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Digital Sherlock Strikes: 80,000 Scam Victims Saved by DES Minister’s Cyber Crusade!

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In an age where technology seamlessly intertwines with our everyday lives, dark clouds have started to gather on the horizon, manifesting as deceitful scams that have enticed and ensnared unsuspecting victims. The always-vigilant DES Minister Prasert Chantararuangthong, in a move reminiscent of a modern-day tech Sherlock Holmes, brought to light the distressing volume of scam reports—some 80,000 in the past month alone—filed with the intrepid heroes at the Anti-Online Scam Operation Centre (AOC 1441).

The narrative that unfolded before the public this past Tuesday was Hwarang-worthy drama, where the minister, wielding his digital dauntlessness, declared an unprecedented focus on a particular breed of telephonic tyranny. The plot thickened as our protagonist revealed that an extraordinary number of phone numbers—each making over a hundred calls per day—sat squarely in the crosshairs of justice. Seeking to deliver a swift counterblow, the operation from Saturday to Monday flagged more than 12,500 such numbers, and like an alchemist turns lead to gold, transformed them into silent statues, suspended from their mischievous activities.

Yet, the tangled web of deceit stretched even further, ensnaring more than just the digits of dialers. A staggering 12,500 phone numbers, it seems, donned the mask of illegitimacy, their registration shrouded in shadows. In a spirited call to action, the minister beckoned these faceless numbers forth, urging owners to step into the light at AOC 1441, and by confessing their registration sins, seek redemption through voluntary reporting—a digital act of contrition to prevent the guillotine of suspension.

But wait, the plot thickens! Prasert, raising the lantern of awareness higher, spotlighted a brazen stratagem where scammers, in an act worthy of a spy thriller, were pilfering the identities of unsuspecting foreigners to serve as puppet masters for their nefarious SIM card schemes. ‘Aha!’ said the law, as recent raids in the picturesque Chumphon province unearthed a treasure trove-turned-evidence pile of over 10,000 such SIM cards.

In a climactic proclamation of his unyielding crusade, the minister avowed to escalate the battle against these digital desperados. Marshalling an alliance with the stalwarts at the office of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission, and the valiant warriors among cellular service providers, the minister enjoined all forces to lock shields and advance together—forgoing the lone wolf narrative, championing a collaborative vigilance never before seen in the chronicles of cyber-security.

So let us take a moment to commend the near-celestial vigilance of DES Minister Prasert Chantararuangthong and the intrepid AOC 1441 as they strive to shepherd us through the perilous landscape of modern communication, unsheathing their digital swords to secure a victory for trust and transparency in the epic saga of our connected lives.

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