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CKPower’s Hinghoi Project Wins AREA Award 2024 for Social Empowerment: A Milestone in Renewable Energy and Community Upliftment

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CKPower Public Company Limited, one of the Southeast Asia’s foremost electricity producers focusing on renewables with an impressively low carbon footprint, has once again proven its unwavering dedication to societal and community betterment. For the third consecutive year, CKPower’s exemplary Hinghoi Project has been honored with the Asia Responsible Enterprise Awards (AREA Awards) 2024 for Social Empowerment, an accolade awarded by Enterprise Asia, a distinguished non-governmental organization promoting responsible business practices across the region.

This prestigious recognition highlights CKPower’s all-encompassing approach to community upliftment and aligns seamlessly with the company’s CSR Strategy Framework 2022–2026. This framework is meticulously designed to align with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, encapsulating key success indicators for the Hinghoi Project. The strategy primarily focuses on widening access to renewable energy for local communities encircling its power plants, underlining the immense societal impact of CKPower’s clean energy initiatives.

Mr. Thanawat Trivisvavet, the Managing Director of CKPower Public Company Limited, eloquently stated, “We are steadfast in utilizing our clean energy engineering expertise to benefit local communities and society. This endeavor not only aligns with our CSR Strategy Framework 2022–2026 but also directly contributes to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Our sustained efforts to improve and nurture local communities around our power plants are evident in the significant achievements of our Hinghoi Project. Now in its eighth year, the project has successfully delivered up to 40,330 watts of renewable energy to communities, educated 4,030 leadership teachers and youths on renewable energy, and imparted knowledge about natural resource conservation to 1,272 individuals. These milestones mark our steady progress towards enhancing quality of life in a sustainable manner.”

Initiated in 2016, the Hinghoi Project epitomizes a collaborative effort involving CKPower’s employees, local communities, and professional networks. By leveraging the company’s expertise in power engineering, the project aims to address pressing power shortages and uplift local communities. Recently, the project supported the development of the Ban Mae Mu Nai Border Patrol Police Learning Centre. CKPower’s engineers and staff meticulously designed and constructed a library for the center. This energy-efficient building, crafted using locally sourced materials, is not only sustainable but also harmonious with the local environment, ensuring easy future maintenance.

Moving forward, CKPower’s employees will engage in enhancing the surrounding landscape and adorning the library with a renewable energy theme. This initiative seeks to inspire children and youths to embrace renewable energy concepts and live sustainably, amplifying the project’s educational impact.

The Hinghoi Project’s success underscores CKPower’s formidable ability in social empowerment, evaluated through four critical aspects by Enterprise Asia: the application of core engineering competencies for societal development, fostering a generational learning framework for clean energy education, the establishment of clear, measurable goals for sustainable development, and the creation of a renewable energy fund to maintain and follow up on provided resources. The AREA Awards 2024 for Social Empowerment—received for three consecutive years—celebrate these achievements and CKPower’s sustained commitment to social responsibility.

Mr. Thanawat further articulated, “Securing the AREA Award 2024 not only symbolizes success but also attests to CKPower’s deep-rooted commitment to societal and community welfare. We consistently oversee the progress of the Hinghoi Project, currently in its eighth year, and other key initiatives like the Empowering Kids for a Sustainable World project. This exemplary project addresses renewable energy needs through solar panel installations and renewable energy funds, particularly benefitting schools and communities near our power plants. For instance, the initiative has significantly reduced electricity bills for Pakthongchai Chunhawan Wittayakarn School near the Bangkhenchai Solar Power Plant in Nakhon Ratchasima, and Udomseel Witthaya School near the Bangpa-in Cogeneration Power Plant in Ayutthaya. Moreover, it enriches our youth leaders with an understanding of renewable energy, facilitating the dissemination of this critical knowledge within local communities.”

