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Chaowalit Thongduang’s Dramatic Extradition: High Security at Nakhon Si Thammarat Awaiting Infamous Fugitive

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The cell area at Muang police station in Nakhon Si Thammarat looks eerily calm, awaiting the arrival of Chaowalit Thongduang, who is set to make a highly publicized return after his extradition from Indonesia. Following his capture, this notorious escapee, known to many by his alias Paeng Nanod, will be brought back under a veil of heavy security on Tuesday. (Photo: Nujaree Rakrun)

Get ready, Nakhon Si Thammarat, because your provincial police are pulling out all the stops for the reintroduction of Chaowalit. Local police chief Pol Maj Gen Somchai Seutortrakul informed the public on Monday that an elite special unit is prepped to welcome the 37-year-old fugitive at Nakhon Si Thammarat Airport. But don’t expect to catch a glimpse of this nefarious character easily. After his arrival, he’ll swiftly be taken to Muang police station for a thorough interrogation and will be formally charged for his daring escape. The security detail at the airport as well as on the roads leading to the station will be airtight, though the exact route remains a closely guarded secret.

Chaowalit’s lawyer will be by his side throughout this tense process, with the entire ordeal expected to stretch over a couple of days. It’s all dependent on how cooperative our high-profile detainee decides to be, added Pol Maj Gen Somchai Seutortrakul.

Chaowalit’s escapades have gripped many, particularly since he was serving a 20-year sentence for a laundry list of serious crimes, including murder and illegal possession of firearms. His escapade from Maharaj Nakhon Si Thammarat Hospital on October 22nd—originally for a routine dental check-up—only adds another chapter to his criminal saga.

Once the police have had their chance to grill Chaowalit and slap him with additional charges related to his Houdini-like escape act, Corrections Department officials will take custody of him for detention.

The buzz around Chaowalit’s return has been laden with conflicting statements from Thai authorities. On one side, the provincial police commander’s plan suggests a direct extradition from Indonesia to Nakhon Si Thammarat via an air force plane. But wait! Justice Minister Tawee Sodsong has a slightly different itinerary, mentioning a detour to Suvarnabhumi Airport before our intrepid prisoner makes his final journey to the southern province.

Chaowalit’s latest brush with the law came in Bali last Thursday, where he was picked up by Indonesian police. His charges? Drug dealing, brandishing a fake Indonesian ID, and assaulting women—just another day in the thrilling life of Paeng Nanod.


  1. Carlos Johnson June 3, 2024

    Hard to believe we are pouring resources into extraditing one man when there are so many other issues the country is facing.

    • Linda K. June 3, 2024

      True, but his crimes are severe. Do you think we should just let him run free?

      • DeepThinker42 June 3, 2024

        Focusing on high-profile criminals does act as a deterrent. It’s a complex issue, but sometimes you need to make an example.

    • Naiya June 3, 2024

      Exactly! This is a huge waste of resources when we have local crimes going unsolved.

  2. grower134 June 3, 2024

    I hope they catch more like him. Our streets will be safer with people like this behind bars.

    • John June 3, 2024

      Agreed! Law enforcement needs to show they mean business.

      • Carlos Johnson June 3, 2024

        But will catching one man really make our streets safer, or is it just good optics for the police?

    • Sophie Lee June 3, 2024

      That’s the thing, once he’s behind bars, someone else might just take his place.

  3. Linda K. June 3, 2024

    This guy has caused so much pain. He should rot in jail for the rest of his life.

    • Mike89 June 3, 2024

      Agreed, but do you think the prison system will really change him?

  4. Wonderwoman June 3, 2024

    This whole operation sounds like something out of a spy movie. Why not just sneak him in quietly?

    • grower134 June 3, 2024

      Publicity is key here, they want to send out a strong message!

    • DeepThinker42 June 3, 2024

      Exactly, the more public it is, the more lesson it serves to others.

      • Linda K. June 3, 2024

        But it also means more risk, doesn’t it? Security concerns should be paramount.

  5. Naiya June 3, 2024

    Is it really necessary to bring him back with such heavy security? Seems over the top if you ask me.

    • joe.schmoe June 3, 2024

      Considering his history, I’d say it’s better to be safe than sorry.

    • Sophie Lee June 3, 2024

      Agreed, they can’t afford another escape!

  6. John June 3, 2024

    His crimes are sickening. We need stronger deterrents and harsher penalties for criminals like him.

    • Carlos Johnson June 3, 2024

      But harsher penalties have always been controversial. Do they really work?

    • Wonderwoman June 3, 2024

      Heck, let’s just lock him and throw away the key!

  7. DeepThinker42 June 3, 2024

    Policing and justice systems need reform, not just harsh punishments. We need to focus on prevention.

    • John June 3, 2024

      Prevention is ideal, but we have to deal with what’s already happening.

  8. Sophie Lee June 3, 2024

    Public safety should always come first, but are we handling this efficiently?

    • Naiya June 3, 2024

      You’re right. We also need more transparency on how these operations are conducted.

  9. Linda K. June 3, 2024

    His capture is a win, but let’s not forget about supporting the victims of his crimes.

    • DeepThinker42 June 3, 2024

      Absolutely, restitution should be a part of the justice process.

      • Naiya June 3, 2024

        Victim support often gets overlooked. We need a balanced approach.

  10. Joe June 3, 2024

    This whole story is wild. Can’t believe he managed to escape from a hospital!

  11. Mike89 June 3, 2024

    His escape act makes it incredibly clear that existing security measures were quite lacking.

    • Joe June 3, 2024

      Yeah, hospitals aren’t exactly the best places for prisoners.

    • Linda K. June 3, 2024

      There should have been higher security. It’s a failure of the system.

  12. Wonderwoman June 3, 2024

    Are we just going to gloss over the fact that he had a fake Indonesian ID? How did he even get that?

    • grower134 June 3, 2024

      Corruption, maybe? The black market for fake IDs is thriving.

    • Carlos Johnson June 3, 2024

      It’s shocking but not surprising. Corruption is a global issue.

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