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Axe Attack Horror: Son Gruesomely Murders Mom’s Alleged Lover in Shocking Crime – Disturbing Drug-Fueled Rage Uncovered!

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A high-profile arrest has taken place in Wiang Sa district, Surat Thani province, where a 36-year-old man, identified as Suriyong, was detained on suspicion of murder. The chilling incident unfolded as Suriyong allegedly took the life of a 47-year-old man, Sayan Lathawanit, whom he believed to be pursuing a romantic relationship with his recently widowed mother. Following the violent act, Suriyong attempted to conceal the victim’s body.

Authorities were alerted to the crime by local residents who discovered a pickup truck cap discarded in Suriyong’s yard. Upon further investigation, the bloodstained, wrapped body of the victim was found beneath the cap with a severe head wound. Not long after, the suspect was apprehended at the scene.

In the course of the investigation, it was revealed that Suriyong had grown increasingly unhappy with Sayan’s constant visits to his mother’s home, prompting him to lie in wait near an outdoor bathroom to launch the fatal axe attack. According to the suspect’s aunt, Suriyong had been under the influence of hallucinogenic drugs, and this fueled his misinterpreted belief that the victim was flirting with his mother.

It’s worth noting that Suriyong has had previous encounters with the law; he had been detained 14 times for drug-related offenses. Most recently, he completed a four-year prison term in January for drug offenses. He caused such distress in his own family; his mother and sister even took shelter at relatives’ homes to escape Suriyong’s erratic, drug-induced behavior.

During the course of the interrogation, the suspect confessed to the crimes, and he is now awaiting the appropriate legal measures to be taken against him. Meanwhile, the sense of unease and alarm hanging over the community as a result of this tragic, violent incident is palpable. The loss of Sayan Lathawanit has undoubtedly caused immense grief and distress for his loved ones, and the turbulent events surrounding his passing have served as a sobering reminder of the human cost of drug addiction and its potential to ignite the darkest side of human behavior.

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