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Amlo Seizes Over 5 Billion Baht in Fraud and Corruption Crackdown: Key Figures Revealed

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The Anti-Money Laundering Office (Amlo) has turned heads this year, seizing over 5 billion baht worth of assets in a dramatic crackdown encompassing 48 cases tied to fraud, online gambling, and corruption. Amlo secretary-general Theppasu Bavornchotidara, alongside Public Sector Anti-Corruption Commission (PACC) assistant secretary-general Bhumivisan Kasemsook, delivered the news at the 11th meeting of Amlo’s Transaction Committee, unveiling a sweeping range of confiscations.

Among the eye-popping numbers, 12,300 assets, collectively valued at 4.5 billion baht, were nabbed in these fraud investigations. Notable among these is the case involving Peempong Hiranprueck, a senior civil engineer at the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration’s (BMA) Public Works Department, and another case tethered to the infamous Kofuk online gambling network.

Sanga “Kofuk” Kungwan, the linchpin of this network, flew the coop earlier this year when the heat turned up over an 18-billion-baht tax fraud and sprawling gambling operation. Talk about high stakes!

In Mr. Peempong’s entanglement, he stands accused of leveraging his position for a plum bribe. Specifically, he allegedly squeezed a golf course owner in Nong Chok district for cash to ensure the course retained most of its land during a road construction project. Pro golfers are known for cutthroat competition, but this is taking it to a new level!

Meanwhile, in another headline-grabbing scenario, Pramual Saengkaewsri, the head of the Ratchathewi district office’s revenue section, has been called out for accepting bribes from business operators. Thanks to his under-the-table dealings, these operators dodged paying their property and land taxes. The price for this shady tax evasion? Amlo swooped in and seized 47 million baht in assets from both Mr. Peempong and Mr. Pramual. Looks like the taxman has the last laugh.

When it comes to the Kofuk saga, Amlo played a high-stakes game too, grabbing 372 assets including cash, jewelry, land, and bank accounts. The total haul? A cool 963 million baht, confiscated from Sanga “Kofuk” Kungwan and his associates. But wait, there’s more! On the tally board of fraud, Amlo snatched up 107 assets worth a jaw-dropping 3.1 billion baht from various swindle cases that left victims high and dry.

One particularly high-profile case involves Apimuk Bamrungwong, a former bigwig shareholder of More Return Plc (MORE). He and his network allegedly orchestrated an elaborate 800-million-baht stock manipulation scheme last year, which led to a financial nose-dive for investors. This intricately knitted scam has all the twists and turns of a thriller novel, minus the happy ending for those caught in its web.

But the crackdown saga doesn’t end there. Mr. Theppasu announced yet another sting, this time involving online gambling websites with alleged connections to former deputy national police chief Pol Gen Surachate “Big Joke” Hakparn. Amlo’s dragnet landed assets worth 400,000 baht linked to this cyber-gambling conspiracy. However, in an unexpected twist, Pol Gen Surachate is actively working to reverse the asset seizure, according to Mr. Theppasu. Whether he succeeds in this legal gambit remains to be seen, offering yet another subplot in this ongoing drama.

So, as the curtain falls on this year’s latest chapter in Amlo’s relentless pursuit of justice, one thing is clear: the fight against fraud, gambling, and corruption is far from over. With billions of baht and the hive of activity buzzing around these cases, it’s clear the stakes couldn’t be higher. Stay tuned, spectators, because in the world of high finance and corruption, the plot only thickens.


  1. Nina M. September 22, 2024

    Finally, some real action against corruption! Amlo’s crackdown has been long overdue.

    • Kritalim September 22, 2024

      Agreed, but will these actions lead to systemic changes or just more high-profile arrests?

      • Nina M. September 22, 2024

        Hopefully both. It’s about time we saw deeper reforms beyond just seizing assets.

  2. Joe September 22, 2024

    This is just another political stunt. They’ll seize assets now, and then quietly return them later.

    • Sam P. September 22, 2024

      That’s a pessimistic view. Not everything is a conspiracy, you know.

      • Joe September 22, 2024

        Maybe, but history isn’t on your side. Corruption fights usually have a lot of smoke and mirrors.

    • Ariya Kim September 22, 2024

      If it were just a stunt, they wouldn’t be risking so many reputations and careers. I think they mean business this time.

  3. Teerat T. September 22, 2024

    Good for Amlo, but how high do these investigations reach? It’s always the mid-level guys who get caught.

    • David D September 22, 2024

      Right? When will we see the big fish like Pol Gen Surachate actually pay the price?

    • Paola September 23, 2024

      Exactly. The real masterminds behind these networks often have political protection.

  4. Laura Fields September 22, 2024

    When you see numbers like billions of baht, you realize the scale of corruption. It’s disheartening but at least they’re doing something.

    • grower134 September 22, 2024

      Is it really disheartening, or just reality? Corruption is everywhere.

    • Laura Fields September 23, 2024

      Apathy won’t help. We need to stay hopeful and supportive of movements pushing for justice.

  5. Timothy S. September 23, 2024

    Didn’t think they’d catch someone as high-profile as Apimuk Bamrungwong. What a shocker!

    • Winny S. September 23, 2024

      Yeah, but it makes you wonder how long he was able to operate before they finally caught on.

    • Timothy S. September 23, 2024

      True, there should be an investigation into how he managed to stay under the radar for so long.

  6. Kim Chang September 23, 2024

    What’s the story with the golf course bribe? It sounds insane!

    • Bharat September 23, 2024

      Taking bribes to keep a golf course intact during construction sounds pretty standard for our officials, sadly.

    • laurensmith September 23, 2024

      It’s the kind of thing you’d expect in a crime novel, but it’s real life!

  7. Sophie B. September 23, 2024

    The Kofuk online gambling network haul is MASSIVE. You can’t make this stuff up!

    • Yoshida September 23, 2024

      Imagine the sheer size and complexity of that operation. Speaks to the mechanics behind illegal gambling schemes.

    • Sophie B. September 23, 2024

      And they still caught him! Shows there’s some hope against these massive criminal enterprises.

  8. Rungraben September 23, 2024

    We need more transparency in the aftermath of these seizures. How does Amlo allocate the confiscated assets?

  9. Raul M. September 23, 2024

    Wow, the MORE stock manipulation case. Talk about playing with people’s lives!

    • Larry Davis September 23, 2024

      Manipulation in the stock market is a whole other beast. Just goes to show, greed has no bounds.

  10. Antonia September 23, 2024

    Why isn’t there a bigger outcry about Pol Gen Surachate fighting the asset seizure? It’s absurd he can even do that.

    • grower134 September 23, 2024

      Corruption is deeply rooted. People fear speaking out against powerful figures.

  11. Champa September 23, 2024

    Will Peempong Hiranprueck face jail time, or just asset seizures?

  12. Leo V. September 23, 2024

    Imagine operating an 18-billion-baht fraud scheme. How did he think he wouldn’t get caught?

  13. Shawn September 23, 2024

    If Amlo can seize this many assets now, why didn’t they notice these activities sooner?

    • Frida K. September 23, 2024

      They probably did, but turning a blind eye until the timing was right.

  14. Farhan September 23, 2024

    The link between corruption and gambling networks is often ignored. It’s about time it was highlighted.

    • oldmanriver September 23, 2024

      True. These underground connections fuel many criminal activities beyond just financial crimes.

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