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Dangerous Deception: Thailand’s Innocent Citizens Lured by Fake ‘10,000-baht Digital Wallet’ Links! Warning Issued by Pheu Thai Party!

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The esteemed Pheu Thai Party has raised an alarm about unscrupulous scams luring unsuspecting individuals into clicking on their ‘10,000-baht digital wallet’ links. These fraudulent acts hinge on the premise that the Pheu Thai government, which is not yet in power, has sponsored them. The deputy spokesperson of the party at the crux of the coalition, Treechada Srithada, elucidated further on this matter on Thursday, warning against the proliferation of fraudulent ‘digital wallet’ linkages petitioning for user registrations to avail digital cash handouts from the yet-to-be-formed Pheu Thai-led administration.

She cautioned that these dubious links were sinister instruments for phishing personal data and usurping funds from their victims’ bank accounts. “We have not yet seen the formation of the new government, let alone the initiation of the national administration by the Pheu Thai Party,” the spokeswoman asserted. “Therefore, as things stand, there’s no authorized digital wallet application or associated registration process in existence.”

The ‘10,000-baht digital wallet’ represents one of the premier policies that the Pheu Thai Party has under its umbrella. According to Ms Treechada, the party intends to sprout this initiative at the earliest possible opportunity. Meanwhile, Paopum Rojanasakul, a member of Pheu Thai’s economic ensemble, informed us that the party seeks to launch this scheme, tentatively by the coming April. He emphasized that all currently circulating digital wallet offers alluded to as sponsored by Pheu Thai are, without doubt, scams.

He added that individuals aged 16 years and above would directly receive a sum of 10,000 baht through their bank accounts, sweeping aside the need for any registration process or the download of a particular application. This approach is intended to ensure accessibility and uncomplicatedness in its implementation. The initiative of Pheu Thai’s Digital Wallet is being watched with keen interest by market watchers and critics alike.

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