Looking ahead, CKPower is committed to the continuous elevation of the Hinghoi Project, aligning it with the CSR Strategy Framework goals set for 2026. This involves fostering shared social value in concert with all power plants in Thailand and Lao PDR to ensure sustainable project development. The initiative also promotes broader access to renewable energy to enhance quality of life and creates renewable energy funds to support sustainable livelihoods. An expanding network of renewable energy leadership among teachers and youth garners a far-reaching positive impact, underscoring CKPower’s enduring mission to elevate society through clean energy and community empowerment.


  1. Jane Doe August 27, 2024

    This is a fantastic achievement for CKPower! Clean energy and community development are exactly what we need more of.

    • Cleaner.Green August 27, 2024

      Absolutely! It’s inspiring to see large companies making such impactful contributions to society.

      • SkepticalSam August 27, 2024

        Sure, but it smells a lot like greenwashing to me. How much of this is really impacting the local communities?

    • John Smith August 27, 2024

      Let’s not forget, corporate social responsibility is often just a way for companies to avoid stricter regulations.

      • EcoJo August 27, 2024

        True, some do use it that way, but CKPower’s long-term involvement suggests genuine dedication.

  2. Mike R August 27, 2024

    Good to see a company focusing on education too. Renewable energy themes in schools can shape the future generation.

    • TeachTech August 27, 2024

      Agreed! Integrating these concepts while kids are young can really drive future innovation.

    • Karen007 August 27, 2024

      Education is great, but I hope these resources are evenly distributed and reach those who truly need them.

  3. EcoMan August 27, 2024

    Delivering 40,330 watts to communities is impressive, but in the grand scheme, is it enough?

    • PowerPro August 27, 2024

      Every little bit counts in renewable energy. It’s a step in the right direction.

      • EcoMan August 27, 2024

        I see your point, but scalability is crucial for real change.

      • RenewGenX August 27, 2024

        Scaling up is definitely key, but starting small can provide essential learning experiences.

  4. Susan J August 27, 2024

    Projects like these are exactly why I support renewable energy companies. They make a tangible difference.

  5. Techie101 August 27, 2024

    The focus on low carbon footprint is a high selling point for CKPower. Wish more companies followed suit.

    • GreenThumb August 27, 2024

      Absolutely, carbon footprint reduction is critical in this era of climate change.

  6. ActiveEngrs August 27, 2024

    Using locally sourced materials for construction shows real commitment to sustainability. Kudos to CKPower!

    • ContrarianChris August 27, 2024

      Local materials are good, but what about the overall environmental impact of the construction process itself?

  7. Lily P August 27, 2024

    The achievement of providing significant renewable energy education is commendable. We need more awareness about resource conservation.

    • AlexGreen August 27, 2024

      Education empowers people to make smarter choices regarding energy consumption. It’s a game-changer.

  8. Bob A. August 27, 2024

    CKPower’s project seems to cover a lot of aspects—from energy delivery to education. It’s integrated and thought-out.

  9. SaveThePlanet August 27, 2024

    It’s heartening to see initiatives rooted in the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Real impact!

  10. Yang August 27, 2024

    Another ‘award-winning’ corporate initiative… always seems like PR more than substance.

    • Sarah B August 27, 2024

      I understand the skepticism, but their long-term commitment does indicate some level of genuine intention.

    • Yang August 27, 2024

      Fair point, but intentions can be misleading without transparency.

  11. SunRise August 27, 2024

    Fostering leadership among youths in renewable energy can lead to innovative solutions in the future.

    • MotherOfDragons August 27, 2024

      Absolutely! Young minds are full of potential and innovative ideas.

  12. EnergyLover42 August 27, 2024

    Reducing electricity bills in schools near power plants is a clever way to support communities financially.

  13. Thinker August 27, 2024

    The real test will be in maintaining these projects and their impact over the long term. Sustainability is key.

    • GrowthGuru August 27, 2024

      Exactly. Long-term impacts are what truly matter in sustainability initiatives.

  14. Retro August 27, 2024

    Why aren’t more companies adopting similar approaches? If CKPower can do it, so can others.

    • Faith August 27, 2024

      Maybe it’s a lack of vision or just hesitation to invest in something not immediately profitable.

    • Retro August 27, 2024

      Probably, but long-term gains from sustainable practices can outweigh short-term profits.

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