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How LIV-24 and Niramon Direkmahamongkol Are Revolutionizing Thailand’s Transportation Industry with Cutting-Edge Fleet Management

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In today’s fast-paced market, businesses don’t only compete against each other—they’re racing against the clock. Swift, secure, and efficient transportation has become a lifeline for all kinds of enterprises. This is especially crucial for the industrial sector, which relies on a variety of transportation methods to move general merchandise, chilled and frozen products, construction materials, petroleum, liquids, gases, and hazardous substances.

However, Thailand’s transportation scene isn’t without its challenges. Common issues like road accidents caused by speeding, delayed deliveries, lost goods, fuel theft, and fraud plague the industry. Compounding these problems is the proper management and containment of contaminated materials, ensuring compliance with the Ministry of Industry’s stringent regulations. All these concerns not only hamper business operations but also impact communities negatively.

LIV-24 Company Limited, a pioneer in integrated intelligent security technology, offers a ground-breaking solution with their “Vehicle Fleet Management” system. This real-time transportation tracking marvel addresses all aspects of transportation management, effectively mitigating problems and cutting costs.

Ms. Niramon Direkmahamongkol, the Managing Director of LIV-24, emphasizes, “LIV-24’s ‘Vehicle Fleet Management’ is the ultimate technology tailor-made for diverse transportation needs. We recognize the huge potential in streamlining transportation for industrial manufacturing—a key driver of our economy. Efficient movement of production materials is crucial to ensure seamless operations and prevent any hiccup in the production process due to delays.”

She elaborates, “For some industries, transportation isn’t just about moving goods; it also involves the safe disposal of contaminated or unused materials. Mishandling these can lead to environmental hazards. GPS tracking for transport vehicles from start to finish has, therefore, become indispensable. Our Vehicle Fleet Management system shines in this regard, integrating the latest technology to revolutionize transportation management.”

Ms. Niramon continues, “We’ve spotted an opportunity to elevate the efficiency of transportation businesses, especially for industrial plants that contract multiple transportation companies, leading to tracking nightmares. Thus, LIV-24 has developed sophisticated software and Application Programming Interfaces (API) to tackle these challenges head-on. Our solutions include automatic route calculation for fleets, real-time vehicle location tracking, and transport status monitoring to meet diverse transportation needs.”

She adds, “Enhanced tracking leads to optimal operator efficiency and significantly boosts business potential. Currently, LIV-24 oversees around 225 large transport lorries daily, operating on 63 routes nationwide for major industrial facilities. Our Command Centre is the nerve center, monitoring overall transportation efficiency in real-time.”

Key Features of LIV-24’s Vehicle Fleet Management System:

GPS Tracking: This feature ensures real-time monitoring of transportation routes, continuously calculating the shortest or quickest routes. It plans the most efficient multi-stop routes, cutting down transportation time and costs. GPS tracking also defines exact entry and exit points, ensuring strict compliance with set routes, and sends notifications when vehicles deviate from these points—crucial for transporting sensitive or contaminated materials.

Driver Monitoring: The system keeps a vigilant eye on driver behavior, identifying risky practices such as drowsy driving or speeding. This proactive monitoring helps lower accident risks, safeguard products, and deter theft or fraud by tracking fuel usage and correlating it with distance covered.

Real-time Alerts: Set alert values with the Incident Management System to be notified of unusual incidents, like route deviations or delivery delays. Notifications are sent via multiple channels, including SMS, Email, and LINE App.

Maintenance Data Programming for Transport Lorries: This feature chronicles maintenance costs and automatically notifies scheduled maintenance dates, helping extend vehicle life.

Automatic Data Reporting: The “Auto Daily” report provides essential business data analyzed by data scientists, ensuring comprehensive and reliable information. This report is accessible at every stage, assuring total confidence for customers.

Ms. Niramon concludes, “LIV-24 is a cutting-edge observation technology, offering around-the-clock security to enhance efficiency for our clients. Our dedicated team and sophisticated Command Centre seamlessly integrate with the ‘Vehicle Fleet Management’ system, alleviating problems for company owners and industrial plants that juggle multiple transport contractors. This system not only smooths out operational wrinkles but also augments overall organizational effectiveness.”


