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Heroic Act: 82-Year-Old Grandma Sa-ngeam Kuekkong Saves Electrician’s Life in Sattahip

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In a heartwarming display of quick thinking and bravery, 82-year-old Grandma Sa-ngeam Kuekkong saved an electrician’s life after he was electrocuted while working on her house. The incident occurred around 1 pm on Monday, in the tranquil Sattahip district, specifically in tambon Phlu Ta Luang. The Sawang Rojanathammasathan Foundation was immediately notified and dispatched an emergency team to the scene.

A security camera captured the dramatic event. It showed Somsak, a 61-year-old electrician, perched on a ladder near the edge of the roof, busy with his tasks. Suddenly, an electric shock surged through his body, causing him to convulse and rendering him unconscious.

Observing the distressing situation unfold, Sa-ngeam Kuekkong, affectionately referred to as “Yai” (grandma), sprang into action. Drawing on life-saving information she had previously come across on YouTube, she quickly tied a rope around Somsak’s right ankle and managed to pull him off the ladder, bringing him safely to the ground.

Without hesitating, Yai began administering chest compressions to stimulate Somsak’s heart. Her efforts were rewarded when he regained consciousness moments later. Following her heroic intervention, Somsak was promptly taken to Sattahip hospital where medical staff reported he was out of danger and expected to make a full recovery.

Grateful and slightly humble about her actions, Grandma Sa-ngeam recounted, “There was a short circuit at home, so I called an electrician. While he was moving things down from the roof, he accidentally touched the rainspout where the leaking electric current was. So, I used a tip from YouTube to save his life.”

Grandma Sa-ngeam’s story highlights the incredible impact of everyday knowledge and the power of immediate action in emergencies. This awe-inspiring grandmother not only demonstrated remarkable presence of mind but also showcased how resources like YouTube can be a valuable educational tool in life-saving techniques.

In today’s digital age, where information on practically any topic is just a click away, Yai’s story serves as a heartening reminder that this knowledge can and does make a difference. Sa-ngeam Kuekkong is a living testament to the adage that heroism knows no age. Her quick thinking and courageous actions have undoubtedly turned her into a local heroine, earning her the admiration of many.

As the story of Grandma Sa-ngeam and Somsak spreads, it underscores not just the importance of emergency responsiveness but also the genuine human spirit that resides in all of us, ready to act when the situation calls for it. The next time you find yourself scrolling through videos on YouTube, remember that you might just be learning something that can save a life, just like Grandma Sa-ngeam did for Somsak.


  1. Sarah July 9, 2024

    Wow, what an amazing story! Grandma Sa-ngeam is a true hero.

    • TechEnthusiast July 9, 2024

      Absolutely! It’s incredible how she used knowledge from YouTube to save a life. The internet can be such a powerful tool when used right.

      • Dr. Jonathan July 9, 2024

        Indeed, but let’s not forget that we should be cautious about the information we find online. Not all of it is accurate or safe!

    • Mike W. July 9, 2024

      True, but it’s still heartening to see technology and traditional wisdom coming together in such a wonderful way.

  2. James R. July 9, 2024

    Great story, but it’s dangerous. People shouldn’t rely on YouTube for emergency medical advice!

    • Lizzy July 9, 2024

      I get your point, James, but isn’t it better to do something rather than nothing in a critical situation?

    • ParamedicPete July 9, 2024

      As a paramedic, I’d say it’s a mixed bag. Basic first aid knowledge is essential, but proper training is irreplaceable.

    • James R. July 9, 2024

      That’s exactly what I mean, Pete. People need formal training, not just YouTube videos.

  3. Joanne July 9, 2024

    This story warms my heart. How many of us would be as brave and quick-thinking as Grandma Sa-ngeam in such a moment?

    • HopeSolo July 9, 2024

      Not many, Joanne. It’s rare to see such courage and quick action. We all should learn from her example.

    • Grandparent July 9, 2024

      As a grandparent myself, I hope I could act that swiftly if needed. Love and instinct often take over.

  4. JakePaul July 9, 2024

    This is insane! Go, Grandma! Proof that age is just a number.

    • GenZ33 July 9, 2024

      Right? She’s more capable than most people half her age! Truly inspiring.

    • NurseNancy July 9, 2024

      A reminder that life experience and maintaining a sharp mind can make a huge difference in emergencies.

  5. Amy S. July 9, 2024

    I hope this story inspires more people to learn first aid. Kudos to Yai for saving a life!

    • Carl_J July 9, 2024

      First aid should be mandatory in schools! Imagine how many lives we could save if more people were trained.

    • EagleScout July 9, 2024

      Totally agree! Basic first aid is such a crucial skill everyone should know.

  6. Rita L. July 9, 2024

    What if she hadn’t done anything? Somsak might have died. We need more awareness for first aid training.

  7. DavidK July 9, 2024

    I’m just glad the electrician is okay. Thank goodness for Grandma Sa-ngeam.

  8. Phil July 9, 2024

    I’m skeptical about relying on YouTube. What if it had gone wrong?

    • EngineerJoe July 9, 2024

      She took a calculated risk and it paid off. Discrediting her because it was from YouTube isn’t fair.

    • Phil July 9, 2024

      Not discrediting her, just saying people might get the wrong idea and try unqualified interventions.

    • Bella July 9, 2024

      Qualified or not, her quick thinking saved a life. That’s what matters here.

  9. Greg M. July 9, 2024

    It’s a reminder of how resourceful the elderly can be. Never underestimate them!

    • Sunny_D July 9, 2024

      True, we often overlook the wisdom and experience they possess. Kudos to Yai!

    • Greg M. July 9, 2024

      Absolutely, Sunny. People should respect and learn from older generations more.

  10. SkepticSam July 9, 2024

    Anyone else think this story might be exaggerated?

  11. Mandy July 9, 2024

    Whether or not the story is 100% accurate, the message about being prepared is important.

  12. Helen July 9, 2024

    Grandma Sa-ngeam is a modern-day hero. This is exactly the kind of story we need more of!

    • OptimistOlly July 9, 2024

      Totally! In a world filled with negative news, it’s refreshing to hear about acts of kindness and bravery.

  13. Andrew July 9, 2024

    This story resonates so much because it’s about the power of decisive action. We need more people like Yai.

  14. YoungGun82 July 9, 2024

    I think she deserves an award or some recognition for what she did.

    • Rob July 9, 2024

      Agreed. Heroes come in all shapes and sizes. She definitely deserves some accolades.

  15. Lexi July 9, 2024

    I think Somsak should be more careful next time. Accidents like these shouldn’t happen with trained professionals.

    • SkepticSam July 9, 2024

      Exactly, Lexi. It’s surprising something like this even happened.

    • TeacherTerry July 9, 2024

      Everyone makes mistakes, but having someone like Grandma Sa-ngeam around made all the difference.

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