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Chadchart Sittipunt Inaugurates 50th Bangkok Food Bank Center: A Milestone in Fighting Food Insecurity

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On Monday, people could be seen browsing a food bank in Bangkok’s Saphan Sung district, thanks to an initiative that has captured hearts and attention. (Photo: Varuth Hirunyatheb)

The Bangkok Food Bank marked a significant milestone by launching its 50th center in Saphan Sung district. Since its inception, the initiative has served over two million meals to those grappling with hardship. The city’s governor, Chadchart Sittipunt, graced the opening ceremony, proudly announcing the project’s success in establishing a food bank in every district of Bangkok.

As reported by the Bangkok Food Bank website, this remarkable initiative gathers surplus food and hands it out free of charge. It operates much like a minimart, allowing recipients to pick out the items they need, rather than receiving pre-packaged food.

Governor Chadchart revealed that the project has already delivered over two million meals—equating to approximately 500,000 kilograms of food—to the vulnerable individuals registered in each district. Since it kicked off in October 2022, the project has notably decreased food waste across the city.

“For the project to be sustainable, it’s crucial that we earn the trust of our donors, ensuring that their contributions truly reach those in need,” the governor emphasized. “We also maintain transparency in our processes, allowing people to inspect how their donations are utilized. This initiative isn’t about me, Chadchart; it’s a collaborative effort involving various sectors,” he added.

Despite these efforts, Governor Chadchart highlighted that many Bangkok residents still face food insecurity while half of all produced food ends up as surplus. The project aspires to be the key conduit for transferring this surplus food—and other essentials—to those who need it most.

For those interested in donating or seeking help, locating the nearest center is simple. Just visit the BKK Food Bank – Greener Bangkok website or get in touch with any district office to find out more.


  1. Anna M. September 10, 2024

    This is a wonderful initiative! It’s great to see Bangkok taking a stand against food waste and helping those in need.

    • john_doe September 10, 2024

      Absolutely, but I wonder how sustainable it will be in the long run. Trust can be easily broken.

      • Anna M. September 10, 2024

        True, but I believe Governor Chadchart mentioned they have measures for transparency. That’s a good start.

      • Liam P. September 10, 2024

        Transparency is one thing, but consistent funding and donor trust are another. Let’s wait and see.

  2. Ella September 10, 2024

    This project seems noble, but why isn’t the government addressing the root causes of food insecurity instead?

    • Chris L. September 10, 2024

      Solving root causes is a long-term goal. Immediate relief is also necessary.

    • Ella September 10, 2024

      Yeah, but focusing more on the cause could reduce the need for such food banks in the future.

  3. Rebecca G. September 10, 2024

    Food banks can only do so much. We need more systemic changes to tackle poverty and food insecurity.

  4. Nattapong September 10, 2024

    I think this is a great initiative that can inspire other cities in Thailand!

    • Michelle D. September 10, 2024

      Yes, other cities definitely need similar projects to tackle food insecurity.

  5. Sean September 10, 2024

    While the intentions are good, these food banks can sometimes make people too dependent. Where’s the balance?

    • Lisa T. September 10, 2024

      Dependence can be an issue, but it’s better than people going hungry.

    • Sean September 10, 2024

      True, but I think we should also focus on empowering people to be self-sufficient.

  6. grower134 September 10, 2024

    Surplus food distribution is a good way to manage waste. Let’s hope it genuinely reaches those in need.

    • Tommy September 10, 2024

      Exactly! Sometimes these initiatives get lost in bureaucracy.

  7. Sophia Wang September 10, 2024

    As someone who volunteered at one of these centers, I can say it’s doing wonders for the community.

    • Jake September 10, 2024

      That’s amazing, Sophia! Any specific anecdotes or impacts you’d like to share?

      • Sophia Wang September 10, 2024

        Well, I’ve seen families genuinely uplifted by the support. It’s really heartwarming.

  8. Maya September 10, 2024

    It’s good to hear about initiatives like this, but what about the homeless who don’t have access to the internet to find these centers?

    • Larry D September 10, 2024

      That’s a valid concern. Maybe they need to improve their outreach efforts.

  9. Aaron September 10, 2024

    I read somewhere that a lot of food banks end up wasting food because they can’t store it properly. Hope that’s not the case here.

  10. Kwan September 10, 2024

    Governor Chadchart’s efforts are commendable. But, shouldn’t there be more collaboration with local farmers?

  11. Jessica September 10, 2024

    I think this is a band-aid solution. We need more comprehensive welfare reforms.

  12. rich_kid September 10, 2024

    I don’t see why people can’t just work harder. It’s survival of the fittest after all.

    • Max R. September 10, 2024

      That’s an incredibly narrow-minded view. Not everyone has the same opportunities.

    • rich_kid September 10, 2024

      Opportunities are made, not given.

    • Amanda M September 10, 2024

      This isn’t a competition. We should be helping each other.

  13. Omar September 10, 2024

    It’s government’s duty to address this. Food banks should be a temporary fix.

    • Eva L. September 10, 2024

      Agree, but until the government fully steps in, food banks are a vital resource.

  14. Penelope September 10, 2024

    This project won’t solve everything, but it’s a step in the right direction.

  15. Martin C. September 10, 2024

    How can we ensure that donations aren’t being misused?

    • Alisha September 10, 2024

      The governor mentioned transparency measures. Let’s hope they stick to it.

    • Martin C. September 10, 2024

      I hope so. It would be disappointing to see such a noble project fail due to mismanagement.

  16. Krit September 10, 2024

    Is there any plan to involve more young people in this initiative?

    • Sarai September 10, 2024

      That would be fantastic! Engaging youth would ensure the project’s sustainability.

  17. Lea September 10, 2024

    Food insecurity can happen to anyone. These food banks give hope.

  18. Arjun September 10, 2024

    Will this project be extended to suburban and rural areas eventually?

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