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Constitutional Clash: Pita Limjaroenrat Defends Move Forward Party Against Dissolution

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Pita Limjaroenrat, former leader of the Move Forward Party (MFP), addressed an anticipatory crowd at the party headquarters on Sunday, amidst the swirling political drama concerning the Constitutional Court’s acceptance to trial the case for the party’s dissolution.

Standing firm at the podium, Mr. Pita’s charismatic resolve emanated through his words as he declared that the Constitutional Court has no jurisdiction to dismantle the MFP. He emphasized that a prior ruling about the party’s stance on the lese majeste law bore no relevance to the present trial.

The seasoned politician, flanked by his legal team, offered a meticulously prepared argument. They combed through the constitution with the utmost attention to detail, concluding that no clause therein granted the Constitutional Court the authority to dissolve a political party or strip its members of their political rights.

“We’ve been thwarted from accessing crucial information and denied the opportunity to adequately defend ourselves,” Mr. Pita asserted, frustration shadowing his typically confident demeanor.

He pointed out that the January 31 verdict, which had admonished the party to cease its efforts to amend Section 112 of the Criminal Code—known colloquially as the lese majeste law—was completely unrelated to the current case. The former ruling was a caution against actions that had not transpired, while today’s allegations pivot on supposed past threats to the constitutional monarchy.

With unwavering conviction, Mr. Pita argued that the dissolution of political parties should be reserved for dire scenarios threatening democracy, for which there are no alternative remedies.

Delving into the procedural aspects, he divulged that any proposed amendments to Section 112 would undergo parliamentary scrutiny. “Even if such a bill were tabled in parliament, it could be halted on the grounds of endangering the constitutional monarchy,” he explained, effectively nullifying the urgency to dissolve the party on this basis.

The press conference, bold in its defiance, nevertheless drew caution from the Constitutional Court, which had requested that parties involved refrain from making public statements that might prejudice the trial or sway public opinion.

The Election Commission (EC) had petitioned the court in March, based on the Jan 31 ruling, to dissolve the party. The EC claimed that MFP’s navigation towards reforming Section 112 alluded to an aim to weaken the constitutional monarchy, invoking Section 92 of the organic law on political parties, which grants the court dissolution authority under such interpretations.

Accepting the petition on April 3, the court opened the stage for what promises to be a pivotal legal battle in Thailand’s contemporary political chronology. The petitioner insists on the disbandment of MFP, revocation of rights enabling party executives to stand for elections, and a 10-year embargo preventing these individuals from assuming roles in new political entities, as per Sections 92 and 94 of the law.

The reforms proposed by Move Forward were sweeping yet considered: any lese-majeste charges should be exclusively lodged by the Bureau of the Royal Household. Presently, any individual can file such a complaint, compelling police investigation regardless of its merit. This loophole, allegedly exploited by those in power to quash dissent, would be closed.

The party also advocated for reduced penalties for lese-majeste cases. As it stands, convictions draw draconian sentences ranging from three to fifteen years. The perceived gravity of these offences often results in bail being denied to those awaiting trial or contesting their verdicts.

A poignant reminder of the law’s severe implications surfaced with the tragic demise of jailed activist Netiporn “Boong” Sanesangkhom on June 11. Her death, following a hunger strike in protest of bail denial, ignited global condemnation and underscored the need for more balanced, humane legal reforms.

As the MFP faces unprecedented scrutiny, Mr. Pita’s resolve encapsulates not just a defense of his party but a deeper call to protect the tenets of democracy. The unfolding legal skirmish promises to be a defining chapter in the annals of Thailand’s political evolution.


  1. Anna Lewis June 9, 2024

    I think it’s ridiculous that the Constitutional Court is even considering dissolving the Move Forward Party. It’s a clear attempt to silence opposition and maintain the status quo.

    • Paul Hicks June 9, 2024

      But isn’t it important to protect the constitutional monarchy? If the MFP’s actions threaten it, then taking action might be necessary.

