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Dr. Keskamol Pleansamai’s Senate Credential Controversy: Academic Claims Under Scrutiny

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Keskamol Pleansamai photo from her Instagram account The intrigue surrounding Dr. Keskamol Pleansamai, the senator-elect who snagged the most votes in the final national round of the Senate election on June 26, has taken quite a twist. Known for her purported academic accolades, Dr. Keskamol’s educational credentials have recently come under intense scrutiny.

The buzz started when netizens, armed with the curiosity of modern-day sleuths, began to question the legitimacy of her PhD in Business Administration, allegedly from an institution called California University Foreign Credentials Evaluation (FCE). This institute is believed to specialize in validating educational documents rather than conferring actual degrees. It was a shock to many that an aspiring senator would provoke such a controversy over something as essential as academic credentials.

In a dramatic turn of events, the Office of the Civil Service Commission (OCSC) vehemently denied any endorsement of equivalency assessments from this institute. The OCSC went on the offensive, checking their records meticulously and reaffirming that no public agencies or sectors had ever submitted any degrees from California University FCE for official endorsement. Likewise, the commission unequivocally stated that it had never displayed any endorsements of such degrees on its website.

The plot thickened when images of a computer screen, supposedly showing an OCSC announcement endorsing these degrees, started making the rounds online. In no uncertain terms, the OCSC reserved the right to pursue legal action against those responsible for spreading falsified information meant to tarnish its reputation. Drama worthy of a political thriller, right?

Amidst the growing skepticism, Issara Sereewatthanawut, deputy secretary-general of King Prajadhipok’s Institute, stepped in. He urged Dr. Keskamol to clear the fog by sharing images of her PhD certificate and her thesis publicly, essentially saying, “Show us the receipts!” This move aims to put an end to the rampant speculations and validate her credentials once and for all.

The controversy even prompted a Facebook post from former election commissioner Somchai Srisutthiyakorn, who demanded a thorough parliamentary investigation into the OCSC’s alleged endorsement of California University FCE’s degrees. With layers of accusation and counter-accusation, the situation has turned into a dramatic spectacle.

In other Senate-related news, another senator-elect, Yukol Chanawatpanya, elected from the categories of elderly, disabled, and ethnic groups, has voiced the need for transparency. He urged candidates for Senate speaker and deputy speaker positions to share their vision before the actual elections. According to Yukol, Senators should make their choices free from any political pressure, emphasizing that the Senate leadership should remain non-partisan and independent.

Despite the idealistic view of a manipulation-free Senate, reports have suggested that many Senators may have close affiliations with political parties. This has irked critics who argue that the Senate should operate independently, free from political strings. The debate continues on how to maintain the integrity and independence of the Senate amid such concerns.

As these events unfold, all eyes are on Dr. Keskamol and the OCSC to see what will happen next. Will Dr. Keskamol present solid proof of her academic qualifications, or will the drama increase? Only time will tell!


  1. Linda July 14, 2024

    This is an embarrassment to the entire country. Are we electing senators or con artists? How did she even get this far without anyone noticing?

    • Josh32 July 14, 2024

      Totally agree, Linda. It’s a huge oversight. But what if she really does have the credentials and it’s just a misunderstanding?

      • Marie S. July 14, 2024

        Then she should show her degree and thesis, like the article said. Transparency is key.

    • Prof. Anthony July 14, 2024

      Scrutiny of public officials’ credentials is essential. This ensures we maintain trust in our institutions. But, we also must ensure it’s done fairly, without preconceived biases.

      • Linda July 14, 2024

        Agreed, Prof. Anthony. I just can’t believe nobody vetted her credentials sooner. It makes me question the whole system.

  2. James K. July 14, 2024

    To me, this sounds like a witch hunt. People just love to tear others down. Give her a chance to present her side before dragging her through the mud.

    • Skeptic72 July 14, 2024

      James, it’s not a witch hunt if there’s legitimate concern about her qualifications. If she’s lying, it’s a major disservice to voters.

