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**Ancient Sandstone Discovery in Surat Thani: Unveiling Srivijaya Kingdom’s Relics**

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In the verdant compounds of Wat Palilaik, nestled in Surat Thani’s Chaiya district, a serendipitous find has piqued the interest of historians and locals alike: an ancient sandstone of sizeable significance. Discovered by an intrepid history tour group, this relic, adorned with intricate carvings, bears whispers of an era long past—the grand Srivijaya Kingdom. On a seemingly ordinary Tuesday, the group, enchanted by their discovery, promptly alerted Chaiya district chief, Mr. Chaowalit Rodjanarat.

The tour group speculated that this sandstone might be a treasure from over a millennium ago, an assertion that quickly garnered the attention of the historical community. Intrigued by the prospect, Mr. Chaowalit didn’t delay in seeking further validation. Enter Mr. Kitti Chinjoreontham, chairman of the Chaiya National Museum, and Phra Achan Mahathongchai, the revered abbot of Wat Rattanaram temple, whose combined expertise would prove invaluable in authenticating the artefact.

Upon their examination, Mr. Kitti, with wide-eyed amazement, confirmed the sandstone’s ancient origins. He postulated that this relic likely hails from the 13th-14th centuries BE, coinciding with the twilight years of the Srivijaya Kingdom. More fascinating still, he suggested it might be the pedestal of a statue of the Hindu god Narayana, remnants of which have been previously unearthed in the vicinity.

The carvings, etched with meticulous precision, bore a striking resemblance to those adorning ancient Khmer castles. These ornate designs offered a tantalizing peek into the artistry and cultural exchanges of the time. Mr. Kitti’s declaration resonated like a drumroll awaiting a grand reveal: the sandstone, now a subject of intense scholarly curiosity, would reside at Wat Rattanaram temple, sheltered and revered, until experts from the Fine Arts Department could perform a thorough examination.

In the shadows of towering pagodas and the tranquil ambiance of Wat Palilaik, this ancient sandstone now rests, inviting the musings of historians, the prayers of monks, and the quiet admiration of visitors who pass by. This discovery is not just a relic; it’s a narrative carved in stone, bridging the past with the present, and sparking imaginations about the grandeur of kingdoms long vanished, yet not forgotten.


  1. historybuff99 June 5, 2024

    This discovery is monumental! The Srivijaya Kingdom’s influence is often understated in history textbooks.

    • SkepticSam June 5, 2024

      Understated maybe, but how authentic is this relic? Could be a modern forgery.

      • historybuff99 June 5, 2024

        With experts like Mr. Kitti and the Fine Arts Department involved, I trust the verification process. It’s genuine!

      • Anna Lee June 5, 2024

        Forgers can be quite sophisticated these days, though. I think skepticism is healthy.

    • Linda M. June 5, 2024

      Modern forgery or not, it represents a fascinating tale that captures our imagination. That’s also valuable.

  2. Jayden23 June 5, 2024

    I find it incredible that such a piece survived for over a millennium! Just think about the history it has witnessed.

    • Tom G. June 5, 2024

      Exactly! It’s like a time capsule from the Srivijaya era. Amazing.

    • Marie A. June 5, 2024

      Time capsules are usually deliberate. I wonder if this sandstone was too? Hidden with intent?

    • Jayden23 June 5, 2024

      That’s an interesting thought. Maybe it was meant to preserve or honor something significant.

  3. academic_daniel June 5, 2024

    The connection to the Hindu god Narayana suggests a rich cultural exchange between the Srivijaya and Khmer civilizations.

    • Ellie W. June 5, 2024

      Or maybe it just tells us how much they borrowed from each other. Cultures thrive on such exchanges.

    • prof_harriet June 5, 2024

      Absolutely, it’s the cross-pollination of ideas and artistry that drives historical progress.

  4. Shane O. June 5, 2024

    I wonder if there are other relics hidden in Surat Thani. This discovery could be the tip of the iceberg.

    • archaeo_guy June 6, 2024

      Certainly possible! Many areas in Southeast Asia are still underexplored by archaeologists.

    • Tammy June 6, 2024

      Imagine the treasure trove of history waiting to be uncovered. Exciting times for archaeologists!

  5. Sophie H. June 6, 2024

    Such discoveries should remind us of the importance of preserving historical sites. Too many are left neglected.

    • Paul Marshall June 6, 2024

      True, but preservation requires funding, which is always an issue.

    • Sophie H. June 6, 2024

      Perhaps more public awareness and interest can drive funding initiatives. Every small bit helps.

    • Tim K. June 6, 2024

      Agreed. Maybe this discovery will spark more efforts towards preservation.

  6. Kayla June 6, 2024

    The intricate carvings sound beautiful. Would love to see photographs or drawings of them!

    • artlover_Emily June 6, 2024

      Me too! Art from that era is always mesmerizing. Hope they release images soon.

  7. Mike Johnson June 6, 2024

    I think we should be cautious about drawing too many conclusions from this one piece.

    • Lana B. June 6, 2024

      A valid point. Context is everything in archaeology.

    • Craig P. June 6, 2024

      But even a single piece can provide pivotal insights if studied properly.

    • Mike Johnson June 6, 2024

      True, but over-extrapolation can lead to inaccurate historical narratives.

  8. Ravi June 6, 2024

    Think about how many untold stories are buried in the sands of history. This sandstone could be one of many portals to our past.

  9. Sarah June 6, 2024

    Kudos to the tour group for reporting their find. Many would have kept it as a souvenir.

  10. Jack L. June 6, 2024

    The involvement of monks and historians in preserving this relic shows a beautiful fusion of spiritual and academic pursuits.

  11. Abby W. June 6, 2024

    Would love to visit Wat Palilaik and see this sandstone in person. Sounds magical.

  12. culture_vulture June 6, 2024

    Such discoveries bridge the gap between the past and the present, ensuring that we never forget the grandeur of ancient civilizations.

  13. Greg H. June 6, 2024

    This could bring a surge in tourism for Surat Thani. Hopefully, they manage it sustainably.

  14. John D. June 6, 2024

    Realistically, how much can one artifact actually change our understanding of the Srivijaya Kingdom?

    • Sophia M. June 6, 2024

      Sometimes it’s the small details that fill the biggest gaps in our knowledge.

    • John D. June 6, 2024

      True, but let’s not pin too many hopes on a single find.

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