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16-Year-Old Prodigy Jiranat ‘Maxx’ Chaiyosburana Revolutionizes Air-Purifying Paint with M-Shield ION Loft

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M-Shield Loft proudly introduces its revolutionary air-purifying paint, M-Shield ION LOFT, a creation masterminded by 16-year-old prodigy biochemist, Jiranat “Maxx” Chaiyosburana. This innovation not only tackles environmental issues but also offers remarkable social benefits, especially for the fishery-rich province of Samut Sakhon.

Maxx’s inspiring journey began with a visit to Samut Sakhon, where he encountered daunting heaps of discarded green mussel shells. These rotting shells emitted an unbearable stench and attracted swarms of insects. Determined to find a solution, Maxx partnered with experts at Chulalongkorn University, devising an eco-friendly method to extract calcium carbonate from the mussel shells. The process, involving washing, baking, and treating the shells with potassium hydroxide and hydrogen peroxide, significantly reduces the environmental impact.

Maxx’s deep dive into biochemistry led to a groundbreaking discovery: when bio-calcium carbonate is combined with titanium dioxide, it can effectively degrade harmful volatile organic compounds (VOCs) like ammonia and formaldehyde. This endeavor was inspired by his grandmother, who struggled with lung inflammation caused by prolonged exposure to these harmful compounds. Maxx set out to create a product that would improve indoor air quality and contribute to healthier living spaces.

The result is the M-Shield ION LOFT, an air-purifying cement designed for indoor wall applications. This innovative product has already been implemented in major government hospitals across Thailand, enhancing air quality in elderly care areas. By transforming waste into valuable resources, Maxx’s creation not only aids in environmental clean-up but also generates job opportunities for local fishermen, promoting sustainable practices in the community.

Maxx’s groundbreaking work has caught the eye of prestigious institutions like Chulalongkorn University and emphasizes the critical role of scientific research in addressing real-world problems. With aspirations in chemical engineering, Maxx aims to further the development of biomedical technologies and sustainable solutions, promising an even brighter future.

M-Shield ION Loft remains devoted to devising innovative, eco-friendly solutions that elevate public health and champion sustainability. Founded by the young visionary biochemist Jiranat “Maxx” Chaiyosburana, the company specializes in upcycling waste materials to produce air-purifying products that better our environment. M-Shield ION Loft has garnered international recognition, scoring multiple awards at various global innovation competitions. The accolades include being finalists in the Diamond Challenge 2024 and winning 8 Gold Medals alongside numerous other prestigious awards from competitions held in Canada, Romania, Hungary, Turkey, Japan, Korea, and Malaysia.

For more information about M-Shield ION Loft and its trailblazing products, visit


  1. John Doe June 26, 2024

    This kid is amazing! At 16, I was playing video games and barely scraping by in school.

    • Cindy M. June 26, 2024

      Right? It’s mind-blowing to see such young talent making a real difference.

      • prof_science June 26, 2024

        Indeed, but don’t forget the support system he has and the resources available. Not every genius gets those opportunities.

      • John Doe June 26, 2024

        True, but we shouldn’t diminish his efforts. He saw a problem and found a viable solution. That’s commendable in any circumstance.

  2. Skeptic64 June 26, 2024

    I’m skeptical. How effective is this paint really? Sounds like marketing fluff to me.

    • Karen P. June 26, 2024

      The kid worked with Chulalongkorn University. It’s not just fluff. There’s actual science behind it.

    • scienceguy June 26, 2024

      Have you read the studies on bio-calcium carbonate and titanium dioxide? They are effective in breaking down VOCs.

    • Skeptic64 June 26, 2024

      I’ll believe it when I see peer-reviewed studies published. Until then, it’s all hearsay.

    • Karen P. June 26, 2024

      Fair enough. It’s always good to approach new innovations with a critical mind.

  3. happycamper123 June 26, 2024

    Finally, someone doing something useful with all that waste! Kudos to Maxx!

    • ellis_james June 26, 2024

      Yeah, it’s not only about innovation but also sustainable practices and job creation. Win-win!

    • happycamper123 June 26, 2024

      Exactly! We need more young minds thinking this way.

  4. ConcernedMom June 26, 2024

    It’s great that he’s doing this, but why isn’t the government taking these steps? It shouldn’t just be up to kids to solve our problems.

    • Bill D. June 26, 2024

      Governments move slow; innovation often comes from individuals. It’s the way progress has always been.

      • ConcernedMom June 26, 2024

        True, but there should be more incentives and support for such initiatives at the governmental level.

      • Bill D. June 26, 2024

        Agreed. Maybe stories like Maxx’s will inspire policy changes.

  5. eco_warrior June 26, 2024

    Incredible work! We need more environmental innovators like Maxx. This is the way forward.

    • Tina June 26, 2024

      Absolutely, it’s inspiring to see the younger generation taking charge.

  6. Larry D. June 26, 2024

    I wonder if this tech can be applied to other waste materials. So much potential!

  7. Tina June 26, 2024

    This is so innovative! I hope this technology gets utilized globally.

  8. Nathaniel June 26, 2024

    I’m always wary of young ‘prodigies’. There’s often a lot more going on behind the scenes.

    • Liz K. June 26, 2024

      Could be, but that doesn’t take away from the impact of the work itself.

    • eco_warrior June 26, 2024

      Exactly. Even if he had help, the outcome is what matters.

    • Nathaniel June 26, 2024

      Fair point. I just think we should give credit to all who contribute.

  9. Mike H. June 26, 2024

    This could be huge for areas with air quality problems. Looking forward to seeing more of Maxx’s work.

  10. Sally123 June 26, 2024

    I’d love to try this paint in my house! Anything to help keep my kids healthier.

  11. TechieTom June 26, 2024

    Interesting that it also creates job opportunities. This tech could be a game-changer for local economies.

  12. Alice W. June 26, 2024

    Great to see this kind of innovative thinking. Hope more young people get inspired by Maxx’s example.

  13. scienceguy June 26, 2024

    The combination of bio-calcium carbonate and titanium dioxide is ingenious. Nice work, Maxx!

  14. skepta June 26, 2024

    Call me a cynic, but what’s the catch? These breakthroughs always seem too good to be true.

    • John H. June 26, 2024

      It’s good to ask questions, but sometimes innovation really is as good as it sounds.

  15. Annie G. June 26, 2024

    Maxx is setting an example for future scientists. Kudos to him and his team!

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