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Deputy Mayor’s Family Entangled in Global Chinese Call Scam: A Shadowy Criminal Web in Nakhon Si Thammarat

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In the heart of Nakhon Si Thammarat, under the cloak of dawn, the serene morning was abruptly transformed into a scene straight out of a high-stakes crime drama. The locale? No other than the Chin Heng Hotel in the somewhat sleepy Chawang district – a place that unexpectedly found itself at the epicenter of a storm that Monday morning. With the precision of a meticulously choreographed ballet, law enforcement swooped in, their mission? To dismantle what was suspected to be a hub of nefarious activities, part of a sprawling network that spanned continents.

But this was no ordinary operation. The tentacles of this alleged syndicate reached high, entwining even the family of a woman deputy mayor of the southern province. Picture this, if you will: A serene morning shattered by the knocks of destiny as police and prosecutors embarked on a treasure hunt across several locations. Among their targets were the domicile sanctuaries of Rewadee Teepapaiboon, 51, a woman of reputed standing, and her daughter Athitaya, 23, nestled in a housing estate that had, until that day, been unsullied by scandal.

The duo, along with Lin Dunyang, 62, Rewadee’s husband and the patriarch of this embattled family, were conspicuously absent, evading the grip of the law as shadows recede from the light. The air was thick with intrigue, as it was revealed they were suspects in a grand orchestration of deception — a Chinese call scam network that had cast its dark webs over unsuspecting victims from Thailand to Russia, and beyond.

Imagine the audacity – a network so vast it tarred individuals across nationalities, deploying the dark arts of public fraud, computer crime, and even dabbling in transnational criminal orchestration. The spider at the center of this web? None other than the deputy mayor’s own lodgings, spaces that had unwittingly (or perhaps, wittingly) served as the stage for this unscrupulous ballet.

Earlier in March, the police had already unmasked part of this operation, uncovering a staggering array of tools in their nefarious trade: 192 computers, 854 mobile phones with accompanying SIM cards, the silent watchers – 22 routers, and a battalion of 342 mule bank accounts ready to spirit away ill-gotten gains. The financial alchemy at play was nothing short of astonishing, with every seized item a testament to the operation’s grim efficiency.

The whispers in the wind suggested that Lin, the family’s patriarch, had been the invisible hand funding this operation, his generosity extending to the procurement of gadgets that would serve as the network’s lifeblood. Athitaya, the maiden in this twisted tale, was rumored to be a nominee, a facade for a front company that laundered the operation’s shadows into the light of legitimacy.

And on that fateful Monday, four more pawns in this game were plucked from their daily lives – a man and three women, suspected guardians of the mule accounts, those digital beasts of burden that carried the weight of the scam’s proceeds. Among them, one was caught in the very act at the Chin Heng Hotel, his arms laden not with weapons, but with an arsenal of a different kind – phones and routers, the conduits of deception.

As we weave through the tapestry of this tale, one can’t help but marvel at the audacity of it all – a saga of family, power, and digital duplicity that unravels in the most unassuming of places. Indeed, the serene streets of Nakhon Si Thammarat and Surat Thani have been etched into the annals of cybercrime, a stark reminder of the shadows that lurk behind the screen.

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