    • Ivy July 14, 2024

      It’s not tearing her down to ask for proof. If she genuinely earned her degrees, she should have no problem demonstrating it. Simple as that.

      • James K. July 14, 2024

        Fair point, Ivy. But the online mob can be ruthless. Let’s ensure the accusations don’t ruin her reputation without cause.

      • PolSciMajor July 14, 2024

        Transparency cuts both ways, James. It’s part and parcel of being in public office.

  3. Liam July 14, 2024

    This whole situation is laughable. If OCSC didn’t endorse this degree, how did she assume it’d go unnoticed when running for a Senate seat?

  4. San July 14, 2024

    We have bigger issues to worry about than some senator’s degree. How about we focus on their policies and what they’re actually doing for the country?

    • Emily56 July 14, 2024

      San, integrity matters. If she lied about her degree, how can we trust her policies or actions? Everything is connected.

    • San July 14, 2024

      I get it, Emily. But what if she is doing great work? Are we willing to throw that away over this?

  5. Analyst_Mk July 14, 2024

    Interesting how suddenly everyone cares about the Senators’ integrity. Where was this concern when she was campaigning?

  6. Charlie P. July 14, 2024

    This issue with Dr. Keskamol should serve as a wake-up call to vet all candidates rigorously. We need to ensure the people representing us are genuinely qualified.

    • Daniel July 14, 2024

      Exactly, Charlie. It’s not just about her, it’s about maintaining trust in our entire democratic process.

  7. MaggieB July 14, 2024

    How is it that she’s still a senator-elect after all this controversy? She should step down until the matter is resolved.

    • John Doe July 14, 2024

      Maggie, stepping down would imply guilt. She should have the chance to present her proof before taking such drastic measures.

      • MaggieB July 15, 2024

        True, but this is becoming a distraction. The longer it drags on, the worse it will be for everyone involved.

  8. Ravi July 14, 2024

    OCSC should make its vetting process public. This would help avoid such controversies in the future.

    • Gail July 14, 2024

      Good idea, but it’s also a matter of personal responsibility. Candidates should be forthcoming with their credentials from the start.

  9. Ella43 July 14, 2024

    Is anyone surprised? This isn’t the first time political figures have had sketchy qualifications. Unfortunately, it won’t be the last.

    • Polly T. July 15, 2024

      I wish you’d stop being so cynical, Ella. There are still many honest politicians out there. We just have to hold others accountable.

  10. Nguyen_L July 15, 2024

    How can we trust someone to govern if we can’t trust their word on such a basic thing as their education?

    • Craig July 15, 2024

      That’s the crux of the issue, Nguyen. Trust starts with honesty. If she can’t provide proof, she shouldn’t be in office.

  11. Alex July 15, 2024

    Dr. Keskamol should sue for defamation if these allegations are false. That would really show who’s in the wrong here.

  12. Kellie July 15, 2024

    We need to focus on building a better vetting system for all candidates. This situation should not have escalated like this.

  13. BrenDa July 15, 2024

    Let’s remember that there are more issues at stake here. The election for Senate speaker is crucial as well. Don’t let this controversy overshadow everything else.

  14. Taylor G. July 15, 2024

    All this drama over a document feels like an episode of House of Cards. When will the focus return to actual governance?

    • Samuel July 15, 2024

      Drama or not, integrity matters. This is about setting a precedent. Once it’s settled, we can refocus on policy.

    • User76 July 15, 2024

      Exactly, Samuel. Every action sets a precedent for future leaders. We can’t just let things slide.

  15. Carmen July 15, 2024

    It would be interesting to see if her political rivals are stoking this controversy. Political games are ruthless.

    • Hannah July 15, 2024

      True, Carmen. Sometimes these situations are more about power plays than actual concerns.

  16. Zara July 15, 2024

    I hope this controversy leads to a more transparent political environment in the future. Accountability is vital.

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