  1. JaneS July 11, 2024

    This technology sounds incredible! Why hasn’t it been implemented sooner in other parts of the world too?

    • techenthusiast July 11, 2024

      It sounds great in theory, but implementing such systems on a massive scale is complex and expensive.

      • JaneS July 11, 2024

        I understand that, but considering the benefits, the initial investment seems worth it in the long run.

      • PilotJenkins July 11, 2024

        The benefits are immense, but politics and existing infrastructure can be huge barriers. Not every country is ready to adopt new tech at this scale.

    • Eli July 11, 2024

      In some countries, privacy issues around GPS tracking could slow down implementation too.

  2. Prateek Kumar July 11, 2024

    While LIV-24 focuses on large transport lorries, what about smaller delivery vehicles? Are they being overlooked in this revolution?

    • NiramonFan July 11, 2024

      I believe the principles can be applied to smaller fleets as well. The technology is scalable.

    • Dr. Emily July 11, 2024

      The logistics for smaller fleets might differ, but with the success in large transport lorries, scalability should be next.

      • Francesca July 11, 2024

        Exactly, and if this technology proves to be efficient, it could be adapted to different types of fleets, big and small.

      • Prateek Kumar July 11, 2024

        Fair points. I guess we’ll have to wait and see how adaptable this tech really is.

  3. JohnnyBGood July 11, 2024

    Great, more surveillance in our lives. Does anyone care about privacy anymore?

    • DataSkeptic July 11, 2024

      Yes! The rise of surveillance tech is concerning. What’s stopping companies from abusing this power?

      • PolicyWatcher July 11, 2024

        Governments need to implement strict regulations to balance innovation with privacy rights.

      • JohnnyBGood July 11, 2024

        And we all know how slow governments are to react to tech advancements!

    • James July 11, 2024

      While privacy is important, the benefits in terms of safety and efficiency can’t be ignored.

  4. Ali July 11, 2024

    Are we talking job losses here? If a system is managing everything, won’t that mean less need for human oversight?

    • ethan234 July 11, 2024

      Automation always brings this issue up. But it can also create new job types we haven’t thought of yet.

      • Ali July 11, 2024

        True, but the transition period can be tough for those affected.

    • IndustryVet July 11, 2024

      Efficiency improvements through tech often mean retraining rather than job loss. It can offer better opportunities in the long run.

  5. Rachel L. July 11, 2024

    The real-time alerts feature seems like a game-changer for reducing accidents and improving delivery times.

  6. SammyD July 11, 2024

    How sustainable is this approach, though? With so much tech involved, are we considering the environmental impact?

    • EcoWarrior July 11, 2024

      Sustainability is a valid concern. Tech has both environmental upsides and downsides, depending on how it’s managed.

    • Engineer92 July 11, 2024

      The idea is that improved efficiency will reduce waste and carbon emissions overall. It’s a balance.

  7. HughMann July 11, 2024

    Imagine integrating this system with autonomous vehicles. Future transportation could be entirely driverless.

    • AIpro July 11, 2024

      That would be the ultimate goal. Combining these technologies could redefine logistics entirely.

    • Ken July 11, 2024

      Driverless vehicles come with a whole new set of challenges, though. We’re far from ready for that transition.

    • HughMann July 11, 2024

      True, but this is the kind of foundational tech that could make that future possible.

  8. Nina July 11, 2024

    I worry about the dependency on tech. What happens if the system fails? Can they handle such a large-scale disruption?

    • SysAdmin July 11, 2024

      Without redundancy and backup systems, the impact of a failure could indeed be catastrophic.

    • Nina July 11, 2024

      Exactly. One major glitch could disrupt the entire national supply chain.

  9. Lillian July 11, 2024

    Fascinating read! How does LIV-24 plan to handle the integration with existing transport systems in Thailand?

    • TransportInnovator July 11, 2024

      LIV-24 seems to have robust APIs for integration. It’s all about smooth transition and minimizing disruption.

    • Lillian July 11, 2024

      I hope they provide adequate training for those who will manage these systems. Technology is only as effective as its operators.

  10. john_doe July 11, 2024

    This could be a lifesaver for hazardous material transport. The stakes are too high not to embrace such tech.

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