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Thailand’s Tourist Magnetism Shatters Records – What’s the Secret Behind Its Irresistible Attraction?

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Standing in the spotlight for its mesmerising charm and indefinable allure, Thailand, a remarkable tropical paradise, never ceases to entice globetrotters to its lush green landscapes and pristine beaches. The Tourism and Sports Minister Ms. Sudawan Wangsuphakijkosol shed some light on the captivating headline that staggered the audience on Tuesday. She reveals the exciting figures of international footfall racking-up over the past year, thus painting a flamboyant image of Thailand’s thriving tourism industry.

A grand total of 23,241,338 international tourists couldn’t resist the call of Thailand’s beauty from January 1 to November 12, as documented by the ministry’s permanent secretariat. The result of their venturesome journeys to the “Land of Smiles” produced a whopping revenue of 981.69 billion baht, fortifying the economical veins of the kingdoms.

As protocoled by the secretariat’s Economics Tourism and Sports Division, let’s unfurl the flag of top five nations compelled by Thailand’s magnetism. Sitting on the throne with a figure of 3,824,445 is Malaysia, followed closely by China, leaving its footprints with 2,902,462 visitors. South Korea, India, and Russia weren’t far behind, stepping on Thai soil marked with 1,375,958, 1,354,712, and 1,170,203 respective footfalls.

Diving even deeper into the fascinating statistics, Sudawan pulls out another intriguing figure pointing towards the week of November 6-12. A total of 611,121 global wanderers graced Thailand during that week, dividing into an average of around 87,303 tourists every day. When conducting a comparative study, these figures tower over the previous week’s average by a remarkable 9.61%, which recorded 53,567 tourists per day.

The credit, according to Sudawan, goes to the Diwali festival celebrated in Malaysia and Singapore that drove up the number of arrivals from Malaysia to 49,919 during the week – a whopping 28.65% surge compared to the week before.

Looking to the heavenly skies of Thailand, Sudawan anticipates more feathers from different corners of the world would flock next week. The reason? A heightened number of flights combined with the grip of cold winter in their countries is sure to work wonders. Adding to the magic, the waiver of visa fees for China, Kazakhstan and India, along with extended visas for Russia, might push the footfalls even higher, making the kingdom a festive wonderland before the year ends.

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