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Moo Deng the Baby Pygmy Hippo: How Viral Fame is Driving Conservation Efforts at Khao Kheow Open Zoo

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Moo Deng, a delightful and playful baby pygmy hippo, has captured hearts worldwide, becoming a viral sensation shortly after her birth in late June at the Khao Kheow Open Zoo in Chon Buri. Her adorable antics, coupled with her bouncy demeanor, have rocketed her to internet superstardom, turning her into an unlikely global icon. (Photo: Reuters)

Recognizing the immense buzz around Moo Deng, the Khao Kheow Open Zoo has decided to trademark the name “Moo Deng the Hippo.” This strategic move, as explained by the zoo director Narongwit Chodchoi, aims to ensure that the newfound fame of this enchanting hippopotamus translates into tangible benefits for the zoo. “One of our primary goals is to prevent the commercial exploitation of Moo Deng by unauthorized entities,” Narongwit shared with The Associated Press, a story that made its way to the pages of Time magazine.

Narongwit elucidated how the funds generated through this strategy would be reinvested into the zoo, enhancing the welfare of all the animals residing there. “The benefits we accrue will be funneled back to improve the lives of all our animals,” he added, underscoring a commitment to transforming Moo Deng’s fame into a beacon of positive change.

Over the past five years, Moo Deng’s keeper, Atthapon Nundee, has been chronicling and sharing heartwarming moments from his work with the zoo’s inhabitants online. Yet, even he couldn’t have foreseen the viral explosion triggered by Moo Deng’s arrival. “It was way beyond my expectations,” Atthapon admitted to The AP. “I just wanted people to get to know her, to watch her online, to leave fun comments. Never in my wildest dreams did I think she’d become this big.”

The internet has turned Moo Deng into a memetic marvel, her pictures and videos spreading like wildfire. From American pro sports teams to European football clubs, her likeness has been utilized creatively and humorously by numerous organizations seeking to capture the public’s attention. One particularly enterprising fan even designed a T-shirt promoting her as a presidential candidate in the US elections!
— shirts that go hard (@shirtsthtgohard) September 20, 2024

Mr. Narongwit sees a golden opportunity in this burgeoning fame—a chance to generate revenue that could significantly bolster the zoo’s conservation efforts. The 800-hectare sanctuary, home to over 2,000 animals, including many under breeding programs helmed by Narongwit, stands to benefit immensely. The pygmy hippo, native to West Africa and currently threatened by poaching and habitat destruction, remains a critical focus. With fewer than 3,000 left in the wild, every effort counts.

To capitalize on Moo Deng’s popularity and raise crucial funds, the zoo is launching a line of Moo Deng merchandise, starting with T-shirts and pants set to hit the shelves by the end of the month. Additional products are also in the pipeline, promising fans a way to support their beloved hippo while contributing to conservation.

The surge in Moo Deng’s popularity has translated into an influx of visitors to the zoo. So intense is the interest that the zoo has had to implement 5-minute visit slots to her enclosure on weekends to manage the crowds efficiently.
— U.S. Department of Labor (@USDOL) September 20, 2024

Moo Deng’s story is not just one of a baby hippo becoming an unexpected celebrity. It’s a story of how the unifying joy and love for a charming animal can transcend geography, bringing people together while supporting a greater cause. Thanks to Moo Deng, the Khao Kheow Open Zoo is seeing a renaissance—one in which the well-being of all its animals, great and small, can thrive.


  1. grower134 September 21, 2024

    Wow, what a heartwarming story! It’s great to see Moo Deng’s fame being put to good use.

    • Larry D September 21, 2024

      I agree! But should we really be commercializing animals like this?

      • Aisha M September 21, 2024

        As long as the funds are helping conservation, I don’t see the harm.

      • grower134 September 21, 2024

        Exactly, if it improves the zoo and helps endangered species, I’m all for it.

    • Boris September 21, 2024

      Seems like another gimmick to me. Do you really think the money will be used properly?

      • Ella September 21, 2024

        Cynical much? Zoos often rely on such funds for meaningful projects.

  2. Sophie September 21, 2024

    This is so cute! But 5-minute slots for seeing the hippo? That seems a little extreme.

    • Tina S September 21, 2024

      It’s to manage the crowd. Better a short visit than not seeing her at all.

      • Sophie September 21, 2024

        I get it, but maybe they need to find a better way to organize it.

  3. John B September 21, 2024

    Trademarking the name ‘Moo Deng the Hippo’ sounds like they’re more interested in the money than the conservation.

  4. Diana September 21, 2024

    Can’t believe people are making T-shirts with her face to promote her as a presidential candidate. That’s just crazy!

  5. Mike88 September 21, 2024

    Hey, if it brings attention to the pygmy hippos’ plight, why not? They need all the help they can get.

  6. Karen P. September 21, 2024

    The zoo should be focusing more on educating people about conservation rather than selling merchandise. Education will have a longer-lasting impact.

    • Rick Trevor September 21, 2024

      Merchandise is a foot in the door. Once people are interested, then the education can happen.

  7. Zoe H September 21, 2024

    I just hope Moo Deng herself is being well taken care of amidst all this attention.

    • Alan September 21, 2024

      Agreed, the zoo must ensure her welfare first and foremost.

      • Zoe H September 21, 2024

        Exactly, the focus shouldn’t shift entirely to making money.

    • Linda September 21, 2024

      Zoos have veterinarians and experts; I’m sure they can handle it.

  8. Greg September 21, 2024

    This story is proof that internet fame can have real-world positive impacts.

    • Jake T September 21, 2024

      Or it can just as easily turn into a media circus with no real benefits.

  9. Olivia September 21, 2024

    I visited Khao Kheow Open Zoo last year. It’s a fantastic place and I’m glad it’s getting more recognition.

  10. Mila P September 21, 2024

    Hippos are dangerous animals. I hope the zoo is prepared for any risks associated with more visitors.

  11. Liam September 21, 2024

    The shirts that go hard account tweeting about Moo Deng is hilarious. Shows how widespread her fame has become.

    • Mackenzie September 21, 2024

      It’s interesting to see how a cute animal can unite people from different interests.

  12. Tommy September 21, 2024

    Less than 3,000 pygmy hippos left in the wild? That’s alarming. This kind of awareness is much needed.

    • Sonya September 21, 2024

      Yes, and that’s why initiatives like this are important!

  13. Michele T. September 21, 2024

    This is just a glorified PR campaign. How much of the money raised will actually go towards conservation?

    • Peter September 21, 2024

      Most zoos have a transparent financial process. It’s not fair to judge them without knowing the full details.

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