’s all a scam to make money off gullible people.

    • Jennifer L June 25, 2024

      It’s one thing to be skeptical, but outright calling it a scam without evidence? That’s another story. Innocent until proven guilty, right?

      • Mark Jacobson June 25, 2024

        True, but the evidence is mounting. When money laundering and computer crimes are involved, it’s hard to argue innocence.

      • SkeptikGuy93 June 25, 2024

        Agreed, Mark. Scams often prey on people’s weaknesses, and it looks like this is no exception. The authorities need to get involved.

    • Angela D June 25, 2024

      But what if this kid actually has some kind of unique ability? Why are we so quick to dismiss what we don’t understand?

  2. Faith Walker June 25, 2024

    This whole situation just highlights the failings of our educational system and critical thinking skills. If people are falling for ‘mind-connecting’ children, we have bigger problems.

    • Chris82 June 25, 2024

      Exactly! It’s absurd that in this day and age, people still believe in such things without any scientific backing.

      • PhD_Mom June 25, 2024

        Sadly, you’re right. This isn’t just about one child; it’s a symptom of a society that places myth over reason.

  3. Dan L. June 25, 2024

    The parents need to be held accountable. Using their child in this way is borderline child abuse.

    • SingleDadScott June 25, 2024

      Agreed, Dan. The authorities should have stepped in earlier to protect this child and others from exploitation.

      • MomOfThree June 25, 2024

        Absolutely! As a parent, I can’t imagine putting my kids through this kind of circus. It’s disgraceful.

        • Dan L. June 25, 2024

          Exactly, it’s heartbreaking. Children should be nurtured, not paraded around for financial gain.

    • Noel P. June 25, 2024

      But what about the supporters who genuinely believe in Nong Nice? Shouldn’t everyone have freedom of belief?

      • SkeptikGuy93 June 25, 2024

        Freedom of belief shouldn’t come at the cost of fraud and exploitation. There’s a fine line between personal belief and criminal activity.

  4. TruthSeeker June 25, 2024

    A more profound issue here is the intersection of spirituality and modern skepticism. As much as we want to dismiss the claims, faith dynamics can be quite complex.

    • Julia T. June 25, 2024

      True, but that complexity shouldn’t preclude us from demanding transparency and accountability, especially when vulnerable children are involved.

  5. Antonio D. June 25, 2024

    These kinds of stories get blown out of proportion by the media. It’s just sensationalism designed to attract views and sell papers.

    • Kayla67 June 25, 2024

      Perhaps, but the facts are concerning regardless. Fake or not, there’s enough smoke here to warrant a deeper look.

      • TruthSeeker June 25, 2024

        Exactly. It’s up to the media to inform, but also up to us to discern the truth and act on it.

  6. HistoricalMind68 June 25, 2024

    Ancient prophets and mystical figures were often young. Maybe there’s something more here than we understand.

    • RationalThinker88 June 25, 2024

      Or maybe it’s exactly the same—stories concocted to control and exploit people’s beliefs. History has many examples of this.

  7. Linda June 25, 2024

    In the end, it’s about the well-being of the child. Nong Nice shouldn’t have to bear the brunt of adult greed and manipulation.

    • Kelly R. June 25, 2024

      Exactly, Linda. Protecting children should be the top priority here, not tearing down what some might see as ‘miracles.’

  8. GlenC June 25, 2024

    Where are the social media platforms in all this? They have a responsibility to curb such fraudulent activities.

    • Marcus J. June 25, 2024

      Social media companies are just interested in ad revenue. They rarely police these fraudulent actors effectively.

      • CodeXpert June 25, 2024

        True, Marcus. Algorithms prioritize engagement over truth, and that’s a significant part of the problem.

    • DigitalDad June 25, 2024

      It’s almost impossible to keep up with every scam and fraud online. We need better algorithms and more ethical responsibility from tech companies.

  9. LiveLaughLove59 June 25, 2024

    It’s such an intricate case. I really hope for the best for that kid. He didn’t ask for any of this.

  10. SkeptikGuy93 June 25, 2024

    We have to question why people are so willing to believe in these psychic powers in the first place. Cultural and religious influences play a big role.

    • Heidi J. June 25, 2024

      Right. Sometimes faith can cloud logic, but it’s important we respect people’s beliefs while ensuring there’s no harm done.

  11. EconomicsPro June 25, 2024

    Besides the ethical issues, this case could become a cautionary tale about financial scams disguised under the cloak of spiritual or mystical claims.

    • MoneyMind55 June 25, 2024

      Correct. It shows how easily people can be manipulated when it comes to money and beliefs. Education is key to preventing such scams.

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