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Bangchak Corporation Shines at 14th Asian Excellence Awards: A Night of Unprecedented Achievements

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Imagine the glitz and glamour of the gorgeously adorned Hyatt Regency Hong Kong, a luxurious haven where the elite come together to honor exceptional talents and groundbreaking achievements. Under the radiant lights and polished chandeliers, Bangchak Corporation emerged as the star of the evening, collecting a dazzling array of accolades at the illustrious 14th Asian Excellence Award and Sustainable Asia Award.

Representing Bangchak Corporation with an infectious smile was Phatpuree Chinkulkitnivat, the Chief Financial Officer and Senior Executive Vice President of Accounting and Finance. Accompanying her was the formidable Gloyta Nathalang, the Acting Senior Executive Vice President of Sustainability Management and Corporate Communication. Their hands were certainly full—but not just with the awards—they carried the pride and recognition of Bangchak’s relentless commitment to excellence.

Bangchak didn’t just win a single honor—they brought home three spectacular individual awards. Reinforcing his stellar reputation, Chaiwat Kovavisarach, Group Chief Executive Officer and President, was lauded as Asia’s Best CEO for the ninth consecutive year. His visionary leadership and unparalleled knack for driving organizational success left a lasting impression. Emulating his triumph was Phatpuree Chinkulkitnivat, who was crowned Asia’s Best CFO. Her acumen in financial management, transparent information disclosure, and fair treatment of stakeholders set a new benchmark for excellence. Another jewel in Bangchak’s crown was Tipwadee Sudwayha, the dynamic Manager of the Investor Relations Division, who earned the title of Best Investor Relations Professional for her exemplary performance in maintaining robust investor relations.

The curtain of applause didn’t close there. Bangchak shone brightly with three corporate awards, each echoing their indomitable spirit. They clinched the Best Investor Relations Company Award—a testament to their outstanding investor relations. Their unwavering commitment to effective communication was recognized with the Best Corporate Communications Award. And for the grand finale, they received the newly introduced Sustainable Asia Award 2024. This prestigious honor saluted their steadfast efforts in integrating sustainability into their core operations, highlighting their adherence to transparency, responsibility, and efficient sustainability practices.

The competitive arena of the 14th Asian Excellence Award and Sustainable Asia Award was orchestrated by none other than the revered Corporate Governance Asia magazine. The magazine’s meticulous evaluation process encompassed data from organizations, alongside feedback from investors, analysts, and seasoned industry professionals across Asia. The goal was clear: to identify and commend entities and individuals championing sustainable business practices and exemplary corporate governance, who also demonstrate an unwavering commitment to the well-being of communities, society, and the environment.

As the night drew to a close, the air at Hyatt Regency Hong Kong buzzed with excitement and mutual respect. Bangchak Corporation’s remarkable feats were a resplendent reminder of what dedication and visionary leadership can achieve—a beacon of inspiration for all present at this grand ceremony.


  1. John T June 6, 2024

    Bangchak’s achievements are undoubtedly impressive! But I wonder how much of this success is due to PR and how much is actually substantive.

    • Anna Lee June 6, 2024

      I couldn’t agree more. Corporate awards often seem like a way to pat each other on the back rather than reflect real changes.

      • John T June 6, 2024

        Exactly. It’s easy to get caught up in the glitz, but what’s the real impact on the ground?

    • financeguru88 June 6, 2024

      While I see your point, winning these awards consistently means they must be doing something right in terms of sustainability and governance.

      • John T June 6, 2024

        True, but let’s hope they are as committed to these values in the long term as they appear to be now.

      • ecoenthusiast June 6, 2024

        Bangchak has made significant advances in green energy. From what I’ve read, their commitments are pretty robust.

  2. Samantha K. June 6, 2024

    I’m really impressed with Chaiwat Kovavisarach winning Best CEO for the 9th time! That kind of consistency is rare.

    • Max June 6, 2024

      It’s impressive but also makes you wonder if there’s a lack of competition in this field.

      • Samantha K. June 6, 2024

        Fair point, Max. Still, maintaining that level of performance isn’t easy either. Kudos to him.

  3. greenwarrior June 6, 2024

    Bangchak winning the Sustainable Asia Award is notable. Their sustainability efforts are commendable.

    • Kevin W June 6, 2024

      Sustainability is a buzzword these days. I hope they are actually making a difference and not just greenwashing.

      • greenwarrior June 6, 2024

        I’ve followed their projects. They have some genuine initiatives like biofuel production and solar energy investment.

    • Lara M. June 6, 2024

      I agree. Companies need to be transparent about their sustainability practices to avoid greenwashing.

  4. FutureFinance June 6, 2024

    Phatpuree Chinkulkitnivat getting Best CFO is a game-changer. Women in leadership roles are paving the way for more inclusive corporate culture.

    • MiaC June 6, 2024

      Absolutely, it’s inspiring to see women breaking the glass ceiling in such significant ways.

  5. Joe June 6, 2024

    Are these awards really that impactful or just another corporate event?

    • Hannah D June 6, 2024

      They can be both. Awards boost morale and set a standard, but they shouldn’t be the end goal.

    • Ramsey June 6, 2024

      Exactly, it’s about what happens after the awards. Do these companies continue to innovate?

  6. MarkZ June 6, 2024

    Tipwadee Sudwayha’s recognition in investor relations is no small feat. Investor confidence is crucial for longevity.

    • Liza June 6, 2024

      True, without strong investor relations, sustaining long-term growth becomes much harder.

  7. Ellen D June 6, 2024

    While corporate awards are nice, I’d much rather see tangible changes in corporate culture and environmental policies.

  8. Ben R June 6, 2024

    These awards also help smaller companies understand what practices they should adopt.

  9. Susan Blake June 6, 2024

    The Corporate Governance Asia magazine evaluating these awards gives them credibility, but the process needs to be transparent too.

  10. Mrgreen June 6, 2024

    True sustainability can’t be achieved by one company. It needs a collective approach across industries.

  11. Alex June 6, 2024

    Companies like Bangchak could collaborate with other sectors to enhance their sustainability programs further.

  12. Paul June 6, 2024

    Shouldn’t we be cautious about the superlatives used in these award ceremonies? ‘Best’ there, ‘greatest’ here—feels inflated.

    • Clara June 6, 2024

      Yes, language can be misleading. The criteria for these awards should be clear to avoid misconceptions.

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