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Digital Crime Wave Sweeps Across the Nation: False Feast Bookings Cost Diners Millions – Are You Safe from This New Deceptive Dining Scam?

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Consumers across the globe must beware of the recent surge in online scams, specifically those associated with counterfeit restaurant reservations. As per latest reports, these fraudulent schemes cost victims over 140 million baht in damages during the month of July alone, states the Cyber Crime Investigation Bureau, also known as CCIB, in a recent Sunday warning.

The most frequent form of scam, according to data from the CCIB’s online complaint centre, pertains to fraudulent buffet-table reservations, mainly during special celebrations and public holidays. These warnings come from the bureau’s spokesperson Pol Col Kissana Phathanacharoen.

Typically, these fraudulent schemes are executed by a bogus Facebook account pretending to represent a famous hotel or restaurant. This charade is used to ensnare unsuspecting diners under the illusion of a special offer or discount. Such duplicitous pages might either be freshly created or could be existing ones with a massive amount of followers. In certain instances, an existing Facebook page has its name altered with the intention of tricking potential victims into thinking it is genuinely associated with a reputable hotel or restaurant, elaborates Pol Col Kissana Phathanacharoen.

These fraudsters then utilise paid booster posts to target victims who are searching for lucrative hotel or dining deals online and proceed to make reservations. The scam unfolds in a manner where these victims transfer a deposit to an account controlled by the fraudsters. After the payment has been made, customers find it impossible to get in touch with them again.

With these shocking revelations, it’s clear that internet-based scams involving counterfeit goods and service purchases have claimed the top spot in the category of the most common online scams. This stark reality was reported to the CCIB in July. In today’s digital age, online scams have become more elaborate and widespread, leading to detrimental losses for unsuspecting consumers. Therefore, it’s more vital than ever before for individuals to stay informed and take all necessary precautions to safeguard their hard-earned money.

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