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Innovation ONE Fund Anniversary: Celebrating Thai SME Success with Kris Imsang & Industry Leaders

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Marking the momentous first anniversary of the “Innovation ONE Fund” project, a vibrant press conference unfolded on August 14, 2024. The event was graced by the presence of key industry movers and shakers, including Mr. Kris Imsang, the dynamic President and CEO, Mr. Pranarch Kosayanont, the insightful Senior Executive Vice President of Corporate Strategy Planning and Business Development at IRPC Public Co., Ltd., and Mr. Panutat Kiatananchai, the driven Managing Director of Rakpasak Co., Ltd. Organized under the auspices of the Federation of Thai Industries (FTI), the conference served as a testament to the project’s remarkable success in empowering Thai SMEs and startups to make waves on the global stage.

The event, held at the prestigious Queen Sirikit National Convention Center (QSNCC) in meeting rooms 210-211, was nothing short of a masterclass in innovative dialogue and collaboration. During the proceedings, Mr. Pranarch and Mr. Panutat engaged in an enlightening discussion with a diverse group of entrepreneurs and venture capital partners. Their exchange teemed with insights on the transformative successes and myriad benefits affiliated with the Innovation ONE Fund project.

IRPC, standing tall as an innovation-driven powerhouse, along with Rakpasak, a forward-thinking startup entrepreneur, provided invaluable perspectives that shed light on the project’s pivotal role in uplifting Thai businesses. The palpable enthusiasm among attendees underscored the tangible impact of such initiatives in fostering a robust entrepreneurial ecosystem.

A cornerstone of the event was the illuminating story of IRPC’s collaboration with the FTI’s Innovation ONE Fund to champion innovative enterprises in Thailand. One shining example is Rakpasak Co., Ltd., a thriving SME that, under this initiative, received substantial support to significantly scale its business. This collaboration has notably enhanced the capabilities of Rakpasak’s hallmark product, REINFOXX Fertiliser, affectionately known as White Bear Fertiliser—an ingenious agricultural solution developed by IRPC.

REINFOXX Fertiliser, with its advanced formulation, epitomizes a quantum leap towards agricultural sustainability. This modern fertiliser not only promises enriched crop yields but also advocates for environmental stewardship, marking a significant stride toward a sustainable future for Thailand’s agricultural sector.

As discussions oscillated between the realms of strategy and execution, the atmosphere bristled with an air of optimism and forward-thinking. Entrepreneurs and visionaries left the conference hall invigorated, armed with renewed vigor and actionable insights, ready to take their ambitions to the next level.

The project’s first anniversary was more than a celebration; it was a rallying cry for continued innovation and excellence. In reflecting on the past year’s achievements, the event set a dynamic tone for the future, underscoring the limitless potential when industry leaders and innovative minds come together with a shared vision.

Indeed, the “Innovation ONE Fund” project stands as a beacon of what can be achieved through strategic partnerships and a relentless drive for innovation. As Thailand’s SMEs and startups gear up to carve out their niches on the global stage, the collaborative spirit and visionary foresight of initiatives like these will undoubtedly be their guiding star.


  1. David Stein August 29, 2024

    This event seems like a huge success! Kudos to Kris Imsang and the team for driving innovation in Thai SMEs. The REINFOXX Fertiliser sounds like a game-changer.

    • Nina B August 29, 2024

      Agree, sustainability in agriculture is the way forward. But are they considering the long-term impact and possible downsides of such advanced formulations?

      • Leo @AgriTech August 29, 2024

        Good point, Nina. Every innovation has its risks. Let’s hope they’ve done their homework.

      • David Stein August 29, 2024

        I’m sure they’ve considered it. Innovations from such large projects usually undergo rigorous testing.

  2. SimpleSimon123 August 29, 2024

    What’s the big deal? It’s just another fertilizer. Why is everyone making such a fuss?

    • Dr. Angela Clarke August 29, 2024

      It’s more than just a fertilizer. It’s about sustainable agriculture and boosting crop yields, which could fundamentally change how we approach food security.

      • Justin H August 29, 2024

        Let’s not forget it also means big money for Thai SMEs expanding globally.

      • SimpleSimon123 August 29, 2024

        I guess if it helps with food, that’s good. But it still feels overhyped.

      • Dr. Angela Clarke August 29, 2024

        Only time will tell, but initial results seem promising. It could be a massive boon for Thai agriculture.

  3. Aria L August 29, 2024

    I’m excited to see how these startups evolve with such support. What other sectors do you think will benefit next?

    • GrowthMindset August 29, 2024

      Tech and Renewable Energy might be next big areas. Thailand has a lot of untapped potential there.

      • Aria L August 29, 2024

        Totally! Renewable energy could be huge, especially with the global shift towards sustainability.

      • Sam Watts August 29, 2024

        Let’s not forget healthcare tech. The region could massively benefit from innovations in that field.

  4. Kris_I August 29, 2024

    As someone involved in similar initiatives, it’s inspiring to see this level of commitment to SMEs. Hopefully, more countries will follow this example.

  5. Matthew T. August 29, 2024

    These events always sound great on paper, but what’s the actual impact on the ground?

    • Economic Analyst August 29, 2024

      Fair question. Metrics on job creation, revenue growth, and market expansion would shed more light on the true impact.

      • Matthew T. August 29, 2024

        Exactly. Without data, it’s hard to measure success tangibly.

      • Leila_MC August 29, 2024

        Agreed. Transparency and reporting are critical to understand the real benefits.

  6. Entrepreneur4Life August 29, 2024

    I’ve always found these initiatives somewhat exclusionary. What about smaller SMEs that don’t have the same access to networks?

    • Jane Foster August 29, 2024

      This is a valid concern. Hopefully, projects like Innovation ONE Fund will also create pathways for those smaller players to get involved.

      • Entrepreneur4Life August 29, 2024

        I hope so. The gap between large and small enterprises can result in lost opportunities for many.

    • MarketObserver August 29, 2024

      Efforts to democratize innovation are crucial, but let’s give credit where it’s due. This is a step in the right direction.

  7. Chanakya August 29, 2024

    I think Thailand is on the cusp of a significant transformation. The right kind of leadership and innovation support can make all the difference.

  8. Lisa V. August 29, 2024

    That’s a lot of big names at one event. Certainly, it must mean good things for Thai businesses.

    • SkepticalMe August 29, 2024

      Big names don’t always translate to real impact. Let’s see some numbers before we celebrate.

      • Lisa V. August 29, 2024

        True, but their involvement can bring resources and attention, which is a good start.

  9. Grower_Kid August 29, 2024

    I’m in agriculture, and trust me, better fertilizers can make a world of difference to farmers.

  10. Timbo August 29, 2024

    I wish more countries would focus on supporting SMEs. They are the backbone of any economy.

  11. FinanceGuru August 29, 2024

    Interested to see the financial models they’re using to support these startups. It’s a promising initiative if executed well.

    • Mina P. August 29, 2024

      Financial sustainability is key. I wonder if they have contingencies for economic downturns.

      • FinanceGuru August 29, 2024

        Exactly. Even the best-laid plans can go awry without proper risk management.

  12. Mickey1999 August 29, 2024

    Fantastic news! This is what we need—more innovation and less bureaucracy.

  13. Alexa August 29, 2024

    Why is it always these big corporations and not the little guy getting the spotlight?

    • Anna Kim August 29, 2024

      I share your concern, but initiatives like these can sometimes also open doors for smaller players indirectly.

    • Lucas J. August 29, 2024

      Big corporations often lead the way, which hopefully creates more opportunities for everyone else.

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