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Shubhodeep Das Leads Hylife Developments to Victory at APEA 2024: Fast Enterprise Award Win

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Hylife Developments Co., Ltd., an integral part of Hylife Group Chiang Mai under the visionary leadership of Group CEO Mr. Shubhodeep Das, has clinched a distinguished accolade at the Asia Pacific Enterprise Awards (APEA) 2024 Regional Edition. The grand event, masterminded by Enterprise Asia, was a glittering affair held on the 30th of August 2024 at the opulent Bangkok Marriott Hotel the Surawongse. Adding a touch of international gravitas, the award was graciously presented by H.E. Datuk Jojie Samuel, the Malaysian Ambassador to Thailand, along with Lt. General Sudhir Sharma, an advisor to Enterprise Asia.

The Asia Pacific Enterprise Awards (APEA) are renowned for spotlighting exceptional organisations across the massive Asia-Pacific region. This year, the competition was fiercer than a jungle cat with over 150 companies from 16 diverse nations vying for accolades in four broad categories: Master Entrepreneur, Inspirational Brand, Fast Enterprise, and Corporate Excellence. Out of this fiercely competitive pool, a select 35 companies triumphed through a rigorous evaluation process by a panel of distinguished judges.

In a wonderful twist of fate, Hylife Developments Co., Ltd. bagged the prestigious Fast Enterprise Award this year, emerging as one of the elite trio honoured in this category. Sharing the spotlight with Hylife Developments are TRADING & WHOLESALING from Singapore and TELECOMMUNICATIONS & ICT from Indonesia. This esteemed award places a spotlight on organisations that have galloped ahead in terms of revenue growth, market share expansion, internal management finesse, and unwavering social responsibility.

This remarkable honour underscores the stellar achievements and unrelenting excellence of Hylife Developments within the prominent Asia-Pacific region, especially in the fiercely competitive Property Development Industry. Since its inception over six years ago, the company has been a beacon of sustainable organisational growth. With a portfolio brimming with both residential and commercial real estate marvels in Chiang Mai, Hylife Developments has much to be proud of.

Among its treasure trove of projects is the celebrated Hycondo Thasala, a jewel that clinched the Fiabci Thai Prix D’Excellence Awards 2022. Not far behind is the lauded Hyparc Hang Dong, held in high esteem with the Dot Property Thailand Awards 2023. Adding to this list of triumphs is Hyluxe Mae Rim and the shining star, Hytown Maehia, which recently basked in the glory of the Fiabci Thai Prix D’Excellence Awards 2024. And the magic doesn’t stop there, as the ongoing Hycondo Iconic project promises to elevate the stakes even further.

Earlier this year, in yet another feather in its cap, Hylife Developments Co., Ltd. was lauded with the Asia Responsible Enterprise Awards (AREA) 2024 in the Green Leadership Climate Action category for its commendable Hyfive Firebreak Fireline project. This award ceremony, also orchestrated by Enterprise Asia, was a celebrated event held in Vietnam at the end of June 2024.

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  1. Alex T. September 4, 2024

    Congratulations to Hylife Developments! This is an incredible achievement!

    • MichaelW September 4, 2024

      Absolutely, but I wonder about the working conditions for their employees. Sometimes big awards come at a cost.

      • Sara September 4, 2024

        That’s a good point. It’s important that while companies strive for excellence, they don’t neglect their workforce.

      • Alex T. September 4, 2024

        I agree, but from what I’ve read, Hylife is also focused on social responsibility. They won the Green Leadership Climate Action award too.

        • EcoWarrior91 September 4, 2024

          That Green Leadership award is impressive, but real change happens on the ground. I’d like to see more transparency in their day-to-day practices.

  2. Jane P. September 4, 2024

    Isn’t it funny how these big projects often mean pushing smaller communities out? I’ve seen it too many times!

    • Nate September 4, 2024

      Gentrification is a real problem. Development should benefit everyone, not just the wealthy.

      • John D September 4, 2024

        But isn’t economic development supposed to uplift the entire area? Sometimes resistance to change can hold communities back.

      • Jane P. September 4, 2024

        Sure, but at what cost? We need to find a balance between development and preserving local culture.

        • Historian23 September 4, 2024

          Absolutely, preservation of cultural heritage should go hand in hand with development. It can add unique value to the projects.

  3. Grower134 September 4, 2024

    It’s great to see companies getting acknowledged for responsible actions. Too often, it’s all about profits.

    • InvestGuy September 4, 2024

      True, but let’s not kid ourselves. These awards are also about improving their public image and attracting investors.

      • Eco-Enthusiast September 4, 2024

        At least they’re making an effort. Better than companies that don’t care at all.

  4. Victoria September 4, 2024

    Does anyone know if Hylife Developments have any eco-friendly projects planned?

    • Bryan M. September 4, 2024

      I heard they have the Hyfive Firebreak Fireline project, which focuses on climate action. Besides that, no idea.

      • EcoLover September 4, 2024

        The Hyfive Firebreak project is part of their green initiative, which is fantastic. Hopefully more companies follow suit.

  5. Liam O. September 4, 2024

    It’s all a show! Awards are bought, not earned. I’ve lost faith in these corporate recognitions.

    • SkepticSue September 4, 2024

      I get your cynicism, but some companies genuinely deserve these awards. Not all is lost!

      • Liam O. September 4, 2024

        Maybe, but it’s hard to tell which ones are genuine and which ones are just good at PR.

        • Realist8 September 4, 2024

          A healthy mix of skepticism and optimism is needed. Always dig deeper before making a judgment.

  6. Kiran September 4, 2024

    Winning the Fast Enterprise Award is no joke. It’s an indication of exceptional growth and management.

    • Lindsay September 4, 2024

      Yep, it’s tough to get. Kudos to Hylife Developments for their impressive performance.

  7. Oliver B. September 4, 2024

    Big congratulations to Shubhodeep Das. His leadership is really making waves!

    • Annie September 5, 2024

      True, but let’s not forget he has a great team backing him up. It’s never just one person.

    • Chris September 5, 2024

      Agreed. Good leadership can inspire, but it’s teamwork that brings success.

  8. Daisy September 4, 2024

    How does one even go about getting these accolades? Is it based purely on performance or are there other factors?

    • Ronny September 5, 2024

      It’s a mix of performance, market growth, and sometimes even the company’s overall reputation.

  9. Charley September 4, 2024

    Isn’t it amazing how far they’ve come in just six years? Imagine what they can achieve in the next decade.

  10. Teagan September 5, 2024

    Hylife’s commitment to sustainability is commendable. The property industry really needs more leaders like them.

  11. Martin K. September 5, 2024

    I’m skeptical of all these awards. Too often, they are nothing more than marketing gimmicks.

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