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Thailand’s iTV Showdown: Constitutional Court’s Verdict Looms Over Media Shares Scandal

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Step right up, ladies and gentlemen, and behold the high-stakes legal drama that has wended its way through the illustrious corridors of the Constitutional Court! Just this past Wednesday, the court wrapped up a riveting session of testimonies from a trio of pivotal characters in the sizzling iTV saga. Fear not, for the denouement of this grand tale is set to be unfurled on January 24th, when the verdict shall be proclaimed for all to hear.

Our lead witness, the astute Sawaeng Boonmee, the secretary-general of the revered Office of the Election Commission, graced the courtroom alongside the venerable Pita, and the dignified Kimsirithaweechai – who, in a moment of high drama, had chaired the fateful iTV shareholders’ meeting and heroically signed off on the consequential minutes.

The gears of justice began turning when the Election Commission posed a most vexing query to the court: was it fair game for Pita to saunter into the halls of Parliament while toting shares in a media firm, seemingly flouting Articles 101 and 98 of the very charter he was sworn to uphold? Et tu, Pita?

Alas, as the wheels of bureaucracy grind, Pita found himself temporarily relieved from Parliament’s embrace, his status as an MP suspended, while the court furrowed its collective brow in judicious contemplation.

But hold fast! Pita parried swiftly, asserting his stance with the guile of a seasoned chess player. “iTV, an active media company, you say? Nay!” he declared. “The shares are but a humble inheritance, clutched in my dutiful hands on my relatives’ behalf!” Oh, what a tangled web we weave!

Let it be known that on the 24th of January, when the clock chimes 2pm, judgment shall ring forth from on high, for the court has peered into the souls of these three witnesses and now, with wisdom in their hearts, they shall seal Pita’s fate.

And yet, the saga does not end here, my friends. For another chapter awaits with bated breath – the faceoff with the formidable Move Forward Party, whose fate shall be teased apart on the frosty morn of December 25th at the stroke of 9.30am. Mark your calendars!

In this venal vortex, we find Thirayut Suwankesorn as our plaintiff, a sentinel of the parliamentary fortress. He beseeches the court to ponder a question of the gravest nature: Did Pita and Move Forward’s brazen cries to abolish Article 112 during the general election’s heated campaign fray the very fabric of our beloved constitutional monarchy?

With fervent zeal, Thirayut turns to Article 49 as his shield, denouncing any nefarious action that might undermine the sanctity of the constitutional monarchy. The question looms large: has the gauntlet thrown down by Pita and the Move Forward Party crossed an impermissible line?

So, there we have it, a tale to be told, a verdict to be awaited, and a nation’s breath held tight. Will the gavel fall in favor of Pita, or will the scales of justice tip irrevocably against him? Join us as this courtroom tale unravels, chapter by chapter, in the grand theater of law and order. Stay tuned!

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