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Danucha Pichayanan Aims to Steer Thai Social Media Influencers Towards Ethical Content Creation

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In a world where every click, like, and share can mean the difference between obscurity and stardom, the digital landscape is bustling with ‘influencers’—a term that has evolved from a buzzword to a legitimate profession. Amidst this digital gold rush, the élite – the social media influencers of Thailand – find themselves under the ever-watchful eye of the government, particularly the sharp gaze of Danucha Pichayanan from the Office of the National Economic and Social Development Council (NESDC).

On a seemingly ordinary Monday, amidst the humdrum of digital life, Danucha echoed a sentiment that sent ripples through the vibrant fabric of Thai social media. According to him, it’s high time the government tightened the reins on these digital pioneers to safeguard the virtual realm from becoming a Wild West of unethical and illegal content. He proposes a bold expansion of the Media Standard, Ethics, and Freedom Protection Act, extending its arm to embrace online content creators within its purview.

This isn’t just about drawing lines in the digital sand; it’s about carving pathways for responsible content creation. Danucha’s vision is to establish a regulation realm where every piece of content bound for social media glory is meticulously scanned to ensure it aligns with the compass of the law. Furthermore, defining “social media” isn’t just administrative work; it’s a crucial step toward enforcement excellence.

Danucha’s clarion call finds its roots in the Thailand Social’s Outlook on social media trends, unveiling a surprising twist in the tale of online content promotion. Here, online gambling emerges as the dark horse, championed by influencers, thus spotlighting the urgent need for regulation.

The digital realm’s duopoly is staggering, with Thailand’s influencer count clocking in at two million, tailing just behind Indonesia in the Southeast Asian influencer marathon. The figures are dizzying, with influencers and content creators churning out a whopping US$19 billion in economic value globally in the past year alone. This sum is projected to sky-rocket to $140.3 billion by the dawn of 2030, painting a picture of a sector brimming with potential yet teetering on the brink of ethical ambiguity.

In the enchanted land of social media where visibility and popularity are the currencies of the realm, Thai influencers can bank up to 800,000 baht per post. This lucrative lure has sparked a fierce content creation derby, with some opting to tread the murky waters of unethical or even illegal content to snag their audience’s attention and, ostensibly, their wallets. From the dubious allure of fake news to the glorification of online gambling, the strategies employed to boost engagement are as varied as they are controversial.

Danucha’s dossier of distress doesn’t end there. His investigations unveiled 7,394 digital delinquents disseminating over 5,061 fake news tales, alongside a staggering 87.7% of new-face gamblers last year, seduced into the fold by the siren call of online advertisements.

Yet, it’s not just gambling and fake news that cast a shadow over the digital playscape. Content flaunting wealth, despite clashing with social conventions, enjoys a bustling fan base among Thai netizens. This appetite for extravagance, along with content teetering on the edge of privacy invasion, copyright violations, and setting unrealistic beauty standards, paints a complex picture of social media’s influence on society.

In a bid to navigate these tumultuous waters, Danucha calls for a revamp of existing legislation, including the Computer Crime Act and the Consumer Protection Act, to anchor the tempestuous tides of content creation. With countries like China, the United Kingdom, and Norway pioneering regulations in the realm of social media content, the message is clear: It’s time for Thailand to chart its course, steering its digital citizens towards a future where influence is wielded with responsibility and respect for the law.


  1. Avery Smith March 4, 2024

    It’s about time the government stepped in! The unchecked freedom these influencers have had led to a lot of questionable content out there. Fully support Danucha Pichayanan on this!

    • JordanLee24 March 4, 2024

      Totally disagree, Avery. This sounds like censorship to me. The government shouldn’t have the power to dictate what is or isn’t ethical content.

      • Avery Smith March 4, 2024

        It’s not about censorship, Jordan. It’s about accountability. There’s a difference between creative freedom and spreading fake news or promoting illegal activities.

      • TechSavvy March 4, 2024

        But where do we draw the line, Avery? Who decides what’s ethical or not? Today it’s fake news; tomorrow it could be anything that the gov doesn’t agree with.

    • Pamela_W March 4, 2024

      Right! It’s concerning how much fake news and gambling promotions are out there because of these influencers.

      • JordanLee24 March 4, 2024

        But censoring content is a slippery slope to losing freedom of speech. There needs to be a balance, and government intervention isn’t it.

  2. CharlieG March 4, 2024

    I’m concerned this is just the start of more invasive government surveillance online. Where does it stop?

    • LegalEagle March 4, 2024

      It’s a valid concern, CharlieG. There’s always the risk of overreach, but without some regulation, the digital space could become lawless and harmful.

      • CharlieG March 4, 2024

        Exactly my point, Eagle. There needs to be a middle ground. Influencers should be self-regulating, not policed by the government.

  3. Techie101 March 4, 2024

    Calling all influencers unethical is a generalization. Many work hard to create valuable content. Tarring all with the same brush isn’t fair.

    • Influence_Watcher March 4, 2024

      But there’s no denying the negative impact of some. Without guidelines, how do we prevent the spread of harmful or misleading content?

      • Techie101 March 4, 2024

        Self-regulation and community standards can work. Platforms themselves could be more proactive in enforcement without needing government laws.

  4. SunnyDays March 4, 2024

    This move could potentially stifle creativity. There’s a fine line between regulation and suppression.

    • Avery Smith March 4, 2024

      Creativity should not come at the cost of ethics or legality though. There’s plenty of room for creativity within those bounds.

      • SunnyDays March 5, 2024

        I get your point, Avery. But overly strict regulations could scare off content creators, wondering if their content might unknowingly cross some vaguely defined line.

  5. Observer March 4, 2024

    Interesting how this parallels the global discussion on content regulation. Thailand isn’t alone in grappling with these issues.

    • WorldWatcher March 4, 2024

      True, but it’s a tightrope walk. Look at China’s heavy censorship versus the free-for-all on some Western platforms. Both extremes have their issues.

      • LegalEagle March 5, 2024

        Balance is key. Ethical guidelines should indeed protect consumers, but they need to be crafted to avoid infringing on freedom of expression.

  6. DotCommie March 4, 2024

    Won’t this law just push people to find new, more covert ways to spread unethical content? It’s a band-aid solution at best.

    • Avery Smith March 5, 2024

      Perhaps, but isn’t it better to start somewhere? Doing nothing isn’t an option anymore with the digital landscape as it is.

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