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Chada Thaiset Criticizes Activists Tantawan Tuatulanon’s Brazen Act Against Royal Motorcade in Bangkok

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In the heart of Bangkok, amidst the hustle and bustle of its vibrant streets, an incident unfolded that caught the eye of the nation, sparking a debate on decorum, freedom, and the subtle nuances of tradition. Deputy Interior Minister Chada Thaiset found himself at the center of this discussion, voicing his disapproval over a rather audacious act by student activist Tantawan Tuatulanon and a companion. What did they do, you might ask? Well, they dared to continuously honk their car horn at a royal motorcade—and not just any royal motorcade, but that of HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn, as it navigated an expressway on a serene Sunday.

Chada was quick to emphasize that the motorcade was smoothly gliding through traffic, causing no hindrance whatsoever. The lanes were open, offering a buffet of choices for any motorist, yet Tantawan and her friend chose an option that was neither respectful nor conventional—they honked, and not subtly. This act of defiance, seen by Chada as intentional troublemaking, was far from being applauded. “Such behaviour was totally inappropriate and will not be tolerated if repeated,” he mentioned with a tone of finality, highlighting an attitude that disturbed the peace and showed ingratitude towards the nation. “Don’t think it’s cool, because it’s definitely not,” he added, dismissing any notion of rebellion being chic or commendable.

A clip that made rounds on social media shows the bold moment Tantawan and her friend decided that their car horn was the instrument of choice against the backdrop of a royal procession. When they were approached by a figure of authority, a police officer, their response wasn’t meek; in fact, they were somewhat aggressive. Pol Maj Gen Somkhuan Phuengsap, bringing in the law enforcement perspective, noted that this act led to a complaint against the activists for causing a public disturbance. The scene of this audacious act? Din Daeng district, where the expressway carried the royal presence and the activists’ car attempted a daring overtake, only to be met with a police tactical response.

The aftermath saw the Metropolitan Police Bureau taking a stance not just on traffic norms but on broader legal implications. With an aim to gather evidence potent enough to challenge Tantawan’s bail conditions, prompted by her history of arrests related to the lese majeste law and involvement in anti-government protests, the incident shone a light on the interplay of activism, law, and social norms. Tantawan, a figure familiar with the legal system owing to her activism that even saw her embarking on a 52-day hunger strike for the freedom of fellow protestors, found herself in the spotlight once again.

So, here we are, dissecting an event that intertwines respect for tradition, the right to express, and the boundaries of law. It serves as a reminder of the complexities of living in a society that holds its traditions dear while navigating the winding roads of activism and expression. Whether the honking was a blare of defiance, a misguided attempt at making a statement, or merely an impulsive act in a moment of frustration, it echoes in the annals of Bangkok’s ever-evolving narrative, inviting us to reflect on the multifaceted dimensions of respect, rights, and responsibilities.


  1. PolWatcher February 8, 2024

    Incredibly brazen act by Tantawan! Disrespecting a royal motorcade is a clear sign that traditional values are eroding. Activism shouldn’t cross the lines of basic respect.

    • FreedomFirst February 8, 2024

      Traditional values? In the 21st century, we should prioritize freedom of expression over outdated traditions. The royals occupy public roads as well; why should they disrupt traffic?

      • PolWatcher February 8, 2024

        There’s a huge difference between occupying roads and a temporary passage that was pre-arranged. The royal motorcade didn’t disrupt traffic, the activists did with their unnecessary honking.

      • EgalitarianMind February 8, 2024

        The issue here isn’t just about traffic disruptions. It’s about questioning why certain individuals have privileges that millions others don’t. Honking at them is a form of protest against that inequality.

    • TraditionsMatter February 8, 2024

      You’re missing the point, FreedomFirst. It’s about respect for the culture and traditions of our nation. What Tantawan did was not just an act of defiance, but a slap in the face of our cultural respect and norms.

  2. BangkokYouth February 8, 2024

    Tantawan is a hero. We’re in an era where actions speak louder than words. The elite need to be reminded that they’re not untouchable. It’s about time someone stood up.

    • SensibleVoice February 8, 2024

      Calling someone a hero for honking at a car seems a bit exaggerated, don’t you think? There are better ways to protest and make your voice heard without resorting to disrespectful acts.

    • RebelHeart February 8, 2024

      Disrespectful or not, it got everyone talking, didn’t it? Sometimes, you need a loud noise to wake people up to the realities of the world. Go Tantawan!

      • BangkokYouth February 8, 2024

        Exactly my point, RebelHeart! We’re not living in the past. Acts like these force society to reflect on the status quo and how we want to shape our future.

  3. JusticeSeeker February 8, 2024

    We need to talk about the legal repercussions. Is honking at a royal motorcade really worth the potential charges and legal battles? Tantawan might have just jeopardized her activism over a beep.

  4. HistoryBuff February 8, 2024

    Throughout history, acts of defiance, no matter how small, have been crucial in pushing societies towards change. Tantawan’s action, though seemingly minor, could be a catalyst for discussion around monarchy and privilege.

    • LegalEagle February 8, 2024

      Correct, but we also need to remember that every action has consequences, especially in a country with strict laws around royalty. Activists must weigh the importance of their actions against the potential for harm.

  5. Royalist February 9, 2024

    This act was nothing more than a disgraceful stunt. It’s sad to see people defending such behavior. Respect for the monarchy is a fundamental part of our identity, and acts like these only serve to undermine it.

    • DemocracyAdvocate February 9, 2024

      While respect is important, so is the ability to express dissenting opinions. The monarchy, like any institution, should not be beyond critique. We need a balance between tradition and progress.

    • ModernThinker February 9, 2024

      Our identity can evolve. Respecting the monarchy and advocating for reform aren’t mutually exclusive. We can honor our history while still pushing for a more equitable future.

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