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Bangkok Police Arrest Thanapat for Serial Nightspot Assaults and Child Molestation Evidence

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Detectives from the Metropolitan Police Bureau apprehended a rape suspect early Wednesday morning, who wore an orange taxi motorcyclist vest and was searched on Royal City Avenue in Bangkok. The man had been masquerading as a taxi motorcyclist, targeting inebriated women from various nightspots.

Identified only as Thanapat, the 35-year-old suspect was arrested with his motorcycle around 5 AM in the Huai Khwang district. According to Pol Maj Gen Theeradet Thumsuthee, the investigative commander, a search of Thanapat’s mobile phone revealed shocking evidence: a video of his most recent victim urinating and vomiting while intoxicated in bed. Further investigation uncovered similar videos of five other women and other disturbing content related to child molestation.

The arrest came after a Chinese woman filed a complaint at the Phaya Thai police station, stating she woke up naked next to a man in a motel, with clear signs of having been raped. She reported the presence of semen in her body, confirming the assault.

Police investigations revealed Thanapat’s modus operandi. He typically donned the guise of a taxi motorcyclist, prowling nightspots between 1 AM and 5 AM when pubs and clubs began to close. His ploy was to look for intoxicated victims in need of a ride.

On the fateful Monday night, the Chinese woman, who had been waiting for a rider on Royal City Avenue after calling for one through an app, was approached by Thanapat. Pretending to be the rider she had summoned, he led her to a motel on Rang Nam Road, where he allegedly raped her for about two hours.

Thanapat, however, denied all charges. He claimed that the encounter was consensual and even stated that the other women recorded on his phone were sex workers. Despite his assertions, Pol Maj Gen Theeradet expressed disbelief in his story, emphasizing that evidence suggested Thanapat frequently targeted intoxicated women at nightspots. The commander urged any additional victims to come forward and file complaints.

The investigation also revealed Thanapat’s criminal history. He had been prosecuted for theft twice, once in Phayao in 2008 and again in 2012. In 2018, he was also prosecuted for illegal gambling in the Huai Khwang district.

As authorities work to consolidate their case against him, they are also keen on ensuring no other potential victims remain unheard. The Metropolitan Police Bureau continues to seek any further information that could aid in providing justice for the survivors and hold the perpetrator accountable.


  1. Liam J June 12, 2024

    This is horrifying. How can someone even do such things?

    • Noelle June 12, 2024

      It shows how some people can be absolutely devoid of empathy. Sickening.

      • RoxanneN June 12, 2024

        Yes, but also we need to ask how he managed to evade police for so long. This is more than just about an individual’s depravity.

      • Liam J June 12, 2024

        Good point. The police need to be more proactive in preventing these atrocities.

    • PaulD June 12, 2024

      Totally agree. The police really need to improve their surveillance in nightlife areas.

  2. Ella35 June 12, 2024

    This is why I never trust motorbike taxis in Bangkok.

    • Driver1972 June 12, 2024

      Not all motorbike taxi drivers are bad. It’s unfair to generalize based on one criminal.

      • Travel_Junkee June 12, 2024

        True, but it’s hard to trust anyone when stories like this come up.

  3. Hannah B June 12, 2024

    The punishment for such heinous crimes should be much harsher.

    • Ethan June 12, 2024

      Indeed. A slap on the wrist is not enough for serial offenders.

      • Raven-X June 12, 2024

        Harsher punishments might deter others from committing similar acts.

    • Juror_X June 12, 2024

      But we also need to ensure due process. Rushing to judgment can lead to more injustice.

  4. Sarah P June 12, 2024

    Wasn’t there any way to track his criminal history earlier to prevent these occurrences?

    • Jenna_K June 12, 2024

      You’d think so! He had a clear pattern. The system definitely failed here.

      • Sarah P June 12, 2024

        Exactly! More stringent background checks should be mandatory for anyone working around nightspots.

  5. Gamer_Boy June 12, 2024

    Why do people assume the worst without knowing the full story? Maybe he’s innocent till proven guilty.

  6. Samantha L June 12, 2024

    The evidence seems pretty damning though.

    • BenD June 12, 2024

      Yeah, videos on his phone say a lot. Pretty hard to fake that.

  7. Researcher_Adam June 12, 2024

    This draws attention to a larger societal issue about the safety of women in nightlife settings.

    • Emily T June 12, 2024

      Absolutely. More measures need to be put in place to protect vulnerable individuals.

  8. John76 June 12, 2024

    And yet some will still argue that men are the ones misunderstood. Ridiculous.

    • ClaireM June 12, 2024

      Precisely. The evidence points squarely to a man exploiting his position.

    • John76 June 12, 2024

      Exactly. Society needs to stop ignoring the blatant evidence.

  9. Alex_P June 12, 2024

    He needs to face the highest penalty. No mercy for predators.

    • Justice_Warrior June 12, 2024

      Agreed. His actions are beyond forgiveness.

      • FairTrial June 12, 2024

        Still, everyone deserves a fair trial and investigation.

  10. Michael S. June 12, 2024

    The community should respond strongly to support the victims.

    • Faith June 12, 2024

      Yes, victims should never feel alone or ashamed.

  11. HenryD June 12, 2024

    I can’t believe he had a gambling record too. Seems like a total sociopath.

  12. Annie_Rush June 12, 2024

    It makes you wonder how many other such predators are out there.

    • Sunny123 June 12, 2024

      Exactly! It’s terrifying to think about.

    • Annie_Rush June 12, 2024

      Right? It makes me much more cautious.

  13. Lucas_D June 12, 2024

    The whole system needs a revamp to ensure such people can’t slip through the cracks.

    • Tom_W June 12, 2024

      Agreed. From screening to monitoring, everything needs better oversight.

      • Lucas_D June 12, 2024

        Absolutely. Prevention is key.

  14. Patsy L June 12, 2024

    You can see why some people say the city isn’t safe at night.

    • Travel Betty June 12, 2024

      True, but I think the bigger issue is individual accountability. People should be more aware of their surroundings.

  15. Tyler93 June 12, 2024

    This is why better training for law enforcement is crucial.

    • HeatherS June 12, 2024

      Agreed. They should be better equipped to handle and prevent such crimes.

  16. Bigfoot_Believer June 12, 2024

    Makes me question why people don’t carry personal protection devices.

  17. AlisonR June 12, 2024

    An absolute travesty! This criminal should never have been allowed to operate unchecked.

  18. Watcher2023 June 12, 2024

    Horrific! Prayers for the victims. Justice needs to be swift.

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