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Adm Adung Phan-iam Charts Thailand’s Future Defense with Strategic Submarine Procurement

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In the grand, strategic tapestry of national defense, where every stitch and thread contributes to the overall safety blanket under which a nation rests, the decision to procure submarines has bobbed to the surface as a notable thread of contention. At the very helm of this sea-going saga stands Navy Chief Adm Adung Phan-iam, a man navigating the choppy waters of military procurement with a keen eye on the nation’s horizon of interests.

On the eve of the panel’s second auspicious meeting, Adm Adung, a sea-farer in matters both aquatic and bureaucratic, shared insights that cut through the fog like a lighthouse beam. “The Navy holds its sails open to the wind of scrutiny,” he declared, professing readiness to dive into the depths of inquiry regarding the submarine programme. His call to the panel members was clear: let honesty guide your compass, for the future of the submarine project charts a course through your words.

The voyage to secure a new vessel for the nation hit turbulent waters when Germany, in an unexpected move, dropped the anchor and refused to supply a diesel engine, leaving the project momentarily adrift. Yet, like a plot twist in a high seas adventure, China Shipbuilding & Offshore International Co (CSOC) extended an oar with the offer of a Chinese-built engine, potentially steering the project back on course.

Defense Minister Sutin Klungsang, previously tempted by the siren song of acquiring another frigate instead, assembled a crew last month to navigate the murky waters of submarine procurement. The panel, a veritable crew with expertise spanning naval academica to fiscal forethought, is chaired by Gen Somsak Roongsita, a seasoned sailor in the ocean of national security.

With the panel’s mandate as vast as the ocean, they embarked on this journey on Feb 6, tasked with exploring the uncharted depths of the navy’s needs, the currents of international affairs, and the feasibility of the chosen course, all within 30 days.

Adm Adung, with the steadiness of a seasoned captain, expressed hope that the voyage would stay true to the navy’s strategic course, wherein submarines play the role of a silent guardian, a deterrent lurking beneath the waves. Yet, he remained open-minded, ready to adjust the sails should the panel chart a more favorable course.

“May our decisions reflect the dignity and interests of our nation,” Adm Adung remarked, echoing the sentiment of every citizen for whom the navy serves as a protective shield against the tides of uncertainty.

Confronted with inquiries about defending maritime interests in the time it takes for the Chinese submarine to transition from blueprint to oceanic behemoth, Adm Adung assured that the surface fleet stands ready to bridge the gap, a testament to the navy’s multifaceted strategy for safeguarding the nation’s azure frontiers.

In a tale that extends beyond the depths, to the diplomatic dance over hydrocarbon treasures hidden in the Gulf of Thailand, Adm Adung steered clear of entanglement, affirming the navy’s role as the stalwart guardian of territorial waters, leaving international negotiations to dance on the diplomatic stage.

In this saga of submarines and statecraft, what lies beneath the surface is a narrative of a nation’s quest for security, sovereignty, and the strategic foresight to navigate the complex currents of modern defense. And as the panel deliberates, the nation waits, hopeful that the decisions made today will steer the future towards safe harbors.


  1. NavyFan101 February 12, 2024

    Submarines for Thailand? Absolute waste of taxpayer money! We should be investing in education and healthcare, not outdated military tech.

    • PatriotWave February 12, 2024

      Disagree! The world is a dangerous place, and we need every advantage to protect our nation. Subs are silent protectors.

      • NavyFan101 February 12, 2024

        Silent protectors that drain our budget for hypothetical threats. Look at where military escalation has led others.

      • SeaGuardian February 13, 2024

        It’s not about escalation; it’s about deterrent. Without a strong navy, we’re vulnerable to external pressures.

    • BudgetWatcher February 12, 2024

      Actually curious, does anyone have the numbers on this? How much are we talking about spending on these submarines?

  2. TechTalk February 12, 2024

    Just read that Germany backed out of the engine deal. Is opting for a Chinese engine the best plan B? Have doubts about the reliability.

    • GlobalNavigator February 12, 2024

      Germany’s loss, honestly. China’s shipbuilding industry is booming for a reason. They know what they’re doing.

      • TechSkeptic February 13, 2024

        I’m skeptical. There’s always a catch with these deals, especially from countries playing long strategic games.

    • EngineExpert February 13, 2024

      Technically speaking, modern diesel-electric engines have nuances. Without specifics, though hard to say if it’s the right choice.

  3. PeaceDove February 12, 2024

    Why are we still fixating on military buildup in a world that desperately needs peace and understanding? Let’s channel funds into diplomacy.

    • RealistRider February 13, 2024

      Utopian ideals don’t protect national interests. History shows strength respects strength. Submarines contribute to that strength.

      • PeaceDove February 13, 2024

        But at what cost? There’s a thin line between defense and provocation. I worry we’re crossing it.

  4. StrategicThinker February 13, 2024

    Considering the navy’s multifaceted strategy, the choice to invest in submarines is strategic. It’s not just about power projection, but deterrence.

    • SkepticShadow February 13, 2024

      Strategic deterrence or strategic overreach? Have we thoroughly examined the impacts of such an investment on our regional relations?

  5. OilGame February 13, 2024

    Nobody’s talking about the oil in the Gulf of Thailand. Securing our maritime interests there is crucial. Subs might just be the leverage we need.

    • EcoWarrior February 13, 2024

      Oil again? What about the environmental costs? There are cleaner, smarter ways to ensure energy security without threatening the marine ecosystem.

      • OilGame February 13, 2024

        The world runs on oil, like it or not. Until alternatives can fully meet demand, we have to secure what we’ve got.

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