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A storm decimates villages in northeastern Thailand

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Officials from the Non Sung district have now warned the villagers to make sure that the roofs and structures of their homes can withstand severe weather. The plans of visitors to the island who were hoping for sunshine were derailed by the wet day in Phuket, which was located further south. Traffic was hampered by the flooding on several routes, including Sukhumvit Road. Additionally, residences next to the road were inundated.

Thailand’s poorest region is in the northeast. The dwellings look to have been constructed with wood and other delicate materials in photographs. Poorer villages with flimsy dwellings are severely struck during Thailand’s monsoon season when wind and rain are constantly pelting various locations. Along with local officials, the Nong Sung district head distributed assistance packs to homeowners and assessed the damage. Thankfully, there were no reported casualties. The monsoon season is currently having its worst impact on communities in Northeast Thailand. Last night, rain devasted three villages in the province of Nakhon Ratchasima, causing damage to 48 homes and a number of crops.

In Central Pattaya, glass panels that were broken by violent winds fell from buildings and struck a number of cars.

Three residences in Patong, on the west coast of Phuket, were destroyed by numerous massive trees that fell during a violent storm last month. The houses appeared to be flimsy, much like the village in northeastern Thailand. However, Thailand’s weather has a devastating impact on all communities, not just the poor and rural ones. Pattaya was devastated earlier last week by torrential rain, wind, and flooding.

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