      • Anna Lewis June 9, 2024

        Protecting the monarchy doesn’t mean suppressing democratic processes. Deliberation and reform are part of a healthy democracy.

      • Grower134 June 9, 2024

        Paul, the MFP just wants to close loopholes being exploited by those in power. If anything, that’s promoting a fairer system.

  2. Michael T June 9, 2024

    Mr. Pita is right. The court’s previous ruling doesn’t apply here; dissolving the party for wanting reform is undemocratic.

  3. Cheryl June 9, 2024

    I don’t understand why reforming lese majeste law is such a big deal. Isn’t the law ridiculously harsh?

    • Tom Nguyen June 9, 2024

      The harsh penalties are meant to protect the dignity of the monarchy, but there should be room for debate and possible amendments.

  4. Larry D June 9, 2024

    What MFP is proposing is sensible. Only the Royal Household should file lese majeste charges to prevent misuse.

  5. TonyM June 9, 2024

    Dissolving MFP could set a dangerous precedent. Are we going to dismantle every party that challenges the status quo?

    • Jess June 9, 2024

      Agreed. Democracy thrives on diverse opinions; shutting down these voices is autocratic.

    • Phantom June 9, 2024

      It might be a slippery slope, but preserving the monarchy’s sanctity seems to justify strong measures.

    • TonyM June 9, 2024

      Preserving the monarchy should not mean eroding democratic principles though! Balance is crucial.

  6. GreenDragon88 June 9, 2024

    What about Netiporn’s case? Aren’t the harsh penalties resulting in unnecessary tragedies?

    • Martha S. June 9, 2024

      Absolutely, Netiporn’s case is a heartbreaking reminder why reform is needed. Justice must be humane.

    • John June 9, 2024

      Tragedies shouldn’t drive policy changes. The law is there for a reason.

    • GreenDragon88 June 9, 2024

      But the reason is becoming irrelevant if it causes unnecessary suffering. Reform is overdue.

  7. Lily Walker June 9, 2024

    Pita’s arguments are convincing. Dissolving MFP is clearly overreach by the Constitutional Court.

  8. Mark June 9, 2024

    It’s all politics. The ruling elite can’t accept a party pushing real changes.

  9. Nyx June 9, 2024

    MFP has to walk a fine line. Push too hard, and the establishment retaliates.

  10. Arvind S. June 9, 2024

    If dissolving parties becomes a norm, it will destroy the remaining shreds of democracy in Thailand.

  11. James B. June 9, 2024

    I think MFP is brave for standing up to these power structures. We need more of that.

    • LeeAnn June 9, 2024

      Indeed. It’s rare to see such defiance, but it’s necessary for genuine change.

  12. Paul Hicks June 9, 2024

    Wouldn’t the country be better off with a reform of the lese majeste law?

    • Selena June 9, 2024

      Yes, a reform can still respect the monarchy while ensuring fair treatment for the accused.

    • Paul Hicks June 9, 2024

      Exactly, it’s about striking the right balance between respect and justice.

  13. Dan H. June 9, 2024

    The fact the court is questioning its own jurisdiction shows how politically motivated this case is.

  14. Ignis June 9, 2024

    I’m skeptical. If the MFP truly respects the law, they wouldn’t have sparked this controversy.

  15. Sophie June 9, 2024

    Ignis, sometimes the law itself needs scrutiny and reform. That’s what MFP is pushing for.

  16. Michael T June 9, 2024

    MFP’s focus on legislative reform is crucial for modernizing the Thai political landscape.

    • Vic June 9, 2024

      In the long run, true democracy will benefit all, preserving individual freedoms and national stability.

  17. Grace June 9, 2024

    I just hope this trial doesn’t end up causing more division in the country.

  18. Max Peterson June 9, 2024

    No matter the outcome, this is a pivotal moment for Thailand’s political future.

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