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Prime Minister Thavisin’s Personal Cyber Scare Leads to Anti-Fraud Crusade – Uncover Thailand’s Astonishing Counterattack on Scammers!

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Welcome to a riveting tale of cyber intrigue and digital derring-do, featuring none other than Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin, a high-profile victim of the nefarious underworld of online fraud. As our story unfolds, this intrepid leader of Thailand did not merely shake his fist at anonymous swindlers lurking in the deep recesses of the web. Oh no, dear readers, he was targeted by cunning scammers so brazen they dared to utter his full name over the line before he, with a steely resolve, promptly ignored their deceitful beckonings.

Fed up with this insidious threat, our premier championed the battle against these digital pirates by enlisting the mighty powers of the Digital Economy and Society (DES) Ministry. With a clarion call to action, he urged every Tom, Dick, and Somchai to perk up their ears to the sage advice dispensed by the DES Ministry to dodge the sophisticated snares laid by these fraudsters.

Now hold onto your hats, because here’s where it gets deliciously crafty. Desperate times call for digits dialed in despair, and the government unveiled their secret weapon – hotline 1441 – a beacon of hope in the murky cyber seas, exclusively for the betrayed souls within Thailand’s embrace to report their digital woes.

The DES Ministry, meanwhile, gamely rolled up their sleeves to probe alarming whispers of government databases cracked open like coconuts, their juicy trove of personal details of millions of Thai citizens possibly hawked like fish in a market – on none other than RaidForums, the bazaar of the darkened web. DES Minister Prasert Chantararuangthong, however, suggested taking such claims with a grain of salt, reminding us that the internet is rife with tall tales.

Enter the trinity of cyber sleuths – the Office of the Personal Data Protection Commission (PDPC), the National Cyber Security Agency (NCSA), and the Cyber Crime Investigation Bureau (CCIB) – joining forces in an epic quest to unravel this data debacle.

And Prasert, oh, he’s a visionary that one, shared a glimpse into the ministry’s crystal ball, foreseeing ways to sniff out scams in the embryonic stage, with mobile network whisperers flagging overly chatty SIM cards – the preferred tool of the scammer’s trade.

But wait, Prasert wasn’t done. Unveiling the PDPC Eagle Eye, a surveillance phoenix rising from the ashes of digital chaos, this centre has not merely watched but swooped down on 3,119 unsuspecting agencies and organizations, peering behind their digital curtains to examine how they cradle our precious personal data. And 1,158 of them? Caught napping! They’ve since been nudged awake to button up their digital housekeeping.

In a striking demonstration of PDPC Eagle Eye’s vigilance, three cases popped up like a bad case of digital acne – personal information pilfered and peddled without a whisper of consent. The PDPC, vigilant as ever, promises that justice will chase these shadowy figures to the ends of the Earth, and if they happen to scurry across borders, well, Interpol awaits with open arms.

So, as we conclude today’s cyber saga, rest assured that the government’s vigilant gaze is as unwavering as ever in their quest to safeguard digital peace and integrity. As for the online fraud and call centre scammers, they might want to think twice before tangling with Thailand’s cyber guardians.


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