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Authorities Seize 30,000 Illegal Vapes in Chiang Mai Raid: Major Crackdown on Youth Vaping

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At a bustling press conference held at Bangkok’s Central Investigation Bureau (CIB) on Monday, police revealed the astonishing seizure of over 30,000 items of vaping hardware. These items, valued at a whopping ten million baht, were discovered in a meticulously planned raid on a storehouse in Chiang Mai.

The operation was sparked by the government’s renewed commitment to crack down on the escalating issue of vaping among the youth. Leading the charge, the CIB’s investigation team zeroed in on an e-cigarette store known as ‘Yai Vape,’ which had been peddling its products through a website and the popular Line application.

The momentous raid took place on August 15th in the San Sai district, at a nondescript house doubling as a stockroom for the illicit products. The alarmingly large haul included a mind-boggling 31,790 vaping devices, encompassing both disposable and refillable vapes, e-liquids, pods, and vape tanks. To everyone’s amazement, the lot was valued at an eye-watering 10 million baht.

Mr. Saranyu, the alleged mastermind behind this operation, found himself in a sticky situation as he was charged with violating the Consumer Protection Act for selling illegal products and the Customs Act for concealing illicit imports. The solemn-faced police officials didn’t hold back in detailing his offences during the press briefing.

A particularly disturbing part of the story was the revelation that these vapes, usable multiple times, were strategically crafted to appeal to a younger audience. With enticing flavors like milk and candy and trendy, cartoon-shaped designs, these devices seemed custom-made to fly under parental radar. One chilling find was that among the consumers discovered, a girl as young as twelve was identified as a user.

The illicit merchandise had been smuggled into Thailand, skirting around the kingdom’s strict import restrictions on e-cigarettes. The police emphasized the necessity of stringent enforcement to tackle the persistent problem of illegal vaping within the country.

The press conference ended with a stern warning from the authorities, underscoring their dedication to clamp down on such activities. The message was clear: In the face of widespread youth vaping, the government and law enforcement agencies are doubling down on their efforts to eradicate this menace from Thai society.


  1. Adeeb77 August 19, 2024

    Wow, 30,000 vapes! This crackdown is huge. Kudos to the police for taking action.

    • SammyJ August 19, 2024

      But is it really a solution? The black market will just find another way.

      • Adeeb77 August 19, 2024

        True, but at least it’s a start. We can’t just let them continue unchecked.

    • Jessica K. August 19, 2024

      Totally agree. Youth vaping is getting out of hand. It’s about time something was done.

  2. Eduardo L. August 19, 2024

    This feels like a band-aid solution. The real issue is why kids are turning to vapes in the first place.

    • Martha B. August 19, 2024

      Agreed. More needs to be done in terms of education and parental monitoring.

    • Jeff August 19, 2024

      It’s not just about education. Big companies are targeting kids with these flavors and designs.

    • Eduardo L. August 19, 2024

      Exactly. If the companies didn’t reach them, maybe we wouldn’t need these massive crackdowns.

  3. JennyS123 August 19, 2024

    How naïve can the authorities be? Kids will always find a way.

  4. Tom H. August 19, 2024

    At least they’re trying to protect kids from harmful substances.

    • Kade August 19, 2024

      Right, but the focus should also be on corporate accountability.

    • Tom H. August 19, 2024

      Absolutely, corporations need to be held responsible too. It’s a multifaceted issue.

  5. CandyCane August 19, 2024

    Has anyone considered how vaping might actually help quit smoking traditional cigarettes? Not all vaping is bad.

    • Benny August 19, 2024

      But these vapes are clearly marketed to kids, that’s the problem.

    • CandyCane August 19, 2024

      True, but blanket bans harm those who use it responsibly.

    • Benny August 19, 2024

      Fair point, but we need better regulations to separate adult use from youth targeting.

  6. ScienceGuy August 19, 2024

    Research shows vaping is less harmful than smoking, but targeting children is unacceptable.

  7. Lena M. August 19, 2024

    Authorities should focus on regulating the legality and safety of vaping products.

    • Markus August 19, 2024

      Good luck with that. Regulation in an industry so full of loopholes is tricky.

    • Lena M. August 19, 2024

      It’s difficult, but not impossible. We need consistent efforts.

  8. Diana August 19, 2024

    I can’t believe there are people defending vaping here. It’s a bad habit, period.

  9. MaxPower August 19, 2024

    People defend it because not all uses of vaping are bad. Some use it to quit smoking.

  10. Dr. John August 19, 2024

    We need more clinical research to understand the long-term effects of vaping.

    • Elena B. August 19, 2024

      Absolutely, more data is key to making informed policies.

    • Dr. John August 19, 2024

      Agreed. It’s about harm reduction and public health.

  11. Pete August 19, 2024

    It’s scary to think a 12-year-old was caught with these devices. Where are the parents?

    • Laura S. August 19, 2024

      Parents can’t monitor everything. Companies should be more ethical.

  12. Bret August 19, 2024

    Is it really the government’s job to play babysitter?

    • Tina L. August 19, 2024

      In some cases, yes. Protecting minors from harmful products is their duty.

    • Bret August 19, 2024

      Maybe, but there’s a limit to how much control is acceptable.

  13. Niko_086 August 19, 2024

    The crackdown is good, but what’s next? They need a follow-up plan.

  14. Sarah_A August 19, 2024

    Glad to see such proactive steps being taken. Youth health is crucial.

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