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Sustainability Expo 2024: ThaiBev’s Vision for a Greener Future at QSNCC

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In an impressive blend of progress and purpose, Bangkok’s Sustainability Expo is set to forge ahead until 2030, serving as a vibrant stage to propel the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and craft pioneering sustainability models. As this year’s event gracefully came to a close, the consensus among delegates and speakers on Sunday underscored its paramount role. Conceived by Thai Beverage Plc and its partners, this monumental 10-day affair has been stationed for five consecutive years at the illustrious Queen Sirikit National Convention Center (QSNCC), elevating public consciousness about sustainable living in all its hues.

During the “SX Launching Forward: SX2025” session, President and CEO of Thai Beverage, Thapana Sirivadhanabhakdi, delivered a resonant declaration—sustainability is no one’s solitary burden; it’s a universal duty. He painted a vivid picture of our resource consumption habits, particularly evident in the business world, where a ravenous hunger for resources has transformed society into a consumerist juggernaut. Yet, the implications of this ravenous consumption cast a long shadow on the future.

Sirivadhanabhakdi championed a vision where the current generation serves as stewards for those unborn, urging the business community to engage in partnerships with society to jointly compose new narratives of sustainability. Acknowledging the sufficiency economy philosophy, he proposed it as a potential beacon for the future, guiding us toward sustainable harmony.

The younger generation, he emphasized, holds the steering keys in this sustainability drive. Attendees of this year’s SX2024 were hopefully imbued with inspiration from the “Better Me,” “Better Living,” “Better Community,” and “Better World” showcases, which were presented with fervor at the expo. There was a reverberant message infused within these exhibitions—sustainable living is an inward journey that radiates outward, touching society and indeed, the world.

“Each of us holds a piece of the sustainability puzzle, and it all kickstarts with tiny gestures,” he remarked, exuding hope and action-oriented optimism.

Next year aims to allure participants yet again, with the event slotted between September 26 and October 5 at QSNCC. In alignment with the United Nations’ 2020-2030 Decade of Action, the expo’s unwavering commitment until at least 2030 ensures it remains a crucial beacon inspiring change and fostering sustainable improvement.

“Our goal is to empower every individual to mold into a ‘sustainability shaper,'” he added with visionary zeal.

In the same spirit, Tongjai Thanachanan, Chief of Sustainability and Strategy of Thai Beverage, shared delightful numbers—the expo attracted 740,423 eager visitors both in the tangible and virtual realms, soaring beyond the initial aim of 500,000 attendees. This year’s economic pulse in the Market Place section hummed with a revenue stream of 17.09 million baht, while the gustatory wonders of the Food Festival earned a delectable 23.7 million baht.

The expo wasn’t just about ideas and discussions. In response to the ongoing floods impacting the northern regions, it also pulsed with compassion through a two-day fundraising concert, amassing 4.8 million baht to support those impacted.

“Over the past five years, our collective efforts have welcomed 1,182,954 visitors, who have enabled the expo to generate an impressive total of 106 million baht for participating communities,” Tongjai added, highlighting the expo’s impactful legacy.


  1. Tarun October 6, 2024

    Sustainability has become a buzzword, but how many actually follow through with substantive actions? Just talking about it won’t solve anything!

    • Sarah C October 6, 2024

      The expo is more than just talk, Tarun. It raised significant funds for flood victims. These actions may not solve everything, but they’re steps in the right direction.

      • Tarun October 6, 2024

        Raising money is good, but I’m talking about long-lasting change. It’s easy to host events, harder to maintain momentum outside the spotlight.

    • EcoWarrior101 October 6, 2024

      You’re right, we need consistent efforts across years, not just during events. Everyone loves a good sustainability fair, but it’s daily habits that matter.

      • Sarah C October 6, 2024

        Good point, EcoWarrior101! It’s about integrating sustainable practices into everyday life, beyond just special events.

  2. Emily J October 6, 2024

    Organizing a 10-day sustainability event is a massive effort! Props to Thai Beverage for their commitment to the cause.

  3. greenie81 October 6, 2024

    I feel like these expos need to focus more on youth education. They hold the future in their hands but aren’t being equipped with the necessary knowledge to truly innovate for sustainability.

    • Laura Davis October 6, 2024

      I agree, the youth are the key, but we can’t put all the pressure on them. Current leaders should pave the way by leading examples and policies.

      • greenie81 October 6, 2024

        Definitely, Laura. It should be a combined effort, and older generations should guide rather than leave all the responsibility to young people.

    • Tommy12 October 6, 2024

      But aren’t these events already engaging the youth through interactive sessions? I think it’s a start, at least.

  4. James T October 6, 2024

    These kinds of events should have more transparency. I want to know how much waste is generated during the expo itself. Are they walking the talk?

    • EcoFighter October 6, 2024

      Having a zero-waste goal could indeed enhance credibility. It would be interesting to see a full environmental impact report post-event.

      • James T October 6, 2024

        Right? It’s essential for credibility and accountability!

    • Maya Lopez October 6, 2024

      Great point, James. Transparency is key in these initiatives. Maybe we need more data on resource usage during the event.

  5. planet_saver99 October 6, 2024

    I’m cautiously optimistic about expos like these. If they inspire even a few companies to change their policies, it’s worth it.

  6. Anthony October 6, 2024

    The numbers sound impressive, but shouldn’t the true success of these events also be measured by policy change or new sustainable practices in companies?

    • Leo K October 6, 2024

      True success would definitely be reflected in long-term policy changes, Anthony. But we shouldn’t underestimate the ripple effect of awareness generated through expos.

    • Sophia Clark October 6, 2024

      Exactly, Anthony! The media and exposure these events get can pressure companies into shifting towards more sustainable practices.

  7. Karen L October 6, 2024

    Why is Thai Beverage leading this sustainability charge? It seems ironic for a beverage company to be spearheading environmental initiatives. Aren’t they contributing to waste too?

    • grower134 October 6, 2024

      It’s ironic, but maybe they’re trying to reform their image and make positive contributions. Better late than never, right?

      • Karen L October 6, 2024

        True, every bit helps. Guess they could use their resources for good, but I remain skeptical until I see lasting changes in their practices.

    • Eve October 6, 2024

      Many companies are under pressure to adapt to sustainable practices. It’s not unusual for big players to get involved in such initiatives.

  8. Bob October 6, 2024

    With all the talk about sustainability, I wish more focus was given to conservation efforts in our local ecosystems. These grand global themes often ignore the grassroots level.

  9. Nina F October 6, 2024

    I attended the expo, and I actually learned a lot about starting small in my personal life. We can’t wait for big companies to fix everything; everyone has a part to play.

    • Sarah C October 6, 2024

      That’s true, Nina. Empowering individuals is equally important, and if more people start caring, it’ll gradually force larger changes.

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