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Billion-Dollar Budget Battles: Revealing Thailand’s Top Ministries for Fiscal Year 2024. See Who Came Out On Top!

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For the fiscal year 2024, the Interior Ministry has emerged the top dog, boasting the largest budget allocation of 353.1 billion Baht. This constitutes an appreciable surge of 27.8 billion or 8.57% from the previous fiscal year. The rising allocations towards this ministry testify to the government’s relentless commitment and determination to uplift the society’s infrastructural and developmental standing.

Pulling in second place is the Education Ministry, bolstering the importance of knowledge and learning with an allocated budget of 328.3 billion Baht, a slight but significant lift of 1.01 billion from the preceding fiscal year, marking a 0.31% increase. It underscores the potent role of education as the primary catalyst in shaping Thailand’s future.

The Finance Ministry, sitting in third place, registers an impressive 327.1 billion Baht in allocated funds, marking a formidable 42 billion Baht or 14.73% rise year on year. Indeed, controlling the fiscal health of the nation is elemental in Thailand’s pursuit of continued growth and prosperity.

Following closely is the Ministry of Defence with 198.3 billion Baht, an uptick of 3.821 billion baht or 1.96%. At the fifth position, we find the Transport Ministry receiving 183.6 billion Baht, ushering in a 3.32 billion Baht or 1.84% increment year on year. The increase in these budgets illustrates the nation’s exponential development in infrastructure and national security.

For the departments ranking 6th to 20th, a myriad of increment and decrement narratives unfold with each inevitably reflecting the broad spectrum of the country’s growth priorities. Here’s the complete rundown:

  • Public Health Ministry with 165.7 billion Baht, reflecting a 13.4 billion Baht or 8.84% increment.
  • Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation presented with 127 billion Baht or 2.74% increment.
  • Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives landing 118 billion Baht, a fall by 9.53 billion Baht or 7.44%.
  • Labour Ministry taking home 61.6 billion Baht, with 13.5% growth year on year.
  • Office of the Prime Minister getting 34.5 billion Baht, increasing 2.36 billion Baht or 7.35%.
  • Among others, the Ministry of Digital Economy and Society saw with 30.08% growth with a budget of 8.82 billion Baht, the most significant rise in percentage terms.

In sum, the allocations for the fiscal 2024 year mark a 9.3% increment, soaring from 3.185 trillion Baht of the prior fiscal year. With the budget drafted and ready, it is eagerly awaiting submission to the Parliament for approval in December, reflecting the democratic pillars that Thailand stands firm on.

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