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Adis Peukpattanaruks Named New Country Director for Thailand at dss+: Addressing Industrial Challenges

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dss+, a specialist global operational management consultancy based in Switzerland, has proudly announced an invigorating new appointment: Adis Peukpattanaruks as the new Country Director for Thailand. This strategic decision underscores dss+’ relentless dedication to addressing the critical operational challenges faced by Thailand’s diverse industrial sectors.

Currently, Thailand’s heavyweight industries are grappling with a series of pressing business concerns. From the conundrum of low production capacity utilization and escalating energy costs to navigating stringent regulatory and environmental policies and facing fierce competition from cheaper imports, it’s a challenging landscape. But fear not—dss+ is here to harness its unrivaled expertise in risk management, operational efficiency, business adaptation, and sustainability to steer through these complexities.

dss+ is uniquely positioned to extend its support to a plethora of sectors, including oil and gas, chemicals, new energy, industrial manufacturing, agriculture, and food and beverage. Through the precise implementation of urgent efficiency improvements and robust risk management strategies, dss+ aims to propel these industries forward, ensuring they adapt smoothly to the ever-evolving market conditions.

“Adis’s appointment bolsters our unwavering commitment to aiding companies in Thailand,” stated Srinivasan Ramabhadran, Managing Director, APAC, at dss+. “His profound expertise and dynamic leadership are pivotal as we endeavor to expand our capabilities. Adis will deliver exceptional value to our industrial clients while contributing significantly to the larger Thai community. This appointment is in lockstep with our growth strategy for the Southeast Asia region, as we respond proactively to customer needs and work to surmount operational challenges, accelerating growth across the region.”

Brimming with enthusiasm, Adis Peukpattanaruks shared his excitement about joining dss+. “I am thrilled to embark on this journey with dss+ and am eager to spearhead strategic growth in Thailand. My commitment lies in fortifying our risk management and operational excellence competencies while working closely with our clients to enhance their performance. Together, we will ensure they not only survive but thrive in this challenging yet dynamic market landscape,” he said.

With over three decades of illustrious leadership and operational excellence under his belt, Adis brings a wealth of experience to dss+. His career is distinguished by high-profile roles in consulting and management across multinational corporations, where his influence has consistently driven transformative growth and innovation.

Before joining dss+, Adis served as the CEO of Bite Consulting Group. His impressive career also includes significant leadership stints with Johnson Controls for Thailand and Vietnam, Italthai Industrial, and Trane-Ingersoll Rand. His diverse and robust experience is set to provide dss+ with a fresh, innovative perspective to further elevate their operational standards and strategic initiatives in Thailand.


  1. Larry Davis September 9, 2024

    I’m thrilled to see someone as experienced as Adis take on this role. Thailand’s industries desperately need his expertise!

    • Nina45 September 9, 2024

      I agree! With his background, he might just be what Thailand needs to turn things around.

      • Dr. Frank September 9, 2024

        While Adis has a solid resume, it’s not all about one person. Systemic changes are needed urgently.

    • MinhLe September 9, 2024

      But does his past corporate experience translate into real improvements on the ground?

  2. Katie September 9, 2024

    This appointment should have happened years ago. Our manufacturing sector is dying!

    • IndustrialFan September 9, 2024

      Dying might be a dramatic word. Struggling, yes, but hiring Adis is a step in the right direction.

      • Katie September 9, 2024

        Struggling is just a polite way of saying dying. Let’s call a spade a spade.

      • JakeW September 9, 2024

        Katie has a point. We need to acknowledge the severity of the issues.

    • Mai T. September 9, 2024

      True, but a leadership change can only do so much. We need consistent policies and support.

  3. Paul H. September 9, 2024

    Why do we always need foreigners to fix our problems? Aren’t there capable Thai leaders?

    • SaraP September 9, 2024

      Adis is Thai, though. He’s worked internationally, but he is still very much connected to Thailand.

      • Paul H. September 9, 2024

        Fair point, but we need more homegrown solutions rather than importing expertise all the time.

      • SaraP September 9, 2024

        Sometimes international perspectives can bring fresh insights. It’s a balance.

  4. Gemini67 September 9, 2024

    Energy costs are killing us. Can Adis really address that?

    • green_planet September 9, 2024

      Reducing energy costs is complex, but it’s definitely on Adis’s agenda. His experience could offer new strategies.

      • Techie September 9, 2024

        Innovative solutions in energy management are crucial. Let’s give him a chance.

      • John Doe September 9, 2024

        Innovation is key, but the execution matters the most. Talk is cheap.

    • Amy September 9, 2024

      I think he’ll focus more on operational efficiency than just cutting costs.

  5. Ali B. September 9, 2024

    Why is dss+ only now beginning to focus on Thailand? The challenges aren’t new.

  6. EcoWarrior September 9, 2024

    Hoping Adis prioritizes sustainability. Thailand needs to go green.

    • Dave September 9, 2024

      Sustainability is important, but the immediate financial challenges can’t be ignored.

    • EcoWarrior September 9, 2024

      Sustainability and financial health aren’t mutually exclusive. Both can be achieved with the right approach.

  7. Sophie L. September 9, 2024

    What will be his first move? Any guesses?

    • BusinessAnalyst September 9, 2024

      Probably a comprehensive review of current operations. Understanding the landscape is crucial before making changes.

      • Sophie L. September 9, 2024

        That makes sense. Any significant initiatives you think he might prioritize?

      • BusinessAnalyst September 9, 2024

        Energy management and production efficiency, I’d guess. Those are critical areas needing immediate attention.

    • Mia September 9, 2024

      Let’s hope he doesn’t take too long. Timely action is crucial!

  8. MichaelJ September 9, 2024

    Adis’s past roles seem impressive. Can he live up to his legacy at dss+?

    • Tracy September 9, 2024

      Legacy is one thing, but every new role has its unique challenges and expectations.

    • Mike September 9, 2024

      I’m optimistic, but also cautious. He needs to prove his worth here just like anywhere else.

  9. Nick September 9, 2024

    Does anyone know how his previous strategies at Johnson Controls worked out? Will they apply here?

  10. Sam Green September 9, 2024

    dss+ needs structural changes, not just a leadership facelift. Will Adis do what’s necessary?

    • Wes September 9, 2024

      True, deep-rooted changes are often what’s needed. Surface-level fixes won’t cut it.

      • Sam Green September 9, 2024

        Exactly, and those changes need strong backing and real commitment.

    • Anna September 9, 2024

      Let’s hope the company truly empowers him to make those deep changes.

  11. Olivia September 9, 2024

    Looking forward to seeing how he tackles regulatory hurdles. They can be a real headache.

  12. SciGuy123 September 9, 2024

    I wonder what dss+’s growth strategy for Southeast Asia entails beyond just this appointment.

    • Investor123 September 9, 2024

      Diversification maybe? Southeast Asia is a growing market.

  13. grower134 September 9, 2024

    Agriculture needs just as much attention as industrial sectors. Hope Adis sees that.

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