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Chartered Group Acquires 24.96% Stake in MFC: Chairman Dr. Narongchai Akrasanee Pioneers Strategic Growth

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The acquisition of 31,357,850 shares, representing a notable 24.96% of the total issued shares of MFC Asset Management Public Company Limited (MFC), by the Chartered Group (via Opus-Chartered Issuances S.A.) was officially broadcasted to the Stock Exchange of Thailand on September 24, 2024. This significant transaction, having received the green light from the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission on September 17, 2024, now positions the Chartered Group as a major stakeholder. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Finance and the Government Savings Bank retain their shareholdings at 15.92% and 24.94%, respectively.

Dr. Narongchai Akrasanee, Chairman of the Board of Directors of MFC, exclaimed, “This transition signifies a monumental opportunity for the company to thrive and grow sustainably with the robust support from Chartered Group. Their involvement will undoubtedly fortify and enhance our capabilities in delivering ongoing service excellence to all our customers and investors.”

Chartered Group, the new heavyweight shareholder, isn’t just any investment firm. This is a global private equity titan specializing in orchestrating investments, business management, operations, and driving value creation across a spectrum of sectors such as finance, real estate, lifestyle, and cutting-edge technology. With a massive portfolio managing assets worth a staggering USD 11 billion (approximately THB 350 billion), Chartered Group has significant operations spanning across Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, Israel, Luxembourg, and Switzerland. Their eyes gleamed at Thailand’s promising potential due to a burgeoning public fascination with finance and investment, coupled with an openness to innovative financial products. Naturally, this beckoned their multinational presence to dive into the Thai market.

In an emphatic statement, MFC expressed that Chartered Group’s acquisition is a steadfast long-term investment in Thailand. This move underscores their commitment to propelling MFC’s vision forward in collaboration with key shareholders such as the Ministry of Finance and Government Savings Bank. MFC aspires to stand tall as the “1st Trusted Investment Partner” through four pivotal principles: (1) Delivering premier investment products, services, and forging global partnerships tailored for the Thai market, (2) Collaborating with major shareholders to unveil financial innovations with positive societal impacts, (3) Offering top-tier global-standard private wealth solutions, and (4) Championing financial literacy among investors and citizens of Thailand to nurture sustainable, long-term yields.

This reshuffle in major shareholders heralds a positive trajectory, opening doors to bolster MFC further. This pivotal transition is poised to elevate the quality of services rendered to customers and usher in long-term returns for investors and shareholders alike. Furthermore, it instills confidence that the synergy between management and staff across the organization will culminate in advantageous outcomes for all stakeholders involved.


  1. Jane M. September 30, 2024

    This acquisition by Chartered Group sounds promising but I can’t help but worry about the potential for too much foreign influence in MFC’s direction.

    • Paulo September 30, 2024

      Foreign influence can sometimes bring fresh perspectives and innovation. Isn’t that a good thing?

      • Jane M. September 30, 2024

        True, but it also might mean less focus on the needs and nuances of the local market. Balance is key!.

      • GlobalInvestor88 September 30, 2024

        Considering Thailand’s current economic climate, an international approach could be just what MFC needs to thrive.

    • Eduardo S. September 30, 2024

      Agreed, Jane. Too much foreign intervention could dilute the company’s original values.

  2. Kim D. September 30, 2024

    Is it just me, or does anyone else think this acquisition is mainly about making Chartered Group richer?

    • FinanceGuru September 30, 2024

      That’s the nature of business, Kim. Profit is always a motive, but that doesn’t mean MFC won’t benefit too.

    • Kelly September 30, 2024

      Big corporations always have profit as their main goal. We should wait and see what positive changes might come.

    • Kim D. September 30, 2024

      I just hope the focus stays on improving services and not just shareholder profits.

  3. Alexandra R. September 30, 2024

    While risky, this move also brings a lot of potential for growth. MFC might reach global standards with Chartered Group’s help.

    • Paul September 30, 2024

      Absolutely! With a portfolio this big, the Chartered Group’s resources can boost MFC’s service quality drastically.

      • Alexandra R. September 30, 2024

        Yes, and their expertise in various sectors will be invaluable to MFC’s future endeavors.

      • SkepticSam September 30, 2024

        Global standards often mean higher costs for small investors though.

  4. Bill T. September 30, 2024

    Chartered Group’s influence could bring about a revolution in the services provided by MFC.

  5. SarahP September 30, 2024

    This acquisition seems like a double-edged sword. Increased efficiency on one hand, potential loss of autonomy on the other.

    • Ravi September 30, 2024

      I think autonomy will always be compromised to some extent when major stakeholders are involved. But if the gains outweigh the losses, it’s worth it.

  6. Timothy September 30, 2024

    Are we sure this acquisition will actually benefit the regular investors? Big corporations aren’t known for being altruistic.

  7. Ella September 30, 2024

    Hopefully, this deal also means more transparency and better management at MFC. A large stakeholder like Chartered Group has a lot to lose if things go south.

  8. Henry C. September 30, 2024

    MFC’s new direction under Chartered Group might just be the turnaround the company needs, considering their expertise and diversified portfolio.

    • MarthaJ September 30, 2024

      I hope you’re right, Henry. It’s all about execution now.

    • SkepticSam September 30, 2024

      Diversified portfolios are great, but not if they pull resources away from the core mission. Let’s hope Chartered Group stays committed.

    • Henry C. September 30, 2024

      Agreed. Only time will tell if they can balance everything effectively.

  9. Annie L. September 30, 2024

    Excited for the global-standard private wealth solutions they mentioned. Thailand really needs to step up its financial game.

  10. Curtis G. September 30, 2024

    I’m skeptical about their promise on financial literacy. Seems like something every company says but rarely delivers on.

  11. Angela September 30, 2024

    Did anyone else notice how both the Ministry of Finance and Government Savings Bank kept their shares? Seems like they have faith in this transition.

  12. Howard D. September 30, 2024

    This acquisition is bound to make waves. MFC better gear up for the change, for better or for worse.

    • Liz W. September 30, 2024

      Absolutely, Howard. Adaptation will be key to their success.

    • Timothy September 30, 2024

      I just hope ‘adaptation’ doesn’t mean cutting jobs or lowering service quality.

  13. Beth R. September 30, 2024

    Impressed that a global giant sees so much potential in Thailand. It’s a vote of confidence in our market!

    • Jonas September 30, 2024

      Yes, Beth! This could be a huge boost for our economy.

  14. Elliot S. September 30, 2024

    Well, hopefully, this collaboration will result in some tangible benefits for MFC’s customers and not just the shareholders.

  15. Raj September 30, 2024

    Interesting times ahead for MFC. Let’s hope the company’s traditional values don’t get swallowed up in this big corporate shuffle.

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