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Senior Judge Suspended: Chiang Mai Train Molestation Allegations Shake Thai Judiciary

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The curtains of justice seemed to flutter a bit on Monday as the Judicial Commission delivered a decisive blow, suspending a senior judge accused of a rather sordid act. This senior judge, allegedly involved in molesting a female court worker back in June, saw his professional journey take a sharp turn. In a compelling 14-1 vote, the commission decided his fate, informed by an inquiry panel’s conclusion that he had committed an egregious disciplinary violation, according to a reliable source within the commission.

A shadow was cast in July when a female court stenographer stepped forward with a courage that should be lauded. She lodged a complaint with the Crime Suppression Division (CSD), accusing the judge of sexual harassment. This alleged misconduct took place on a sleeper train trip headed to a personnel development activity in the picturesque city of Chiang Mai on June 1.

The sleeper train, normally a serene and quiet conduit for journeys through Thailand, became the scene of this ignoble act. The stenographer recounted her harrowing experience to investigators, unfolding a narrative that spanned the stretch between Sila At Station in Uttaradit and Den Chai Station in Phrae. This tale was further darkened by the assertion that the accused judge was inebriated during the incident.

To ensure thorough scrutiny and justice, Pol Maj Gen Suwat Saengnum, the deputy commissioner of the Central Investigation Bureau, sprang into action. He ordered the Crime Suppression Division to assemble a panel designed to delve deeper into the stenographer’s troubling complaint.

As the investigation gathered momentum, the accused judge found himself shifted to an inactive post at the Office of the President of the Supreme Court. This transfer was a clear signal, signposting the gravity of the accusations levied against him. His tenure now hangs in precarious balance as the inquiry continues to untangle the knots of truth and deception.

This tale is a stark reminder of the responsibilities that come with positions of power. The corridors of justice must remain unsullied, and every step taken by those who walk these halls must embody the highest ethical standards. As the judicial machinery grinds forward, one can only hope that justice, in its truest form, will prevail.


  1. John Doe September 16, 2024

    This is absolutely disgraceful. How can someone in such a high position abuse their power like this?

    • Emma September 16, 2024

      I agree, it’s horrifying. But we should wait for all the facts to come out before jumping to conclusions.

      • John Doe September 16, 2024

        I understand, but the evidence seems pretty damning already. The judiciary needs to set a higher standard.

    • Sarah L September 16, 2024

      Such allegations are often swept under the rug. At least this is getting some attention.

      • John Doe September 16, 2024

        Agreed. It’s good that this is being taken seriously, but it’s sad that these things still happen.

      • Mike1987 September 16, 2024

        It’s sad but true. Justice should be impartial, but many times it isn’t.

  2. Anna Martin September 16, 2024

    Innocent until proven guilty. Let’s not forget that.

  3. Mark J September 16, 2024

    If he did it, he should face the consequences just like anyone else. No one is above the law.

    • NinaG September 16, 2024

      Absolutely. Abuse of power is never acceptable.

  4. Justice4All September 16, 2024

    The judge should not only be suspended but fired if found guilty. We need to clean up the judiciary.

    • Tom September 16, 2024

      Agreed, but we need to make sure the investigation is thorough and fair.

  5. LegalEagle22 September 16, 2024

    This could either be a turning point or another scandal that gets covered up. Only time will tell.

  6. Bobby September 16, 2024

    The judiciary should be held to the highest ethical standards. If judges can’t be trusted, what hope do we have?

    • Elly September 16, 2024

      Well said. Integrity starts at the top.

    • Joe K September 16, 2024

      It’s not just about this one case. This represents a deeper issue within the system.

    • LindaGreen September 16, 2024

      That’s true. Systems need to change to prevent this sort of thing.

  7. Alex September 16, 2024

    This is a complicated issue. What about the judge’s side of the story? We haven’t heard that yet.

    • Ruth September 16, 2024

      I think it’s important to get all perspectives, but in cases like this, it’s often hard for the victim to come forward. Give them the benefit of the doubt.

    • Bobby September 16, 2024

      True, but both sides need to be examined. Justice must be blind.

  8. Gary B September 16, 2024

    Why was the judge drinking on a professional trip? That alone is a lack of judgment.

  9. Sarah L September 16, 2024

    It’s refreshing to see that the CSD took this matter seriously and acted quickly. We need more of this proactiveness.

  10. Jenny September 17, 2024

    I’m skeptical. In the end, these things always seem to quietly go away.

    • Sarah L September 17, 2024

      I hope this one doesn’t. We need accountability.

    • Frank September 17, 2024

      Sadly, you’re right, Jenny. Too often these scandals are just media blips.

    • User567 September 17, 2024

      Let’s hope the public stays vigilant and this doesn’t just disappear.

  11. Tom H September 17, 2024

    If found guilty, this judge should face criminal charges, not just a suspension.

  12. Laura Stevens September 17, 2024

    The courage of the woman who came forward is commendable. It can’t have been easy to make this public.

  13. Rita September 17, 2024

    I feel sad for the victim. No one should have to go through this, especially from someone in power.

    • Casey September 17, 2024

      Agreed. Victims often face so much pressure and scrutiny. We should offer support, not judgment.

  14. Grower134 September 17, 2024

    Seems like just another scandal. What else is new?

  15. LegalMind September 17, 2024

    This incident should prompt a review of judicial conduct policies. Clearly, something is lacking.

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