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Bangkok’s Battle Against the Flu: 200K Vaccine Boost for Public Transport and Tourism Workers

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Welcome to the bustling metropolis of Bangkok, where life hums along even behind the veils of protective masks! Picture this – swathes of locals and travelers alike treading the vibrant streets of Pathumwann district, a symphony of masked faces each silently fighting an invisible nemesis: infection. It’s a scene that captures the gritty determination of a city renowned for its indomitable spirit!

But fret not, for the Public Health Ministry is wielding a potent weapon in this ongoing battle. Be prepared for a hefty airlift of 200,000 extra flu vaccines targeting the steadfast champions of Thailand’s public transport and tourism sectors in no less than 31 steadfast provinces. That’s right, inoculation is the name of the game, and the aim? To knock those pesky influenza numbers right down as we strive to support our ever-resilient tourism industry through thick and thin, all while navigating the trials and triumphs of 2023.

Now, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty with our very own Dr. Thongchai Keeratihuttayakorn, the maestro at the helm of the Department of Disease Control (DDC). Dr. Thongchai has been scouring the DDC’s stats and what do you know – in the past year we’ve encountered a whopping 472,222 flu cases accompanied by an unfortunate tally of 29 lost lives. The flu has taken no prisoners, with the merciless influenza A virus calling the shots. The cities bearing the brunt of this viral vanguard? Rayong, Phayao, Phuket, Bangkok, and Chiang Mai, with the young ones aged between 5-9 bearing the brunt of the outbreak. It’s the urban jungle where density spells vulnerability, the crowded concrete proving fertile ground for this viral foe.

But here comes the cavalry – flu jabs at the ready for those right on the frontlines. Taxi motorcyclists, bus drivers, and those ever-hospitable souls in our hotels, restaurants, nightspots, and spa shops are all set to get their shot at immunity across a grand ensemble of 31 provinces, safeguarded by the vigilant 13 health zones.

The year 2023 has been no slouch when it comes to uninvited infectious guests. Dengue’s made a devastating comeback with over 147,412 instances, while COVID-19, that global party crasher, has led to 37,863 hospital admissions with a sobering count of 845 passing away to tell the tale. It seems the battle lines are drawn in the fight against these virulent villains.

Now, let’s take a moment for Dr. Manoon Leechawengwongs of Vichaiyut Hospital, who took to the digital highroads of Facebook with a clarion call to the masses. His advice? Don masks in the throng of crowds as both COVID-19 and influenza remain unyielding adversaries. Dr. Manoon, in between saving lives, crunched some serious numbers, citing a worrying uptick in COVID-19 cases and urging the public to not throw caution to the wind but instead maintain the utmost hygiene routines to keep these viruses at bay.

Bustling Bangkok may be a heart-pounding, thrilling ride but remember, dear reader, amidst the thrills, to keep one’s guard up. After all, the best adventures are those where we stay sprightly and healthy, ready to welcome the delights of tomorrow. So, let’s roll up our sleeves, get vaccinated, and continue to navigate this wondrous adventure called life in beautiful Thailand!

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