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High-Drama Homecoming: Thailand’s Controversial Ex-Prime Minister Thaksin’s Gripping Health Crisis Unveiled! Brace Yourself for Shocking Revelations!

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Confirming the buzz about the latest updates on Thaksin’s health, Wissanu, who is at the helm of the outgoing government’s legal matters, has told the media that Thaksin is currently under treatment at the Police General Hospital.

The grapevine was abuzz that Thaksin was reportedly moved to an elite health care facility based in the Bangkok city. However, this was after he was initially admitted to the facility of the Bangkok Special Prison. This all happened during his first night back in Thailand after a long stay abroad.

Thaksin staged a homecoming on the 22nd of August after deciding to stay out of Thailand for an extended period of self-imposed exile that lasted a good 15 years. He took an abrupt exit from the country back in August 2008, only to be given a hard sentence of eight years by the authorities later. The reason? He was implicated in corruption cases that happened during his service period.

Thaksin’s time in prison was brief – less than 24 hours in fact. He was quickly admitted to the Police General Hospital in an emergency situation due to erratic high blood pressure levels. As per the reports, Thaksin’s health has been worrisome for a while now, and he has been receiving treatment for multiple medical conditions.

On a Thursday media briefing, Wissanu shared, “I have gotten Thaksin’s appeal for a royal pardon. After this step, we would proceed with further required formalities.” But Wissanu refused to share any further details regarding the document received or the content it carried.

Choosing his words carefully, he added, “I can’t reveal any more details because it involves personal information.” Additionally, he mentioned that any following actions would strictly adhere to all corresponding laws and regulations.

When prodded whether the royal pardon procedure would be wrapped up during his term, Wissanu stated frankly, “I can’t predict that. I am unsure till what time I will be occupying the office. The formation of the new Cabinet is currently underway.”

More importantly, Wissanu dismissed any notions of Thaksin being preferentially treated by the involved authorities. He reiterated, “Thaksin, like any former prime minister, has the right to appeal for a royal pardon.”

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