10 weird Thai laws you didn’t know about! Strange Thai laws We’ll show you Thailand’s wacky laws you didn’t know existed. These are unusual, but don’t take them as jokes. They might land you in jail! 1. Commando! Thailand’s 10 weirdest laws! Unsurprisingly, it’s prohibited to go out in public without underpants. No visitors or residents have been arrested for this, so bring adequate underpants. Who knows? Yes! No clue. Windy days and flowy skirts or shorts are dead giveaways. 2. Drivers must wear shirts in Thailand! Thailand is hot, humid, and dry, thus many travelers go shirtless. If you’ve leased a car to explore Thailand, keep your clothing on to avoid police stops. 3. Avoid Thai Money Thailand’s bizarre laws! Being mindful of your surroundings will help you avoid fines for this bizarre law. It’s illegal to step on Thai cash, whether you’re roaming the night streets or headed…