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Chaiwat Kovavisarach Leads Bangchak to Asia-Pacific Climate Leaders 2024 Recognition

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Bangchak Corporation Public Company Limited has achieved a remarkable accolade by being recognized among the Asia-Pacific Climate Leaders 2024, an honor bestowed by the Financial Times and Statista. This prestigious recognition highlights Bangchak’s pioneering efforts in the energy and utilities sector, marking it as the first and only Thai company in this category to earn such distinction. The award underscores Bangchak’s concrete achievements in significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions on its path to becoming a low-carbon organization.

Chaiwat Kovavisarach, the Group Chief Executive Officer and President of Bangchak Corporation Public Company Limited, expressed his delight and pride, stating, “We are thrilled and honored that Bangchak has been featured among the Asia-Pacific Climate Leaders 2024 by the Financial Times, a globally esteemed news organization known for its rigorous selection process. As the first and only Thai company in the energy and utilities sector to be included in these rankings—alongside six other Thai companies from diverse sectors—this recognition serves as a testament to our unwavering commitment and sustained efforts. Bangchak is dedicated to spearheading the energy transition, reducing environmental impacts from our business operations, and supply chain as we strive to become a low-carbon organization.”

Bangchak stood out among seven Thai companies on the Asia-Pacific Climate Leaders list, which features a total of 350 companies from the region demonstrating exceptional climate action commitments. Their noteworthy accomplishments include reducing greenhouse gas emissions intensity (scopes 1 and 2) from 2017 to 2022, achieving an absolute reduction in core emissions, and setting ambitious targets for the future reduction of greenhouse gases.

The Asia-Pacific Climate Leaders 2024 report is a significant publication from the Financial Times, the world’s leading news organization, created in collaboration with Statista, a renowned global research company specializing in market and consumer data. This report not only highlights companies that have shown exemplary commitment to climate action but also serves as an inspiration for others to follow suit.


  1. EcoWarrior123 July 12, 2024

    It’s great to see Bangchak recognized for their climate efforts! We need more companies stepping up like this.

    • SkepticalSam July 12, 2024

      I wonder how much of this is just greenwashing. Corporations love to put on a show while doing minimal real work.

      • Anna Hayes July 12, 2024

        That’s a fair point, but if we dismiss all corporate climate actions as greenwashing, we miss out on progress where it actually happens.

      • EcoWarrior123 July 12, 2024

        Agreed, Anna! Bangchak has shown measurable reductions, not just promises. That counts for something.

      • SkepticalSam July 12, 2024

        True, let’s hope their future targets are met. They can still do a lot more.

    • GreenIsGold July 12, 2024

      I think the Financial Times and Statista are reliable sources. They wouldn’t give this recognition lightly.

      • SkepticalSam July 12, 2024

        I hope you’re right, GreenIsGold. We need transparency more than ever.

  2. Mandy July 12, 2024

    Wow, leading the way from Thailand. Way to go, Bangchak!

    • PPollution July 12, 2024

      Thailand leading climate efforts? I find that hard to believe, many areas still struggle with pollution.

      • Mandy July 12, 2024

        Every country has its issues. But it’s also about celebrating progress where it’s due. Recognition like this can inspire more companies.

      • PPollution July 12, 2024

        I suppose. Any step in the right direction is better than none.

  3. scienceGeek July 12, 2024

    Impressive reductions in greenhouse gases! This shows that transitioning to low-carbon can be feasible.

    • DoubterDan July 12, 2024

      But what about economic impacts? Many argue reducing emissions this much isn’t cost-effective.

      • scienceGeek July 12, 2024

        Long-term, the environmental and health benefits might outweigh immediate economic costs. It’s an investment in the future.

      • DoubterDan July 12, 2024

        I see your point. Let’s hope these initiatives don’t come at the cost of jobs.

  4. Ravi D. July 12, 2024

    This recognition sounds nice, but it’d be better if such efforts were naturally integrated into business models worldwide.

  5. energyAnalyst July 12, 2024

    Bangchak’s accomplishments could be a game changer in the energy sector, demonstrating that significant emission reductions are possible while maintaining profitability.

    • SustainableSara July 12, 2024

      Couldn’t agree more. This sets a benchmark for other energy companies.

    • FossilFan July 12, 2024

      Let’s not forget that many of these measures come with governmental subsidies and incentives, which not all companies might have access to.

    • energyAnalyst July 12, 2024

      Subsidies can indeed be a factor, but the ultimate goal should be to make these practices the norm, not the exception.

  6. HopefulHelen July 12, 2024

    If Bangchak can do it, more companies in developing countries should step up and follow suit.

  7. Chang C. July 12, 2024

    Recognition like this should be a wake-up call for larger corporations sitting on their hands.

  8. Lana July 12, 2024

    Good job by Bangchak! It makes me hopeful for our future. Clean energy for all!

    • Benny July 12, 2024

      Let’s see if they keep it up. The path to a low-carbon future isn’t easy.

  9. ToddG July 12, 2024

    Climate change is a farce. More companies should focus on profits and not this environmental nonsense.

  10. natureLover July 12, 2024

    Totally disagree, ToddG. Without addressing climate issues, there won’t be a future to profit from.

  11. Tommy July 12, 2024

    The Financial Times doesn’t hand out praise for nothing. This is a big achievement for Bangchak!

    • Denise July 12, 2024

      I’m still skeptical about big corporations being genuine about climate change commitments.

    • Tommy July 12, 2024

      Transparency and holding them accountable are key. We should push for more info on their actions.

  12. envir0care July 12, 2024

    Bangchak’s approach looks solid. They should share their strategies with other firms globally.

    • RealTalk July 12, 2024

      Totally. We need more transparency in how these reductions are achieved to replicate the success.

  13. Olivia S July 12, 2024

    Proud to see a Thai company in the spotlight for such a critical issue. Keep it up, Bangchak!

  14. FarmerJoe July 12, 2024

    How do these emissions reductions translate to the everyday consumer? Any cost savings in the future?

    • Jack R July 12, 2024

      Good point, FarmerJoe. If costs go down, it could also drive consumer awareness and demand for more green products.

  15. TechGuru88 July 12, 2024

    Incorporating technology to track and reduce emissions is crucial. Hope Bangchak invests further in innovation.

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